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Sep '21 *


> At least 31 horror films must be watched during the month of October. 16 of these must be FTVs (first time viewings).
> You get 1 "point" per movie watched.
> Runtime is 45 minutes minimum.
> Kiddy-friendly "Halloween themed" movies will be permitted as long as there is some element of horror, i.e. A Nightmare Before Christmas, Coraline, Goosebumps, Hubie Halloween, etc.
> If unsure on whether a movie is "horror" or not, please refer to the usual suspects: IMDb, Wiki, Letterboxd, etc.
> Documentaries (non-feature length) and TV shows will not be accepted.
> The challenge will begin at 00:00 hours on October 1st in your time zone.

If there is anything I have missed, let me know over on the discussion thread:


Previous year threads:


So make your spot and have fun!

Amon_101 says:

Sep '21 *
As I occasionally do, I watch movies on my Oktoberfest Horror Challenge in a specific order to send a message. This year's message is (for those too lazy to figure it out, like I would be, is: JOE BIDEN ACTS LIKE HE IS DER FUHRER BUT HE AINT. REELECT TRUMP PRESIDENT IN 24

Movie #1
October 01: Jennifer's Body (2009)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: No
Run Time of Film (minutes): 102
Body Count: Humans: 13, Possessed: 1; Unknown: 2 = Total: 18
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 7/10
Note: Monica Huppert should have received an Oscar for managing to make Megan Fox appear slightly less hot.

Movie #2
October 01: Occupant (2011)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 86
Body Count: Humans: 5; Cats: 1 = Total: 6
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 5/10
Note: I wonder if this how the poor people who live in New York became during the Covid lockdowns under the boot-heels of the fascist dictator wannabe Bill De Blasio...

Movie #3
October 02: The Evil Cat (2008)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 52
Body Count: Humans: 11; Zombies: 2 = Total: 13
Recommend to others: Yes (but only because it's so obscure)
Rating: 1/10
Note: Talk about obscure. The first half was filmed when the writer/director/producer/composer/editor/fx designer/cameraman/clothing/sound effects guy was twelve. And it shows. Second half was a mild improvement. (And I think it may have been filmed in my hometown.)

Movie #4
October 03: Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (2006)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 91
Body Count: Humans: 14; Total: 14
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 7/10
Note: I used to work with a guy named Vernon. Well, his name was Verlyn, and it was his first name, not last. So that was actually pretty irrelevant, now that I think about it.

Movie #5
October 03: Incident in a Ghostland (2018)
Format: Shudder
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 91
Body Count: Humans: 7; Total: 7
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 7/10
Note: I had an incident happen to me once. It happened in the bathroom. And no, I don't want to talk about it.

Movie #6
October 04: Devil's Mile (2010)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 88
Body Count: Demons: 3; Humans: 14; Total: 17
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 4/10
Note: So... the word "fuck" was uttered 85 times in this movie. 33 in the first 20 minutes, 23 in the next 20 minutes, 20 in the 3rd 20 minute section, and only 9 times in the last 27 minutes. Good ending, though.

Movie #7
October 04: Exraordinary Tales (2013)
Format: Peacock
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 73
Body Count: Birds: 2; Humans: 44; Pigs:1; Total: 47
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 7/10
Note: We once had a cat that had an extraordinary tail.

Movie #8
October 05: Night Feeders (2006)
Format: Tubi
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 83
Body Count: Aliens: 7; Deer: 1; Humans: 9; Total: 17
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 6/10
Note: I have a bad habit of waking up and eating at about 3AM. Like sammiches or candy. Really should try and break that habit.

Movie #9
October 05: And Soon the Darkness (2010)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 91
Body Count: Humans: 5; Total: 5
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 6/10
Note: That's about right, because it is now sleep time.

Movie #10
October 05: Case of the Whitechapel Vampire, The (2002)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 90
Body Count: Armadillos: 1; Bats: 10; Birds: 3; Humans: 5; Rodents: 1; Total: 20 (Plus a lot of skulls)
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 6/10
Note: Bad things always seem to happen on or around Whitechapel.

Movie #11
October 05: Truth or Dare (2018)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 100
Body Count: Humans: 9; Rodents: 1; Total: 9
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 6/10
Note: "Turth or Dare?" Dareโ€ฆ "I DARE you to vote for Joe Biden in 2024." Absolutely. The senile old goat will be dead or institutionalized by then. Either way, won't matter.

Movie #12
October 05: Summoning, The (2017)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 87
Body Count: Humans: 5; Total: 5
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 3/10
Note: It turns out this was really more of a murder-mystery with a small supernatural overlay.

Movie #13
October 05: Lost Colony: The Legend of Roanoke (2007)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 95
Body Count: Deer: 1; Humans: 57; Wraiths: 9; Total: 67
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 5/10
Note: I think the mystery of what happened to the Roanoke colony was solved when there were blonde Indians wandering around.

Movie #14
October 08: In the Dead of Winter (1993)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 90
Body Count: Humans: 8; Total: 8
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 3/10
Note: There was more padding in this movie than in my junior high prom date's bra.

Movie #15
October 08: Karla (2006)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 99
Body Count: Humans: 3; Total: 3
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 6/10
Note: On the plus side, she didn't have to worry about Kelso grabbng her assโ€ฆ

Movie #16
October 09: Eternal Blood (2002)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 108
Body Count: Humans: 17; Vampires: 5 Total: 22
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 6/10
Note: An interesting mix of vampire RPG, normal boring life, drug-induced psychosis, and the vampire subculture.

Movie #17
October 09: House of the Damned (1963)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 102
Body Count: Humans: 1; Total: 1
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 4/10
Note: What a freaky ending.

Movie #18
October 10: Eternal, The (1998)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 95
Body Count: Humans: 5; Witches: 2 Total: 7
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 4/10
Note: That's about how long it took me to watch this movie. Interesting premise, just wwwaaayyy tttoooooo ssslllooowwwโ€ฆ

Movie #19
October 10: Incubus (2006)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 84
Body Count: Humans: 8; Total: 8
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 4/10
Note: I wasn't aware there were abandoned medical facilities in Montana... ROAD TRIP!!!

Movie #20
October 10: Skew (2011)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 83
Body Count: Coyotes: 1; Deer: 1; Humans: 3; Total: 5
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 4/10
Note: Well, I didn't know what all those blurry pictures I took over the year were about. I thought it was just snot on the lens. Go figure!

Movie #21
October 11: Dead and the Damned, The (2018)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 93
Body Count: Cats: 1; Humans: 27; Zombies: 22; Total: 50
Recommend to others: Yes, if bad horror/westerns are your thing.
Rating: 5/10
Note: The bounty hunter looked an awful lot like Bruce Dern. If I didn't know better, I would think it was his son.

Movie #22
October 08: Executioners, The (2018)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 93
Body Count: Humans: 8; Total: 8
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 4/10
Note: Yep, 2018, that's about right. That's about the apex of the "white males are evil" kick that rolled across the "United" States. A not really surprising twist ending.

Movie #23
October 12: Red Sands (2009)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 89
Body Count: Humans: 13; Total: 13
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 5/10
Note: That was pretty fucked up how "President" Biden (or whoever is pulling his strings) managed to screw up Afghanistan and get over 180 people killed, including 13 of our troops. What a fucking douche-bag.

Movie #24
October 12: Final Patient, The (2005)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 100
Body Count: Humans: 2; Snakes: 3; Total: 5
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 3/10
Note: If this would have been a short film (or even around 20 minutes shorter than the 100 minute run-time), it would have been a lot better. But that's still not saying much, though.

Movie #25
October 13: Uninvited (1993)
Format: Bluray
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 90
Body Count: Buffalo: 1; Humans: 11; Total: 31 (Plus a lot of skulls)
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 5/10
Note: Jack Elam had top listing, but he was gone from the film shortly after the opening credits were done. Not as much fun as the earlier viewed horror/western The Dead and the Damned.

Movie #26
October 13: Haunting of Winchester House (2009)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 86
Body Count: Ghosts: 5; Humans: 9; Total: 14
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 4/10
Note: Vaguely Dan Akroyd and vaguely Marina Sirtis and their daughter vaguely Fairuza Balk move into a haunted house. A twist ending I should have seen.

Movie #27
October 14: Roost, The (2005)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: No
Run Time of Film (minutes): 80
Body Count: Bats: 2; Deer: 2; Humans: 7; Vampires: 4; Total: 15
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 4/10 (5 rating originally, dropped 1 point after a rewatch)
Note: What do you do if you think you have a great idea for a movie, but you don't have enough material to fill the time? Make up some host segments that serve no other purpose but to lengthen the film.

Movie #28
October 14: Empty Rooms (2012)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 92
Body Count: Humans: 4; Total: 4
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 5/10
Note: I bet living with a pack-rat sucks. Watching that show "Hoarders" tells me there'd no such thing as an empty room.

Movie #29
October 15: REC (2007)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 78
Body Count: Humans: 18; Infected: 5; Total: 23
Recommend to others: Huge Yes.
Rating: 8/10
Note: When watching foreign language films (especially horror), always watch in the original language with subtitles. You get to experience it the way it was shot, not someone else's interpretation of how it was shot.

Movie #30
October 16: Blood Predator (2007)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 91
Body Count: Aliens: 13; Cats: 1; Humans: 9; Total: 23
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 2/10
Note: I hate watching movies where there is not even one likeable character. Well, I guess there was one I didn't mind too much, but I wanted her to die just for being in this movie.

Movie #31
October 16: UKM: The Ultimate Killing Machine (2006)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 85
Body Count: Humans: 10; Total: 10
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 4/10
Note: I should have stopped watching when Michael Madson's face appeared on screen. But, I AM a glutton for punishment, so I pressed on. Damn that fifth deadly sin!

Movie #32
October 17: Tresspassers (2006)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 83
Body Count: Chickens: 1; Cows: 2; Demons: 5; Dogs: 1 Humans: 19; Total: 28
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 4/10
Note: Odio cuando las peliculas tienen largos pasejes de dialogo en un idioma extranjero, pero sin subtitulos. ยกMe enoja!

Movie #33
October 17: Haunting Hour, The: Don't Think About It (2007)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 87
Body Count: Monsters: 14; Total: 14
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 6/10
Note: A horror aimed at children that I actually enjoyed.

Movie #34
October 18: Evil Bong (2006)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 86
Body Count: Humans: 5; Total: 5
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 4/10
Note: I am surprised at how much Ooga Booga shows up in movies.

Movie #35
October 18: Alraune (1930)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 103
Body Count: Humans: 6; Total: 6
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 7/10
Note: Interesting movie. A scientist uses mandrake to impregnate a street walker and raises the offspring, a beautiful woman with no moral compass named Alraune.

Movie #36
October 18: I Eat Your Skin (1971)
Format: Broadcast
First Time Viewing: No
Run Time of Film (minutes): 92
Body Count: Humans: 52; Zombies: 13; Total: 65
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 4/10
Note: I've eaten more skin in my life than was in this whole damn movie! (And I'm not talking about chicken skin, either...)

Movie #37
October 19: Near Death (2004)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 93
Body Count: Ghosts: 1; Ghouls: 4; Humans: 6; Total: 11
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 5/10
Note: For all the faults of this movie (and there are quite a few, including sub-par acting, bad directing, and lame special effects to name a few), I actually enjoyed it. This type of film should have had a lot of padding, but there really wasn't too much wasted film time, which really surprised me.

Movie #38
October 19: Trip with the Teacher (1975)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 91
Body Count: Humans: 5; Total: 5
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 5/10
Note: Hot for Teacher

Movie #39
October 20: Reverb (2008)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: No
Run Time of Film (minutes): 88
Body Count:
Humans: 8; Total: 8
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 4/10
Note: "Reverb" spelled backwards is "Brever." Which is actually more interesting than the movie.

Movie #40
October 20: Evidence of a Haunting (2010)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 80
Body Count: Humans: 4; Poltergeists: 1; Total: 5
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 2/10
Note: Thank God for 1.5 speed. Get to see and hear it all, but get it over a lot quicker.

Movie #41
October 21: Embryo (1976)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 104
Body Count: Dogs: 4; Fish: 1; Humans: 4; Total: 9
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 6/10
Note: For some reason, I was thinking this was a science fiction horror movie like Alien.

Movie #42
October 21: Lights, The (2009)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 87
Body Count: Birds: 1; Cows: 1; Humans: 7; Total: 9
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 4/10
Note: Not exactly sure what the purpose of "The Lights" were in this movie. I'm thinking maybe it made the baddie just a little more baddier.

Movie #43
October 22: Excision (2012)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: No
Run Time of Film (minutes): 81
Body Count: Birds: 1; Humans: 28; Total: 29
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 7/10
Note: The best thing about this movie was the lack of disturbing images.

Movie #44
October 22: Crossland (2013)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: No
Run Time of Film (minutes): 70
Body Count: Birds: 3; Humans: 2; Total: 5
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 5/10
Note: If you enjoy watching people run around and listening to an older couple complain about trespassers for over five minutes, have I got the movie for YOU! (But I kinda liked it.)

Movie #45
October 23: Thing, The (2011)
Format: Bluray
First Time Viewing: No
Run Time of Film (minutes): 103
Body Count: Aliens: 9; Cats: 1; Dogs: 1; Humans: 13; Unknown: 6 Total: 30
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 7/10
Note:The play is The Thing, and this Thing loved to play.

Movie #46
[b]October 23:
Thing, The (1982)
Format: Bluray
First Time Viewing: No
Run Time of Film (minutes): 103
Body Count:[/b] Aliens: 8; Dogs: 6; Humans: 12; Total: 5
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 10/10
Note: Arguably one of the best horror movies ever made. Only reason it shouldnโ€™t be in every horror fan's top ten greatest ever is they haven't seen it yet.

Movie #47
October 23: Ritual (2016)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 87
Body Count: Humans: 7; Total: 7
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 4/10
Note: If you enjoy watching a guy run around the woods, have I got a movie for YOU!

Movie #48
October 24: Untamed, The (2016)
Format: Shudder
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 98
Body Count: Humans: 3; Total: 3
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 5/10
Note: I honestly didn't get this movie. I must have blinked when the reason for its existence was explained. I did like what I saw, though.

Movie #49
October 24: Martyr's Lane (2021)
Format: Shudder
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 96
Body Count: Humans: 1; Rabbits: 8; Total: 9
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 6/10
Note: I can't believe that Jennifer Asnistan still looks that great.

Movie #50
October 25: Prey (2016)
Format: Tubi
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 108
Body Count: Chickens: 9; Deer: 1; Humans: 18; Lions: 2; Total: 30
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 5/10
Note: A hilarious cartoon that doesnโ€™t get the attention it deserves is Space Cats.

Movie #51
October 25: Passed the Door of Darkness (2008)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 100
Body Count: Humans: 12; Total: 12
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 4/10
Note: If the movie ended eight minutes sooner, I would have given it another point.

Movie #52
October 26: Resident Evil: Degeneration (2008)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 97
Body Count: Humans: 42; Mutants: 1; Zombies: 58; Total: 101
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 6/10
Note: Just talkin' 'bout my dโ€ฆ dโ€ฆ degeneration.

Movie #53
October 26: Earth vs. the Spider (2001)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 90
Body Count: Humans: 15; Mutants: 1; Total: 16
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 4/10
Note: This was a comic book. When it says it was inspired by the 1958 classic, they menat the title only.

Movie #54
October 27: School, The (2018)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 86
Body Count: The Dead: 8; Dogs: 1; Humans: 9; Total: 18
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 6/10
Note: Any movie that opens with a wet t-shirt should a bonus point, as far as I'm concerned. (Six is my official rating, BTW)

Movie #55
October 28: Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 123
Body Count: Alligators: 1; Birds: 12; Chickens: 8; Dogs: 2; Humans: 29; Rodents: 26; Vampires: 13; Total: 91
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 8/10
Note: I once did an interview with an umpire. You know, back when sports was still an American pasttime, not a distraction from the Democrat Party's evilness.

Movie #56
[b]October 28:
Dollhouse Graveyard (2005)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 71
Body Count: Humans: 5; Total: 5
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 5/10
Note: Boy, they sure had ugly dolls in 1911. And for not being an original story by any measure, it was much better than I expected.

Movie #57
October 28: Emelie (2016)
Format: Shudder
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 82
Body Count: Hamsters: 1; Humans: 3; Total: 5
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 4/10
Note: In case you weren't aware, Corvettes suck.

Movie #58
October 29: Night Watcher (2008)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 93
Body Count: Humans: 8; Total: 8
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 4/10
Note: Whenever I see the Lionsgate intro, I know it's going to be hit or miss. Rarely is it an average film. It's either really good, or sucks donley balls.

Movie #59
October 29: Torture Chamber of Dr. Sadism, The (1967)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 85
Body Count: Humans: 37; Unknown: 2; Total: 39 (Plus a lot of skulls and limbs)
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 7/10
Note: Dr. Sadism had a pretty cool laboratory. The only thing missing was one of those bzzzzt things.

Movie #60
October 30: I Am Omega (2007)
Format: Tubi
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 91
Body Count: Humans: 9; Mutants: 40; Unknown: 1; Total: 50
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 4/10
Note: A guy wanders around southern California picking up things and occasionally kills a mutant.

Movie #61
October 30: Nightmare Castle (1965)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 101
Body Count: Humans: 5; Total: 5
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 7/10
Note: I am ashamed to admit my viewing of Barbara Steele films is severely lacking.

Movie #62
October 30: 2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams (2010)
Format: DVD
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 84
Body Count: Chickens: 7; Dogs: 1; Humans: 10; Total: 18
Recommend to others: No
Rating: 2/10
Note: I want those 84 minutes back.
Movie #63
October 31: 47 Hours to Live (2019)
Format: Tubi
First Time Viewing: Yes
Run Time of Film (minutes): 91
Body Count: Humans: 4; Total: 4
Recommend to others: Yes
Rating: 5/10
Note: I played a phone game once. Nobody died, but at least one restraining order came out of it.
First Time Viewings: 55
Repeat Viewings: 8
Total viewings: 63
DVD/Bluray: 53
Subscription Service: 9
Satellite/Broadcast: 1
Highest Body Count: (Resident Evil: Degeneration - 2008) - 101
Lowest Body Count: (House of the Damned - 1963) - 01
Total Body Count: Aliens: 37; Alligators: 1; Armadillos: 1; Bats: 12; Birds: 22; Buffalo: 1; Cats: 4; Chickens: 25; Coyotes: 1; Cows: 3; The Dead: 9; Deer: 6; Demons: 9; Dogs: 15; Fish: 1; Ghosts: 6; Ghouls: 4; Hamsters: 1; Humans: 750; Infected: 5; Lions: 2; Monsters: 14; Poltergeists: 1; Pigs: 1; Possessed: 1; Rabbits: 8; Rodents: 27; Snakes: 3; Undead: 2; Unknown: 11; Vampires: 22; Witches: 2; Wraiths: 9; Zombies: 95; TOTAL: 1153 (Plus a lot of bones and skulls)
Shortest Movie: 52 minutes (The Evil Cat - 2000)
Longest Movie: 123 minutes (Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles - 1994)
Busiest Day: October 23 (299 minutes, 3 movies)
Average Length: 90.44 minutes
Total Length:5698 minutes (94.97 hours) (3.96 days)
2020s: 01
2010s: 22
2000s: 28
1990s: 04
1980s: 01
1970s: 03
1960s: 01
1950s: 00
1940s: 00
1930s: 01
1920s: 00
1910s: 00

Let's Go Brandon!

Amon_101 says:
#30, Reply to #29

Oct '21 *
Note: I try to make them fun, and in some cases the relation to the movie is stretched to the breaking point, but it IS there (somewhere).

Amon_101 says:
#31, Reply to #22

Oct '21
That's a very disturbing thing to declare after the announcement of the birth of his baby.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.