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Aug '14 *
When it comes to camp slashers, there's one camp that everyone automatically thinks of... Camp Crystal Lake. However, fans of the genre know to dig a little deeper, and spend a summer in Camp Arawak, aka Sleepaway Camp! Continue »

💬9  4038 views

Aug '14 *
image It's been a while,Trash Epics. But Ballz is back (at least for the duration of this post) and he has a new review for you, along with a slightly changed format. The other night, I had the pleasure of finally seeing Jim Mickle's Cold in July after waiting for what feels like such a long time now and was that wait worth it? Yes, I'd say the wait was well worth it.

Starring Michael C. Hall (Dexter, Six Feet Under) and the always enjoyable Don Johnson (Machete, Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man, Miami Vice), along with some other people, it's the story of a man trying to do what's best for his family while also trying to uncover the truth behind the situation he finds himself forced into.

And now, it's time for another... Reviews with Ballz! Continue »

👍3 💬2  2341 views

Aug '14 *
image I had heard about this one for a long time. An LBP masterpiece backed by Troma that was meant to be "The ultimate LBP/Teenape film", but somehow, for some reason, ended up being a film which both Chris Seaver and Lloyd Kaufman would rather us all not see and just forget about. The only words to come to mind after reading this is WHY, WHY and WHY???

OK. So, Everything I always heard about this for the years that it wasn't released is that it didn't end up as much of an LBP film as they intended. Not even a regular one, much less the ultimate one. Apparently, Uncle Lloyd had too much of a say in what went on during production, or something and it lacked the usual LBP magic. Yeah? Big deal. Kaufman is awesome, so, who cares? The film still features the long awaited return of Teenape, right? Tons of returning characters. Right? stupid, outrageous humor. Right? So, it couldn't possibly be so bad that it's not even worth releasing... Right?? Wrong!

After 4 years of jack shit, Teenape Vs. The Monster Nazi Apocalypse would finally be released on a Troma DVD with 2 other movies. One called Attack Of The Tromaggot, and the other called The Secret Of The Magic Mushrooms. Which gives a good indication of how important it was to Troma to get this one out there. Last I heard, Seaver & Troma both didn't want it to see the light of day, but the fans finally got their wish. Continue »

👍1 💬3  2217 views

Aug '14 *
image This movie's about a bunch of incestuous, white trash cousins, all shackin' up together, with the half-retarded mute (?), Jessicka as their neglected, big-breasted pet. At first, it seems as if she's a victim, being held there against her will, but they actually take her places, sometimes, and sorta acknowledge her as a member of the family. Mostly by trying to molest her or fuck her in the mouth.

image Yet, there's also the parts where they cage her up, simply cuz it's more convenient. Now that I think about it, she's definitely a victim, too, considering all the rapings and beatings. I mean they hose her down, from time to time, & they give her plenty of dogfood & whatnot, so, it's not like she's got it THAT bad. But being that Jessica's too slow to know good treatment from bad, she's oblivious to any treatment that might not go over well with a non-retard. But ain't it funny how a little rabies can change everything? Continue »

👍1 💬3  1233 views

May '14 *
Redneck Zombies. Not only does it have the most amazing title ever, but it also happens to be a masterpiece in general. Shot on video (which was a big deal in the advent of vhs and video cameras), this low budget sleazy, cheesy gorefest is equally gross, hilarious, disturbing, crappy, and awesome, all at the same time. It's rare for a movie to accomplish something so perfectly bad that it's awesome, but when Full Moon and Troma both put their name on it, then you know you have the recipe for a true trash epic.

I'm surprised this movie wasn't ripped off a ga-jillion times already. Today, zombies are so common in pop culture, awful shows with titles such as "The Walking Dead" are popular as fuck. Fuck that show! But zombies are still an obvious choice. And rednecks? Well, rednecks make for some damn fine movies, all the goddamn time! You have movies like Deliverance, Sothern Comfort, Two Thousand Maniacs, and so many others that set such high standards for what a good redneck film ought to have, but our fair Pericles Lewnes somehow figured out how to balance everything perfectly, and include as many redneck cliches as possible. Plus, he acts like a fruitcake throughout the whole movie, which ups the trashiness of the film, and we all know that trash is good! (Right?) Continue »

👍3 💬3  2437 views

Aug '14
Severed Limbs






Now it's your turn. The violenter, nuder and severed limbier the better. emoticon

Jul '14 *
Trash Epics! Home of the trashiest and filthiest movies on the planet. And folks, they don't get much more filthy than Visitor Q. This one is positively revolting! Taboo ridden, boundary pushing, comic hilarity! One of Takashi Miik's more sicker films, this is the joys of Visitor Q.


The movie opens up with a question. "Have you ever done it with your dad?"
A lovely little opener that sets the tone for this particular shocker. If you weren't sure what you were in for, you should now. Continue »

👍1 💬2  2440 views

Jul '14 *

I just finished "Pieces of Talent" and I have to say this is my favorite film I have watched this year.
Pieces of Talent centers around Charlotte who wants to be an actress, but isn't getting anywhere. She waits tables at a strip club on the side to pay the bills. Charlotte's alcoholic mother lives with her. One Night Charlotte is taking a break behind the strip club when she sees the bouncer beating up a guy. Charlotte runs to help the man. The bo... Continue »

Jul '14
flat-out awesome

👍1  1123 views

Jul '14
The orginal cast of Firefly is getting back together to make a new online game. Thoughts?

💬2  3936 views

Jul '14 *

This is one of the best horror films I've ever seen. It closely parallels The Birds (1963), but adds its own unique thrills. I do not suggest sitting in a small chair because you need a fairly large edge to be on the edge of for this one. There is not a minute your eyes will not be glued to the screen. The acting is unparalleled for a movie of this budget and the directing choices remind me dearly of early Wood... Continue »

👍1 💬4  2718 views

Jul '14
Part 1

Way back in 2007, Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino's plan to create a double feature emulating trashy '70s B-movies was quite a novelty. Since then, the idea has become as far from a novelty as you can get. In the wake of Grindhouse, a fucking motherfuckton of exploitation homages have been jizzed on to the eyeballs of horror-loving audiences. Throwbacks are now about as original as found-footage flicks. Most of them are pre-packaged cult films, frustratingly filled... Continue »

Jul '14 *
Add a post that's flat-out awesome.


Jul '14 *
I recently heard about this movie a few days ago. Slasherfan85 kindly mentioned this movie to have one messed up ending. Which was a sure fire signal to me that I might be interested in checking it out. And if that didn't sell me, than the fact that it's banned in my home country sure did. When will film classification boards learn, banning something isn't going to prevent people from seeing it, it's only going to entice them to see it more. Continue »

👍1 💬3  1695 views

Jul '14
I tend to like bad movies. Often times, there is something highly amusing and quirky about them. I found Elves Delighftul, I found The Abomination hilarious, and I found Shatter Dead not as shithouse as I should have found it. All in all, I tend to enjoy bad movies.
Then I saw this piece of shit. Fuck me dead, I hate you Chester Novell Turner. I hate you so very, very much.

Okay, so you're probably thinking, it's not THAT bad surely? I must be giving it a bum rep. Well, see how long you can... Continue »

👍1  1128 views

Jul '14
I hate worms. Slimy and gross little things, the way they move gives me the heebie jeebies. Fortunately in my experience, I haven't encountered too many of the little bastards, only the occasional one or two while gardening. One or two I can handle, but hundreds of thousands is another story entirely. If nothing else, Squirm is a very accurate title, cos I was sure squirming in my seat.


The plot is about a boy fro... Continue »

👍1  242 views

Jun '14
I got bored yesterday, so I decided to make a wiki for the site. Yes, our very own Trash Encyclopedia! Hopefully, we can all have some fun with this.

Users can now anonymously add and edit pages on the site's wiki. These pages can be about anything us trash addicts might find interesting, and should be presented in a well-structured and informative way. Continue »

💬3  1396 views

Jun '14 *
Which of these does not belong? Continue »

💬5  2034 views

May '14
I'm waiting for a day off to take my next step in making more videos. I'm just getting really antsy to do something beyond what I've been doing. It's been almost 2 years since I made my last video, Terrible Things!

If only I had some acid, I could get that artistic epiphany I've been waiting for that makes my ideas cum alive (the electricity that builds my redneck Frankenstein), but I'm just going to have to trust myself, and start production on my first film: an extremely short, rushed, and dastardly film about cowboys, salesmen, killer dicks, and necrophiliacs in the American south. The shooting script for Gutter Film https://trashepics.com/forum/560/ will commence writing this month, due for a release this October.

Now that I've said it, I can't take it back. I'm obligated!

💬4  1392 views

Jun '14
It's common knowledge that Halloween: Resurrection is worthless. The seventh installment of the Halloween franchise ended beautifully, coming full circle, and saying all there was to say about Halloween, and the character of Michael Myers. An unnecessary sequel was shat out, tainting the validity of a series that had just received proper closure, and demeaned its antagonist, it's protagonist, and the franchise as a whole. It could never be the same, and ultimately became the unwanted epilogue to a series which once had standards. Continue »

👍1  2822 views

Jun '14
Michael Myers... the 6-year-old boy who killed his sister one Halloween night, and returned 15 years later to haunt the town of Haddonfield, on and off, for 20 years to come. His story has become legendary among locals, who live in fear every time the autumn comes along, for with it, comes the harvest.

The character is a mystery, and the attempts to prescribe an M.O. and rationale to his actions resulted in a cluttered plot of curses, cults, and coincidences. The Thorn storyline was discontinued for a good reason. It was excessive, and demeaning to the mystique of a character that relies on the lack of a motive. The attempt to explain him ultimately results in the demeaning of his effect.

To wipe the slate clean, H20 came along as a reunion and bookend to the series, coming full circle, and providing a new light on the character of Michael Myers through his relationship with his sister. Ignoring the sequels between 2 and 7 is an unfortunate casualty that remains unaccounted for, but it presents us with a theoretical approach into the mindset of Michael, humanizing him more so in one film than any sequel ever could, while keeping us entirely without blatant explanations like H6 failed to convey logically. Continue »

👍1  1727 views

Jun '14
I was talking to @Ballz the other day about what my original intentions were for the media section of the site. It wasn't to rip-off the IMDB forum system with a board for each movie... it was so I could it randomly select a movie for me, so I don't have to sit in front of my dvd shelves and waste 90 minutes trying to figure out which movie to watch. Yes, that shit happens!

Writing a program to do that is so easy, I just decided to build upon it more and more, as everything on this site is just one little experiment after another. If you're reading this, you ought to know by now that you can influence this site and help build the garbage dump that is Trash Epics.

Somehow or another, me and @Ballz got on the subject of lists. I forgot about lists, but apparently, everybody loves lists, so I added lists. Continue »

👍1  1119 views

May '14
So I'm watching the Truman Show(1998) and I saw Peter Krause from six feet under and started wondering what else he was in when I came across Blood Harvest(1987). Has anyone seen it?

👍1  1295 views

Apr '14
Mullet Guy is my hero. He was in Zombie Bloodbath, a wonderful movie from Todd Sheets, and has the best mullet I've ever laid eyes on. And although he meets a heroic end at the hands of a bunch of zombies surrounding him on a bridge, his soul lives on inside all of us. His death allows for our band of heroes to escape the horde of zombies, so his noble sacrifice was not in vain. Still, his death made me weep like no other movie before. I dream of him every night.

Who else appreciates this ma... Continue »

May '14 *
Do you remember what it was like to be a child? Full of innocence and dreams. It was a simpler time back then. A time where we had no responsibilities and our imaginations ran wild. Santa was real, the Easter Bunny was your best friend and monsters on the tv were evil bastards that had every capability of killing us in our beds. It’s no coincidence many horror fans loved the genre as children as well, because everything felt more real when we were kids. How many of you were afraid that Freddy... Continue »

👍4 💬8  1458 views

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