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Sep '21 *


> At least 31 horror films must be watched during the month of October. 16 of these must be FTVs (first time viewings).
> You get 1 "point" per movie watched.
> Runtime is 45 minutes minimum.
> Kiddy-friendly "Halloween themed" movies will be permitted as long as there is some element of horror, i.e. A Nightmare Before Christmas, Coraline, Goosebumps, Hubie Halloween, etc.
> If unsure on whether a movie is "horror" or not, please refer to the usual suspects: IMDb, Wiki, Letterboxd, etc.
> Documentaries (non-feature length) and TV shows will not be accepted.
> The challenge will begin at 00:00 hours on October 1st in your time zone.

If there is anything I have missed, let me know over on the discussion thread:


Previous year threads:


So make your spot and have fun!

markus-san says:
#25, Reply to #13

Oct '21
You'll need to distinguish which are FTVs.


insanislupus says:
#26, Reply to #25

Oct '21

Brett_Lives says:

Sep '21 *
Oct. 1
Psychomania (1973)

Oct. 2
Dracula (1931)
Frankenstein (1931)

Oct. 4
Halloween (1978)
Psycho II (1983)

Oct. 5
Psycho III (1986)
The People Under the Stairs (1991)
Zombie for Sale (2019)
Gremlins 2: The New Batch (1990)
The Devil's Rain (1975)
Jason X (2001)

Oct. 6
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
The Funhouse (1981)

Oct. 10
V/H/S 94
Night of the Living Dead (1990)

Oct. 12
Titane (2021)

Oct. 13
Don't Breathe 2 (2021)

Oct. 15
Goosebumps (2015)
Halloween Kills (2021)

Oct. 19
Demigod (2021)

Oct. 20
Shaun of the Dead (2004)

Oct. 22
Lamb (2021)

Oct. 25
13 Fanboy (2021)

Oct. 26
Amityville: The Evil Escapes (1989)

Oct. 28
Last Night in Soho (2021)
Carnival of Souls (1962)

Oct. 29
Birdemic: Shock and Terror (2010)
The Innkeepers (2011)

Oct. 31
Trick 'r Treat (2007)

FTVs: 16
Total: 29

ZombieCPA says:

Sep '21 *

FTV 23
RV 12
Total 35

Total Minutes 3,153
Average Length 90.1
Longest Day 10/29 - 292 Minutes.
Longest The Langoliers 180 Minutes.
Shortest Night of the Living Pharmacists 45 minutes.

Best FTV Antlers
Worst FTV The Lamb
Average Rating 5.06

1950's 1
1980's 8
1990's 3
2000's 6
2010's 11
2020's 6

1) 10/1/2021 - Home Sweet Hell (2015), FTV, 7/10, 98 minutes
2) 10/1/2021 - Bingo Hell (2021), FTV, 4/10, 85 minutes
3) 10/2/2021 - Babysitter: Killer Queen (2020), FTV, 5/10, 101 minutes
4) 10/2/2021 - Halloween Party (2019), FTV, 5/10, 92 minutes
5) 10/2/2021 - The Magnetic Monster (1953), FTV, 4/10, 76 minutes
6) 10/3/2021 - We Summon the Darkness (2019), FTV, 5/10, 91 minutes
7) 10/4/2021 - The Hackers (1988), FTV, 5/10, 80 minutes
8) 10/4/2021 - Day of the Reaper (1984), FTV, 2/10, 75 minutes
9) 10/6/2021 - Deadtime Stories: Volume 2 (2011), FTV, 5/10, 77 minutes
10) 10/6/2021 - Llamageddon (2015), FTV, 3/10, 69 minutes
11) 10/7/2021 - Bad Match (2017), FTV, 6/10, 90 minutes
12) 10/8/2021 - The Lamb (2021), FTV, 2/10, 106 minutes
13) 10/8/2021 - There's Someone Inside Your House (2021), FTV, 5/10, 96 minutes
14) 10/9/2021 - Cam (2018), FTV, 6/10, 94 minutes
15) 10/9/2021 - Kill Theory (2009), FTV, 4/10, 85 minutes
16) 10/10/2021 - Hostage (2021), FTV, 4/10, 79 minutes
17) 10/12/2021 - Burial Ground (1981), RV, 7/10, 85 minutes
18) 10/13/2021 - The Brain (1988), RV, 6/10, 94 minutes
19) 10/13/2021 - The Babysitter (2017), FTV, 6/10, 85 minutes
20) 10/16/2021 - Are You Scared? (2006), RV, 6/10, 79 minutes
21) 10/17/2021 - Poltergeist II: The Other Side (1986), RV, 6/10, 91 minutes
22) 10/18/2021 - Poltergeist III (1988), RV, 4/10, 98 minutes
23) 10/19/2021 - Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1982), RV, 6/10, 87 minutes
24) 10/20/2021 - The Langoliers (1995), RV, 7/10, 180 minutes
25) 10/23/2021 - Night of the Living Pharmacists (2014), FTV, 8/10, 45 minutes
26) 10/24/2021 - Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989), FTV, 3/10, 96 minutes
27) 10/25/2021 - Playdate (2012), FTV, 5/10, 82 minutes28) 10/252020 - Pulse (2006), FTV, 2/10, 90 minutes
29) 10/26/2021 - Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998), RV, 5/10, 86 minutes
30) 10/27/2021 - Trick 'r Treat (2007), RV, 7/10, 82 minutes
31) 10/28/2021 - Halloween: Resurrection (2002), FTV, 4/10, 94 minutes
32) 10/29/2021 - Antlers (2021), FTV, 7/10, 98 minutes
33) 10/29/2021 - Frankenhooker (1990), RV, 5/10, 85 minutes
34) 10/29/2021 - Halloween (2007), RV, 3/10, 109 minutes
35) 10/31/2021 - Anna and the Apocalypse (2017), RV, 8/10, 93 minutes

Johan_WoW says:

Sep '21 *
1. Bad Moon (1996) RW, was so long ago I didn't even remember I ever saw it, not too bad

2. Blood of the Tribades (2016) FTV: starts out nicely, gets boring pretty quick, too much male frontal nudity for my taste
3. Blood for Dracula, Andy Warhol's Dracula (1974) FTV: bar the last 5 minutes this is a pretty slow, talky and uneventful flick with a too sissy Dracula. Even the nudity and sex can't really save it for me.
4. Aswang (1994) FTV: ok this is more like it. An interesting take on the vampire genre with some nasty scenes. Best one so far
5. Blacula (1972) FTV: strong opening scene. Basically however it's just Dracula with a dark skin and presented as tragic figure even though couldn't feel much sympathy. The plot is weak and predictable, the characters hollow and the vampire action is silly. Not sure if it was supposed to be a parody or real drama. I think the latter given the tragic theme, still feels like not so funny comedy.

6. Werewolves on Wheels (1971) FTV: crappy movie of the very boring kind
7. Count Dracula's Great Love (1973) FTV: looks like a cheap Hammer but thank God it's much more eventful, graphic and erotic, enjoyable.
8. Cronos (1993): Del Toro's debut film is an interesting take on vampirism but it is rather weak in the story and character development, a lot of potential that remained unused.
9. Bloodlust (1961) FTV

10. The Hamiltons (2006) FTV: Spider Baby with a twist I thought at first? No it was just ordinary and very unlikable vampire family after all. Wished they all got staked in the end because they bored me out of my skull. Cheap lazy ass story and acting.

11. Arrival from the darkness (1921) FTV: cool Czech silent, 100 years of age, some creepy moments.

12. The Devil's Church (1919) FTV: another nice silent this time from Germany. A Faust like story with a sneaky devil and voloptuous farmer's wife.

13. Vampire Circus (1972) FTV: had I known in advance it was from Hammer I probably had skipped it. Ok it has a few weird moments but as usual it's style over substance and boring

14. Project: Metalbeast (1995) FTV: low budget. Not very good but enjoyable.

15. Kiss of the Damned (2012) FTV: reminded me of Twilight but with some sex scenes added, bad sis was cool but rather 1 dimensional too, except for the ending which I really liked, it was pretty predictable

16. Thirst (1979) FTV: ok I liked that concept at first, but seems the director was more concerned about making some psychological nightmarish style over substance with no surprises than an engaging and shocking horror

17. Wolfen (1981) FTV: more of a crime thriller with a few horror moments mostly at the beginning and the end, rather uneventful, way too long, the indians are rather silly, expected much more from this one. One of the weakest movies I have seen this challenge.

18. Something Weird (1967) RW
19. Lips of Blood (1975) FTV: finally a decent vampire movie after all the arty farty wanna be erotic stuff. No beating around the bush here. Jean Rollin saves the day.
20. House of Dark Shadows (1970) FTV: another boring Hammerish vampire flick

21. The Rats Are Coming! The Werewolves Are Here! (1972) FTV: it's a turkey allright but of the boring kind, it had great potential though
22. Fiancรฉe of Dracula (2002) FTV: last vampire movie from Rollin, has its moments but not silly enough and too tame

23. Late Phases (2014) FTV: nice take on werewolf theme but the middle part is a bit too slow and uneventful to make it a great movie
24. The Mask of Medusa (2009): swansong of rollin before he passed away a year later, merely symbolic but I liked it quite a bit

25. Night of the Werewolf (1981) FTV: has the looks of an early 70s exploitation flick but it's not that trashy. There is a serious lack of nudity (definitely if the participating women are not at all prudes in other movies) and the story is just a big mess, lost interest halfway. Takes itself way too serious while it should have been campy fun.

26. Two Orphan Vampires (1997) FTV: pretty sweet vampire flick from Rollin. The movie's pacing and length hurt it a bit though.

27. Darkness (1993) FTV: low budget trash with awful acting but it's really bloody and yeah it's fun

28. The Iron Rose (1973) FTV : more like Blair Witch Project on a graveyard. Rollin's most boring piece IMO.
29. The Nude Vampire (1970): Rollin's movies about vampires never disappoint.
30. The Grapes of Death (1978) RW: much more enjoyable than the first time I saw it years ago. However there is many others from Rollin I prefer over this

31. The Night of the Clocks (2007) FTV: the legacy of Jean Rollin, remembering the bizarre world and its characters he created from 1968 to 2002. Must see for the fans.
32. The Werewolf Versus the Vampire Woman (1971) FTV: ok Naschy in the role of werewolf 10 years earlier, what a lazy ass that guy was that he just copied the whole formula in his Night of the Werewolf. Not that this movie was any better. No more Naschy for me.
33. Byzantium (2012) FTV: a fresh take on the vampire lore but there is no reason to have the not very complex plot stretched out to almost 2 hours
34. Atom Age Vampire (1960) FTV: no vampires to be seen in this Italian shlocky horror movie. Just another mad scientist becomes obsessed with his disfigured patient going on a killing rant to keep her beauty, transforming himself in Mr Hyde to avoid suspicion. So many clichรฉs and predictable. There is much better out there.
35. The Playgirls and the Vampire (1960) FTV: pretty ladies and the castle breathes a good atmosphere. Story is and characters are however boring.
36. The Horror of it All (1960) FTV: had potential to be some kind of Old Dark House clone but with singer Pat Boone as the leading actor the movie focuses more on laughts than thrills. Andree Zelly (with a Morticia Addams look) was the only interesting character of the weird family but cruelly underused. Spider Baby did the malfunctioning family theme a lot better years later.

37. Habit (1995) FTV: if you like to watch for almost 2 hours at unattractive Larry Fessender being abused by a vampire girl (or it might just be his imagination) this is the film for you. I didn't really care.

38. Daughter of Darkness (1990) FTV: a vampire movie from Stuart Gordon made for TV. It had its moments but the vampires were rather daft
39. Elvira, Mistress of the Darkness (1988): as expected not that much horror to be found more silly comedy and the camera likes to focus on Elvira's pair of enhanced b's. It's enjoyable though never boring.
40. Crypt of the Vampire (1964) FTV: A pretty good adaptation of the Karnstein story. Reminded me of Black Sunday at times. Very atmospheric and they handled the lesbian subtext really well.
41. Midnight Kiss (1993): Starts out pretty graphically. We get a weird blonde vampire guy choosing female victims. A female cop survives the attack and has to fight her transformation into a bloodsucker. Could have been fun but couldn't live up to the exciting start and the characters are not really sympathetic.
42. Blood of the Virgins (1967) FTV: vampire movie from Argentina. Promising start but develops like a slow and boring Hammer esque movie with a few graphic scenes and quite a bit on nudity for its time.
43. The Legend of Hell House (1973) RW: even though not as good as The Innocents or The Haunting from the 1960s, the long overdue revisit didn't disappoint.
44. I like Bats (1986) FTV
45. Demon Seed (1977) RW
46. Dr. Satan vs Black Magic (1968) FTV
47. The White Reindeer (1952) FTV
48. Attack of the Crab Monsters (1958) RW
49. Macabre (1958) RW
50. Daddy's Girl (1996) RW
51. Deliria (1987) RW
52. Humanoids from the Deep (1980) RW

53. Braindead (1992) RW

That's all folks!

FTV: 42
RW: 11

zed says:

Oct '21 *

1. Old (2021) 5/10 108 mins some atrocious acting, Im guessing M Night choose them to make him look like a good actor

2. Escape Room: Tournament of Champions (2021) 5/10 88 mins

3. Dolores Claiborne (1995) 7/10 132 mins this used to be listed under horror, one of the few early SK stories I aint read, I always thought it was about a old black lady? Like his stories, too long. good make with the characters aging

4. One Cut of the Dead (2017) 7/10 96 mins amusing but I'm at a bit of a lose to understand the high praise

5. The House That Jack Built (2018) 7/10 152 mins Lars is one of the greatest directors ever

6. Candyman (2021) 5/10 91 mins pretty lame considering the heritage, it would of been better (even though its a bit of a trope) if they ditched the overt supernatural and just had the guy getting 'possessed' by the candyman, killing ppl and these other ppl eg his gf think its him actually doing the killing i.e they dont believe it has a supernatural cause

7. The Lighthouse (2019) 8/10 109 mins

8. Doctor Sleep (2019) 6/10 152 mins

9. Porno (2019) 6/10 98 mins Decent comedy horror and we see a mutilated penis

10. Edge of the Axe (1988) 4/10 91 mins

11. Circle (2015)6/10 87 mins

12. The Invitation (2015)7/10 100 mins

13. Witching and Bitching (2013)7/10 112 mins I went to the cave where this was filmed last summer

14. Darkness (1993) 5/10 83 mins It keeps saying X minutes until sunrise, yet you can see the shadows from the sun evrywhere. Well we got the answer to the age old question does homeopathy work on vampires? The gore was decent for a no budget video

15. Malignant (2021) 5/10 111 mins

16. The Void (2016) 4/10 90 mins

17. The Belko Experiment (2016) 5/10 89 mins

18. Harpoon (2019) 7/10 83 mins

total = 1872 mins
average = 104 mins
longest = The House That Jack Built (2018) & Doctor Sleep (2019)
shortest = Harpoon (2019)

most entertaining: Witching and Bitching
least entertaining: Candyman


Oct '21 *
October 1st
1) The Wolf of Snow Hollow (2020) FTV 3/10
2) Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933) RW
3) Doctor X (1932) RW
4) Rose: A Love Story (2020) FTV 5/10
5) Relic (2020) FTV 7/10

October 2nd
6) Underwater (2020) FTV 5/10
7) Freaky (2020) FTV 6/10
8) Ouija: Origins of Evil (2016) FTV 6/10
9) Saint Maud (2019) FTV 5/10
10) Crawl (2019) FTV 7/10

October 3rd
11) Terrifier (2016) FTV 6/10
12) Resolution (2012) RW
13) Wrong Turn (2021) FTV 4/10

October 4th
14) The Empty Man (2020) FTV 8/10
15) Cat People (1942) RW

October 5th
16) Benny Loves You (2019) FTV 7/10
17) The Blackcoat's Daughter (2015) FTV 4/10

October 6th
18) Mom and Dad (2017) FTV 6/10
19) Hellbenders (2013) RW

October 7th
20) Innocent Blood (1993) RW
21) The Unholy (2021) FTV 4/10
22) Come Play (2020) FTV 5/10

October 8th
23) Spiral: From the Book of Saw (2020) FTV 3/10
24) Event Horizon (1997) RW
25) The Girl With All the Gifts (2016) FTV 6/10

October 9th
26) Child's Play 2 (1990) RW
27) Evil Dead 2 (1987) RW
28) Ghoulies II (1987) RW
29) The Return of the Living Dead (1985) RW
30) Bubba Ho-tep (2002) RW
31) Lovely Molly (2011) RW

October 10th
32) The Hole in the Ground (2019) FTV 4/10
33) The Banana Splits Movie (2019) FTV 5/10

October 11th
34) It Follows (2014) RW
35) Housebound (2014) RW
36) Paranormal Activity 3 (2011) RW

October 12th
37) May (2002) RW
38) Werewolf of London (1935) RW

October 13th
39) Curse of Chucky (2013) RW

October 14th
40) Cult of Chucky (2017) RW
41) Rabid (2019) FTV 6/10
42) The VVitch (2015) RW

October 15th
43) Carnival of Souls (1962) RW
44) Child's Play (1988) RW

October 16th
45) Unearth (2020) FTV 2/10
46) Scream 2 (1997) RW
47) Alive (2018) FTV 4/10

October 17th
48) Halloween (1978) RW

October 18th
49) Poltergeist (1982) RW
50) The Thing (1982) RW

October 19th
51) The Evil Dead (1981) RW
52) Near Dark (1987) RW
53) Ravenous (1999) RW

October 20th
54) Dead Alive (1992) RW
55) Dread (2009) RW

October 21st
56) Burnt Offerings (1976) RW

October 22nd
57) The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It (2020) FTV 4/10

October 23rd
58) A Quiet Place (2018) RW
59) An American Werewolf In London (1981) RW
60) The Monster (2016) FTV 5/10

October 24th
61) After She Wakes (2019) FTV 3/10

October 25th
62) Dark Water (2005) FTV 5/10
63) From Beyond (1986) RW

October 26th
64) Excision (2012) RW
65) Re-Animator (1985) RW

October 27th
66) Witchfinder General (1968) RW
67) Frankenstein (1931) RW

October 28th
68) The Shining (1980) RW
69) Dracula (1931) RW
70) Slither (2006) RW

October 29th
71) Shaun of the Dead (2004) RW
72) Halloween II (1981) RW
73) The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1971) RW
74) Night of the Living Dead (1968) RW

October 30th
75) Die Monster Die (1965) FTV 5/10
76) Bride of Frankenstein (1935) RW
77) Mad Love (1935) RW
78) The Curse of Frankenstein (1957) RW

October 31st
79) Rosemary's Baby (1968) RW
80) Trick r' Treat (2009) RW
81) The Pit and the Pendulum (1961) RW
82) The Body Snatcher (1945) RW
83) Psycho (1960) RW


sethyeah says:

Oct '21 *
First day of October.
In the midwest (USA). It is too hot today to be October. I was going to go for a walk, and would you believe I had to go back inside to take off my sweater and replace it to its spot in my closet?! That's how darned hot it was! Oh, that temperature!
Oh, that Lord of ours, with his bag of tricks!

My wife is pregnant and due sometime this month - could be any day. So in addition to completing the challenge I will also be completing having my first baby/child. For that reason, I have some infant/childbirth/pregnancy horror lined up.

First time viewings in, umm, let's go with: bold green

1.) Baby Blood (1988, France) - woman with a Flea-like toothgap and bonkers set of bonkers gets pregnant by a cruel guy. The baby inside develops as a domineering creature who loves to kill in a manner most naughty and is a bad influence.

Third day of October.
Oh my sweet Lord Jesus (who art in Heaven) (hallowed by thy name) (I love you, God!), every single fucking thing is so hard. Every day is the hardest day of my life. Everything I do is the most difficult thing Iโ€™ve ever done. You have to give your entire life to other people and no one gives a shit about you personally. But, whatever. Love ya, God. Youโ€™re my rockinโ€™ do-good home-boy. Love ya.

Anyway, yesterday, which was the

Second day of October,
my wife and I re-watched:

2.) Rosemaryโ€™s Baby (1968, U.S.) - (โ€ฆ and I really liked bold green for first time viewings, so I want to try and see how it feels for repeat viewings too. And... It felt good, so Iโ€™m going to keep it like this and find a different color for first-time viewings)

The point in this movie where Rosemary realizes that even her doctor is one of them. And that everyone is conspiring around her, is a great expression of terror based on alienation. I think thatโ€™s why it resonates with me so much - the feeling that everyone else is onto something and youโ€™re completely isolated from it - and what theyโ€™re into isnโ€™t something very jolly at all. Itโ€™s seriously how I feel about society in general. And Iโ€™m right.

Also the realistic pace of this movie, the decor, the mood, the infectious suspicion - are part of why (and itโ€™s not fair to compare, but) it makes most other horror movies look like total shit.

Then we watched
3. False Positive (2021, U.S.) - (gonna be listing my first-time-viewings in bold red from now onward.)
As a writer, I wondered how this movie was conceived - did it begin as a plot idea for a story or was its impetus a specific social point the writer wanted to imprint upon viewers? There are three credited writers, so maybe its its purpose was jumbled up in its creation.

Itโ€™s a didactic movie, like Spike Leeโ€™s joints. Itโ€™s about reproductive rights and male control over the female body, and a damning of patriarchy in general. This agenda found a fully sympathetic audience in both myself and my wife. But we agreed it was conveyed awfully by a disjointed narrative.

It seemed like a horror movie presented by someone who had never been pregnant, never been to a fertility clinic, never felt the physical pains of pregnancy, and worst of all, wasnโ€™t even INTO horror movies. It felt like a stoned idea - โ€œMen control womenโ€™s reproductive rights to protect the patriarchyโ€ฆ Itโ€™s so creepyโ€ฆ Like, itโ€™s basically like men are forcing you to have babies you donโ€™t want. Right, like what if what they want is, like, you go to a doctor and they just implant their own sperm in you to perpetuate the patriarchy?โ€ฆ Yeah.. that would be horrificโ€ฆ That could be, like, a horror movie! Yeah, that should totally be a horror movie!โ€ And then someone is privileged enough to actually make the movie.

It even contained an extraneous mystical negroid whose function was simply to break the 4th wall and tell the writers themselves to โ€œbe better,โ€ which I guess - at least theyโ€™re self-conscious that they suck.

Whatever the story was in this movie, if it even mattered, was obscured by its proselytizing. Which, I like sermons - but if youโ€™re going to frame your sermon as a horror movie then come through with your vessel looking sharp and make it classic, otherwise youโ€™re just wasting your point and your tale. Telling a horror story is harder than people think; it can't just be put on like a costume. Without effectively employing genre, it turns the whole production, including the social point to dust.

Finally, one point about this that specifically annoyed me - was in its depiction of how pregnant women are treated in the workplace - a fair and needful issue. But the main character here worked in advertising; a go-getโ€™em type. Advertising. Marketing. What she found to be her drive in life was defining sexy images of people to sell fucking productsโ€ฆ to manipulate imagery to commodify people and thus participate fully in the capitalist and oppressive culture that a movie like this is supposed to critique. Pick a side. Yaโ€™ could put her in a more sympathetic role other than fucking commercial tool. Back in Rosemaryโ€™s Baby, her commercial actor husband was presented as unlikeable because he was image-obsessed. He was motived by upward mobility and self-centered vanity. Over in this fucking thing, they made a scenester who promotes that kind of bullshit lifestyle the protagonist! Pick a side! Which side are you on? Write her as a professional public servant, a bus driver, a librarian, a DMV clerk-- something fucking real, a job that participates in a functioning society, not distorts it for its own gain. FUCK YOU.

Fifth day of October:
Ya' know, I wasn't really feeling bold red for first-time viewiings so let's try bold orange henceward.

.... I said BOLD ORANGE

fuck you, nevermind. Every time I try to change the color of the text, all that happens is my page jumps up to the top of my post and I lose my place. From now on I shall eschew colors of all kinds.

4. The Girl Who Dared (1944) - well, fuck me, that kinda worked. Except when I changed the color, I had already formatted it to "Bold" and it lost that formatting and still threw me back up to the top of my post. From henceforth, my First-Time viewings will be in regular orange!

12th day of October:
I'm in the hospital now, middle of the night, next to my wife who is in a moment of rest during induced labor, waiting for contractions to begin.

Before she fell asleep, we sat in the deliver room and watched - and I'm going to take Mr. zedzeek's advice from below and try to use BBCode to make FIRST-TIME VIEWINGS bold orange from now on -- not just plain regular orange as I had settled for earlier -- we watched:
7.) The Abominable Dr. Phibes (1972, UK)
and holy cow, was it ever more bonkers than I'd expected. I'd started watching this about 2 times earlier, but never got past the opening 'cause I found the imagery so striking that I knew I wanted to share it with someone. My wife picked it out tonight and we found that stylistically, it just continues in that vein, expanding it and digging in harder and harder. Very lovely macabre picture show. I'm really surprised I hadn't felt compelled to watch it earlier in life. It's a bit "camp" - intentionally and not wholly scary, but it's tradiontally grotesque and gothic in a way that entranced me!

BUT, in the days preceding right now, I watched some other movies.

I forgot which colors I'd decided on for REPEAT VIEWINGS, and with BBCode, the text box is all small and I don't want to scroll up reading all of this long-ass post to find what it was. So I"m just going to mentally commit now to REPEAT VIEWINGS being in bold blue.

5. It's Alive (1974, U.S.)
and holy shit typing all the formatting code in manually fucking sucks. This is 2013 - no, wait, it's 2021, that's even worse - what am I doing typing all this shit on this site full of people whose opinions I detest one and all? I guess it's this or dreadit, as far as I know, and those kids on dreadit are all, like, two. So I can post this for intelligent children there or dumb adults here. Myself being a dumb adult, I guess I'm doing it right. Anyway, I was going to talk about how weird it was in It's Alive is, especially the couples procedure in the beginning as they prepare for childbirth. The woman wakes up calmly and says "It's time," like saying "it's time to open Christmas presents." Then they get up in the middle of the night and casually - the man puts on a suit and the wife puts on a nice dress, they relish together the sight of their coming baby's empty crib, take the time to have a talk with their son and drop him off at some guy's house - there's no chaos and the pain of the experience appears minimal. The numbness is disorienting and inadverently helps the movie. Sort of minimalized the mother's experience which should be wholly enveloping. Instead it focuses pretty much on this surprisingly callous father and his staid decision-making once the child is born. At one point the wife shows some emotion so he just goes ahead and hits her. The strike is depicted like it's nothing, revealing how times have changed. Also, the superbly creepy score underscores the emotional detachment and deliberation of the (male) characters - which left a spookier, uneasily solemn impression upon me.

and holy shit yet again, friends (whose opinions I detest one and all), you don't know this but my wife is beginning to have contractions now so I've gotta get the fuck outta here. You don't know this but I am not gonna be able to finish telling you about my other Halloween viewing for a while. I LOVE YOU BYE FOR NOW

.... Okay, there. We've administered the epidural and she's fallen fast asnooze, pleasantly and painlessly.
As I was saying, I also watched, earlier:

6.) - and I really didn't like how bold blue looked on that last movie, so I'm going to try, um, bold green for FIRST TIME VIEWINGS now and forevermore. I think that's one I was originally doing anyway. Also, I just figured out I can just highlight the text now and then click the color and I won't have to type the [ color blah blah] and all that jizz. Not sure exactly how I have it set up, 'cause there are some buttons that are half-hidden, obscured by the format options and I forgot/never knew what they were.

So the other movie I watched was:
Prevenge (some year, UK) - oh shit, I pressed the buttons and the code just showed up normal for once, like I wanted it to. Okay. I feel like this this October Challenge is 3 things: (1) the 31 movies in 31 days, (2) the log of my first-born cursed child's birth, and (3) figuring out how the fuck to actually use this site efficiently.

My wife has been recommending Prevenge to me for a long time, way before she was pregnant, when it was still new back in some year. She expressed that she liked how she expressed how a woman can feel like her body turns against her in its reproductive state. So, that's fair. But, also to be fair, it was just a standard modern murder-horror, almost twee. And I don't like that. (I like other things instead (when it comes to my (personal) preferences).)

THEN, before I started typing all this on the 12th day of October, back on the 11th day of October, after watching Abominable Dr. Phibes, I put on

8.) Castle of Evil (1966, USA (I assume))
I expected it to be lame and it was, so I was satisfied. Like, halfway through, my wife had fallen asleep in her hospital bed and I realized my mind had been wandering the whole time yet the story was still pretty much where it had been at the beginning, just a bunch of people having conversations about some dead guy who - is he dead? Doesn't look like it, because there he goes killing someone. Now they're dead. So, who's the dead person now? Not the living people.

Twelfth Day of October:
Baby born! Happy and healthy.

Extra night in hospital.

Came home.

A week in, just taking care of my wife and child now in the house. Every night I start watching a new movie but fall asleep half way through, so I can't count them for the challenge. Hopefully this week I can find an afteroon and evening to finish each of them. Then I'll be caught up with the challenge. We're trying to keep the television off with the child around - myself, especially, I want to give the kid a mostly screen-free childhood. Or, rather, at least a screen-lite childhood. I watched tons of TV when I was little and it made me dumb. I'm dumb now. I'm looking at a screen now, being dumb. My baby's actual thoughts right now, not knowing anything, are probably literally just the word "Duhhhh." And that's smarter than me.
It's the 21st Day of October now, by the way.

Smoochies to all of you. I love you!

27th Day of October
I did some catching up, but I'm still behind. I'm not listing these in order I watched them, but in the order that I remember them. Here, lookit:
8.) It Lives Again (1978, U.S.A.)
9.) Halloween H2O: 20 Years Later (1998, U.S.A. - bad)
10.) The Mind of Mr. Soames (1970, UK - infant in a man's body!)
11.) Embryo (1976, U.S.A. - infant in a woman's body!)
12.) Pedro Paramo (1967, Mexico)
13.) APT. (2006, S. Korea - lame)
14.) The Medium (1951, Italy/U.S.A. - atmospheric/a musical)
15.) Dr. Phibes Rides Again (1972, UK - fun)
16.) Halloween: Resurrection (2OO2, U.S.A.)

17.) Antebellum (2O2O, U.S.A. - disappointing)
18.) Elvira - Mistress of the Dark (1988, U.S.A. - I finally have a crush on Elvira too)
19.) Earthbound (1940, USA)
20.) El bosque del lobo / The Ancines Woods (1970, harrowing at times. And different. Like Lokis)
21.) I Was a Teenage Werewolf (1957, USA - surprisingly engaging)
22.) I Was a Teenage Frankenstein (1957, surprisingly dul after the previous movie)
23.) Teenage Monster (1958, USA - I can't be sure the monster in this movie was even really a teenager. It wasn't even really a monster, it was just a dumb ugly hairy guy. Unless the monster was supposed to be the girl who was the real black heart of the picture.)
24.) Teenagers from Outer Space (1959 - I was going to wrap up this 50's teenfest with a rewatch of Teenage Zombies too... but our God (Lord), e'er the tide-turner, willed another way upon mine head's route. Oh, oh!)

30th Day of October
Well, I thought I was going to be able to catch up easily. And maybe I can still catch up with a day and a half left, but it won't be easy. My newborn got sick and we're back in a hospital after 2 weeks. Going to have to be here for at least another week. Most of what I'm doing is sitting around and waiting. The intensive care unit has a TV to watch. However, AMC is just showing these dud Halloween sequels, 2 of which I've already watched recently - and I've gotta say, having seen enough of these movies now, so far I find Halloween so far the least intriguing and most head-shake-at-able of the slasher franchises. Then the TCM channel is no longer available on basic cable as of this month, so I can't turn that on, but the TV here does get that old-timey MOVIES! channel which actually shows some decent stuff. Last night they did a Vincent Price marathon so I was able to rewatch some stuff. I think I've already gotten in enough first time viewings but I can't tell for sure with all the dumb random colors I've been designating them in. I do have a laptop here, phone, a righteous Plex collection and some earbuds - but not very good reception here and it just doesn't feel like the right environment for putting on headphones which is too isolating when you're also caring for an ill crying baby and a scared wife.

25.) what color was I doing re-watches in? bold orange? I'm pretty fucking sure it wasn't, but that's what they are now.
The Fly (1958, USA - I first read the "novelette" in a collection my mother had when I was a little boy called Alfred Hitchcock Presents Stories for Late at Night https://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/pl.cgi?1846 which also included Ray Bradbury's "The Whole Town's Sleeping," John Collier's "Evening Primrose," "The Sound Machine" by Roald Dahl, "It's a Good Life" by Jerome Bixby (The Twilight Zone story), M.R. James' "The Ash Tree" and a story called "Our Feathered Friends" which was basically The Birds before Daphne du Maurier's The Birds - anyway these were formative tales for my childhood, like a horror-honing elementary school. A lot of classics; check 'em out. Also, am never fucking doing this challenge on this site again because of how much extra little coding I have to type in because the buttons barely work in the year of our Lord, our Shepherd, 2O2I. I am not a coder. I am a casual fucking turd using a toilet paper site. I can barely toop, I mean type. I spent like 20 minutes trying to get the simple link to that book to attach to the title and still can't get it to the title to display the color purple and contain a link at the same time, no matter what method I use. And the text box size is all dinky under BBCode and I have to do too much scrolling because I'm such a 'tard / turd that I have to write uninteresting novels for each irrelevant thought I have on here. I'm using Firefox for mac, if that makes a difference. This sucks, everything sucks.

??.) The Last Man on Earth (1964, USA)
??.) The Bat (1959, USA)
I don't know if I am going to actually count those last 2, unless I end up absolutely needing the number of viewings in order to complete the challenge. I technically saw them as they were on TV in the same room as me, but my attention was also diverted at some points by talking to hospital staff, family and tending to a crying baby at the same time, so I wasn't entirely watching them with total focus. But I am certain that none (no, not one) of you other butt-individuals watching more movies than me are actually sitting down and watching all all of the movies you're reporting either. So if I need to count these, you may be God-darn-ed ensured that I shall.

31st Day of October: Halloween Day (the day of Halloween)
26.) Halloween (2018) (2O18, U.S.A.)
27.) Halloween Kills (2O21, U.S.A - zero stars out of any stars for both of these)
28.) Halloween II (1981, USA - rewatch, nothing special itself, but compared to the new movies it shines like heaven (where God lives); rating: half of a star out of a star (it half exists))
29.) It's Alive 3: Island of the Alive (1987, USA)

First day of November

I'm going back to count those 2 movies I was debating counting and I'm snatching them for the challenge. I watched them. They were on TV, I was in the room, I was watching them, I had some conversations and baby-changing during it. If I was in a movie theater with those movies playing while I did all that stuff, I would consider those movies "watched" movies.
So, here:
30.) The Last Man on Earth (1964, USA)
31.) The Bat (1959, USA)

There, I did it:
31 Total Horror movies (I win. I beat all of you.)

6 Repeat Viewings
25 First-Time Viewings

But what I didn't do is, I got a pumpkin but didn't carve it. So, what's the fucking point?

OnyxHades says:
#22, Reply to #19

Oct '21
I love Baby Blood!

Amon_101 says:
#31, Reply to #22

Oct '21
That's a very disturbing thing to declare after the announcement of the birth of his baby.

OnyxHades says:
#33, Reply to #31

Oct '21 *
You should watch it if you haven't seen it. Fun movie. I didn't even know he had a baby until you mentioned it emoticon

sethyeah says:
#36, Reply to #33

Oct '21
Nah, you're good. You made your comment before my baby was born. I watched Baby Blood in anticipation of the childbirth.

I said it all right fucking there. Nobody pays any attention to me. I'm just an old mushroom in the bottom of a forgotten cupboard. No one sees me, no one cares, I'm going to cut my own head off and feed it to a bunch of horny pigs. They won't even eat me then though because who gives a shit. I wish I'd never been born. Horny pigs won't even fuck my old decapitated head.

zed says:
#27, Reply to #19

Oct '21
for your formatting issues, just click on BB Code, and do all the formatting there. Using the WYSIWYG (or whatever the acronym is) doesnt work 100%

Box_a_Hair says:
#28, Reply to #27

Oct '21
Sad but true. Every browser chooses to handle things differently. If I try to fix it, I'll probably break something else.


Oct '21 *
Total Viewings: 33
First time viewings: 16

1. October 1st: Malignant (2021) 111 minutes First time viewing
2: October 2nd: A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987) 96 minutes
3. October 3rd: Creepshow (1982) 120 minutes
4. October 4th: Chopping Mall (1986) 77 minutes First time viewing
5. October 5th: Army of the Dead (2021) 148 minutes First time viewing
6. October 7th: Popcorn (1991) 91 minutes
7. October 8th: Suspiria (2018) 152 minutes First time viewing
8. October 10th: The Dead Zone (1983) 103 minutes
9. October 10th: Let Us Prey (2014) 92 minutes First time viewing
10. October 11th: Gerald's Game (2017) 103 minutes First time viewing
11. October 11th: Dark Skies (2013) 97 minutes First time viewing
12. October 13th: The Return of the Living Dead (1985) 91 minutes
13. October 14th: The Fly (1958) 94 minutes
14. October 14th: The Blair Witch Project (1999) 81 minutes
15. October 15th: Halloween Kills (2021) 106 minutes First time viewing
16. October 15th: Sleepy Hollow (1999) 105 minutes
17. October 16th: Incident in a Ghostland (2018) 91 minutes First time viewing
18. Octobrt 16th: A Quiet Place Part II (2020) 97 minutes First time viewing
19. October 20th: 28 Weeks Later (2007) 100 minutes
20. October 22nd: Event Horizon (1997) 96 minutes
21. October 23rd: Innocent Blood (1992) 112 minutes First time viewing
22. October 23rd: The Stepfather (1987) 89 minutes
23. October 24th: Pet Sematary (1989) 103 minutes
24. October 24th: Shaun of the Dead (2004) 99 minutes
25. October 25th: The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It (2021) 112 minutes First time viewing
26. October 26th: The Relic (1997) 110 minutes First time viewing
27. October 26th: Cargo (2017) 105 minutes First time viewing
28. October 28th: 28 Days Later... (2002) 113 minutes
29. October 29th: Killing Ground (2016) 88 minutes First time viewing
30. October 29th: Misery (1990) 107 minutes
31. October 29th: The Descent: Part 2 (2009) 94 minutes First time viewing
32. October 30th: Night of the Living Dead (1968) 96 minutes
33. October 31st: Halloween (1978) 91 minutes

Shortest Movie: Chopping Mall (1986) 77 minutes
Longest Movie: Suspiria (2018) 152 minutes
Busiest Day: October 29th 289 minutes
Average Length: 102.12 minutes
Total Length: 3370 minutes

Oct '21
Comment Deleted

Deferenz says:

Oct '21 *
It's been quite some time since I last did this...

FTVs - 33

Total - 50

1. Dark Encounter (2019) - FTV - 6/10

2. Porno (2019) - FTV - 5/10

3. End of Days (1999) - 7/10

4. Rose (2020) - FTV - 6/10

5. Deep Rising (1998) - 7/10

6. The Dark and the Wicked (2020) - FTV - 5/10

7. The Seventh Day (2021) - FTV - 5/10

8. You Should Have Left (2020) - FTV - 7/10

9. Odd Thomas (2013) - FTV - 7/10

10. Rent-a-Pal (2020) - FTV - 6/10

11. Last Ones Out (2015) - FTV - 4/10

12. The Retreat (2020) - FTV - 3/10

13. The Toll (2020) - FTV - 6/10

14. Cold Ground (2017) - FTV - 3/10

15. The Purge (2013) - 7/10

16. The Purge: Anarchy (2014) - 8/10

17. The Amusement Park (1975) - FTV - 6/10

18. Superdeep (2020) - FTV - 6/10

19. The Purge: Election Year (2016) - 7/10

20. The First Purge (2018) - 6/10

21. Unfriended: Dark Web (2018) - FTV - 8/10

22. The Asphyx (1972) - 7/10

23. He'll House LLC III: Lake of Fire (2019) - FTV - 4/10

24. The Forever Purge (2021) - FTV - 6/10

25. Don't Grow Up (2015) - FTV - 5/10

26. Sharknado (2013) - 7/10

27. V/H/S/94 (2021) - FTV - 7/10

28. Sharknado 2: The Second One (2014) - 5/10

29. The Reckoning (2020) - FTV - 6/10

30. The Field Guide to Evil (2018) - FTV - 3/10

31. Beyond the Gates (2016) - FTV - 5/10

32. The Fly (1986) - 8/10

33. From Hell (2001) - 7/10

34. Truth or Dare (2018) - FTV - 6/10

35. Caveat (2020) - FTV - 6/10

36. We Go On (2016) - FTV - 6/10

37. The Legend of Boggy Creek (1972) - FTV - 6/10

38. Await Further Instructions (2018) - FTV - 7/10

39. Goosebumps (2015) - 7/10

40. The Dark Tapes (2016) - FTV - 3/10

41. Spontaneous (2020) - FTV - 6/10

42. The Boat (2018) - FTV - 6/10

43. Becoming (2020) - FTV - 5/10

44. The Fourth Kind (2009) - 6/10

45. The House with a Clock in its Walls (2018) - FTV - 6/10

46. Cell (2016) - 6/10

47. The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It (2021) - FTV - 4/10

48. The Fog (1980) - 8/10

49. Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) - 8/10

50. Ghostwatch (1992) - 8/10

Well that's all folks! See you next year...

October Challenge 2021


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