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Dec '18
Hey, it's Christmastime everyone - there needs to be a Christmas themed horror movie thread here at Trash Epics, right? RIGHT???

So this is it here. Post whatever you want about Christmas horror movies.

With Christmas being my favorite holiday, and horror being my favorite movie genre, it would only make sense that, when the two merge together, it has the potential to cure CANCER. No, I'm kidding. Just thought it'd be funny to say "CANCER" in a holiday-themed thread.

I love this time of year, I really do, and get all gushy over lights and decorations and yes, even the dreaded Christmas music. Call me a masochist, but I love that shit. And then there's the food. Oh boy. The food.

But back to movies. I watched Christmas Evil aka You Better Watch Out (I like this title better) the other night. I really enjoyed it, probably even moreso than the one time I saw it however many years ago. The movie isn't your traditional slasher flick, despite the fact that it's sometimes lumped in as one, and I think that's what I admired so much about it this time. If viewed as a twisted black comedy it seriously rocks. Brandon Maggart, the main dude who wants so badly to be Santa Claus and just make kids happy, is great in the role. I never knew this until recently, but he's Fiona Apple's dad, which I found interesting, for no particular reason really.

Anyway, I liked the film a lot, enough to possibly start including it in my yearly watches 'round this time of year, next to unbeatable classics like Black Christmas and Silent Night, Deadly Night.

So...post anything you want about Christmas horror films, recommendations, traditions you have with your own personal movie viewings, etc. Whatever.

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Johan_WoW says:
#23, Reply to #21

Dec '18
On Znep's thread I already mentioned which else I'll watch from your list. At least they do sound fun on paper :)

Last House on Dead End Street
Near Dark
Beyond the Darkness
I Drink your Blood
The Redeemer

It's just Combat Shock I'll skip I don't think that will interest me. Oh I see it's a Troma movie lol.

sfpx says:
#24, Reply to #23

Dec '18
Combat Shock is only distributed by Troma. So it's very un-Tromalike.

I hope you like something from my list, haha. Surprised you haven't seen Near Dark!

Johan_WoW says:
#25, Reply to #24

Dec '18
Not sure why I should have seen Near Dark. I see it's directed by a woman, now that is interesting for sure. I always find it curious to see how much different the approach is going to be with a female director. The Revenge surely was different from the usual revenge flick with the guy here being more sexualized. Humanoids from the Deep was also directed by a woman but that surely doesn't show with all the not so subtle female nudity. But it is said those scenes were filmed by a guy. It wouldn't surprise me if that were true.

sfpx says:
#26, Reply to #25

Dec '18
Slumber Party Massacre was written and directed by women. I don't know whether they'd call themselves feminists or not, but I think the fact that they could write and make a film that's gratuitous and gives the (male) audience what they want, shows much security in themselves and is all the more empowering in the grand scheme of things, from a woman's perspective, that is.

Johan_WoW says:
#31, Reply to #24

Dec '18
Well I already told you I liked Silent Night, Deadly Night. i'm not sure it can get better. Are the sequels recommendable you think? I have also watched The Redeemer which had some cool kills and I liked how the killer got those metamorphoses. It seems to have some kind of Damien the Omen reference with that kid. Well they could have left out that religious crap. It's passable and pretty short but I proly forget about it quickly.
Seen also Beyond the Darkness. Well typical d'Amato shlock I guess with a few pretty sick and gory scenes, nice ladies with hot naked bods even though most are already dead by that moment. The story didn't do that much for me though which was mostly due to the pretty wooden protagonist who seems to go through the motions. Most interesting was the creepy housekeeper who stole every scene she was in. I really rooted for her to kill of the protagonist. At least she hurt him where it hurt him most his balls and eyes

sfpx says:
#33, Reply to #31

Dec '18 *
I haven't seen the fourth one, but the others aren't really worth it, imo. I know part 4 has its fans, taking the story into another direction (for the better, it would seem.) The fifth one is watchable i suppose, but nothing really to go out of your way for.

Glad you (sorta) like The Redeemer and Beyond the Darkness. Yeah, the supernatural angle in The Redeemer could've been left out and the story would have been nearly the same (sans that extra thumb). Maybe just making him some religious nut out to 'redeem' all the sinners from his high school would have sufficed. But as you said about The Omen, which was big at the time, must've had an influence.

#28, Reply to #21

Dec '18
I wouldn't be surprised in the least if he did like Silent Night Deadly Night. Krampus was watchable but not very good at all imo.

ZombieCPA says:

Dec '18
Going to watch this one today.


sfpx says:
#20, Reply to #19

Dec '18
Whoa, looks pretty cool.

I thought Orion Pictures went out of business a long time ago...

ZombieCPA says:
#29, Reply to #20

Dec '18
A mixed bag of nuts. They did a good job developing the characters and I cared about what happened to the main characters. I was sad as some of the main characters met their doom. Some of the zombie kills were fun. The pacing was bad because the musical parts of the movie didn't flow well with the rest of it. The comedy aspect of the movie wasn’t well done. They copied some of the humor of Shaun of the Dead, but I’ve already heard those jokes. As far as a zomedy, I like Shaun of the Dead better. As far as a splatter / Horror/ musical, I like Dead & Breakfast better.

Tromafreak says:

Dec '18
I'm pretty indifferent to Christmas Horror, minus the SNDN series, of course. The first 2 cuz I love them. The last 3 cuz fuck those pieces of shit. At least 4 & 5 tried something new, not that something new was needed, but what the hell's up with 3? It's like that wanted to try something new but got cold feet and stuck Ricky in it, anyway. It wouldn't have been any worse if Bill Mosley was just playing some guy. Calling him "Ricky" only gave people expectations for this movie to be something. SNDN wasn't much but it was something. 3 ain't shit.

Yakko says:

Dec '18
I've never been crazy about holidays in general except for the Fourth of July but that has been ruined for me as well in recent years. There are things I do like about each one, but I just don't as excited about them as many people seem to. Probably due in part to all the crap I endured as a kid. It always tended to be worse around the winter holidays. I did enjoy all the good food we always had though. That's harder to get these days. Candy and cookies have really tanked in the last few decades.

There's a lot of Christmas horror movies I haven't seen. I usually do watch Black Christmas every year. I think it's a great slasher film and one of the better holiday themed horror movies. I haven't seen the remake.

Some other Christmas themed horror movies that no one has mentioned yet that I have seen are Night Train Murders and Who Slew Aunty Roo. Rabid takes place around Christmas time too, and has a scene where a guy dressed as Santa Claus gets accidentally shot.

Surprisingly I like a lot of the non-horror Christmas movies too. An old one that probably not many people have heard of anymore is The Great Rupert. I haven't seen it for a while but remember liking it. It's quite different than any other in that it's plot revolves around a trained performing squirrel that escapes from its owner and takes up residence in the attic of a family who needs some financial help. I also think George C. Scott's version of A Christmas Carol is quite good. I always enjoyed Dutch, but that's Thanksgiving. Another one I remember liking was The Family Stone. I always thought there was something kind of hot about Claire Danes, even though she's technically only average looking.

zed says:

Dec '18
Top 5

The Day of the Beast (1995)
Better Watch Out (2016)
Black Christmas (1974)
Home for the Holidays (1972)
Elves (1989)

sfpx says:

Dec '18
I watched Black Christmas last night. The original, durr. Anyway, this is still one of the greatest horror movies of the 1970s, imo. The movie at this point is like a cozy cup of hot chocolate, always comforting. No matter how many times I've seen it - and I've seen it a lot - the ending, when Jess is told the calls are coming from inside the house, always sends chills up my spine. And the way she screams for her friends to answer her, so hysterical and genuine, it's some of the best screaming in any horror film. I really get the sense that she's actually terrified.

What's interesting to me is that for the entirety of the film it's pretty blatant Peter is supposed to be the killer. It simply isn't possible for it to be anyone else. The things the caller says, about the baby, and the line "it's like removing a wart", something Peter had just said to Jess, him being upstairs during one of the harrassing phone calls supposedly "sleeping" (yeah, right), and perhaps most of all...him knowing Jess was in the basement after the killer chases her down there. There's literally no way he could've known that if he wasn't the killer.

It's almost as if the producer said at the last second..."nah, let's just throw the audiences for a loop, make Peter not be the killer, and leave things opened ended. Fuck it. It's creepier that way." And it is. I freaking love this ending. It's what bumps it up from a damn good horror film to an all-time classic for me.

I've always had a thing for old interior decor, particularly from the '70s, and I'd be remiss not to mention the inside of the sorority house....man, I friggin love it. All these dated browns and oranges. I want to live in a house like this. The shots of the upstairs are so creepy. So lonely, quiet, and eerie. The house itself really adds to the atmosphere of the film and is just as important an element to the success of the creep factor as the phone calls themselves are.

Finally, the bits of humor are a welcome touch. It adds some much needed levity to the tension and makes many of the characters seem more human. For instance, late in the film, when the two goofy guys from the search party show up at the kitchen door, Jess and Phil are seen cracking up by the end of the exchange. I like the humanity they bring to the table. Even after all this frightening stuff has been happening and their friend Claire has been missing, the director thought it important to show that these are three dimensional characters, capable of having a laugh even in the most stressful of times.

Tommix says:

Apr '20
I just saw Christmas Evil, a few nights ago! It started very very late, like around 3:00 or 3:30 AM, but I just said fuck it, I'll stay up. I'm glad I did!

It's a pretty interesting movie. I think I know what you mean about classifying it... it's hard to know exactly how to lump it with other movies. You definitely could call it a black comedy though. That works... In some ways it could be seen as just a completely objective, neutral, clear-eyed depiction of mental illness, combined with some commentary about what Christmas means, what we think it means, what it should or could mean, etc. I am not totally sure I perceived everything the director and actors intended very well, because I watched it so late at night. But, I liked the way they went back and forth between showing him being a psycho slasher maniac and then suddenly having a scene where he interacts happily with people celebrating Christmas, and everything, on the whole, works out very nicely. Even in those scenes, they do show a few people who can tell there is something VERY seriously wrong with this guy, but enough people just get caught up in the Christmas spirit with singing carols, etc, that they just accept his behavior as being Christmassy.

The ending is... I think that's what "magic realism" is supposed to be, isn't it?!? I don't know if I should give spoilers. But, I just mean what happens at the very end. That was a cool twist. He could still have been totally crazy the whole time, but maybe his form of insanity just matched up well with some Powers that Be, behind the universe, running everything and judging the good and bad.... not sure.

I also liked seeing Jeffrey DeMunn in it. It was one of his first movies! He looks so young in it, I could hardly recognize him. He did a good job, of course.

So anyway... yeah! Good stuff.

sfpx says:
#36, Reply to #35

May '20
Glad to hear you liked it.

Brandon Maggart, who plays the antagonist, is Fiona Apple's father. Just an FYI.

jimb14red says:

May '20
Christmas Evil is not only the best Christmas horror movie it is the best Christmas movie period. Besides being a great psychological study horror film along the same vein as Maniac it has the most Christmas spirit and shows the true meaning of Christmas.


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