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Christmas Horror

by sfpx

Dec '18
Hey, it's Christmastime everyone - there needs to be a Christmas themed horror movie thread here at Trash Epics, right? RIGHT???

So this is it here. Post whatever you want about Christmas horror movies.

With Christmas being my favorite holiday, and horror being my favorite movie genre, it would only make sense that, when the two merge together, it has the potential to cure CANCER. No, I'm kidding. Just thought it'd be funny to say "CANCER" in a holiday-themed thread.

I love this time of year, I really do, and get all gushy over lights and decorations and yes, even the dreaded Christmas music. Call me a masochist, but I love that shit. And then there's the food. Oh boy. The food.

But back to movies. I watched Christmas Evil aka You Better Watch Out (I like this title better) the other night. I really enjoyed it, probably even moreso than the one time I saw it however many years ago. The movie isn't your traditional slasher flick, despite the fact that it's sometimes lumped in as one, and I think that's what I admired so much about it this time. If viewed as a twisted black comedy it seriously rocks. Brandon Maggart, the main dude who wants so badly to be Santa Claus and just make kids happy, is great in the role. I never knew this until recently, but he's Fiona Apple's dad, which I found interesting, for no particular reason really.

Anyway, I liked the film a lot, enough to possibly start including it in my yearly watches 'round this time of year, next to unbeatable classics like Black Christmas and Silent Night, Deadly Night.

So...post anything you want about Christmas horror films, recommendations, traditions you have with your own personal movie viewings, etc. Whatever.


Dec '18
The opening of Santa's Slay (2005) is hilariously epic.

sfpx says:
#3, Reply to #1

Dec '18
Oh yeah. Isn't that like the best part of the movie? Turned it off shortly after that. Got boring.

Znep27 says:

Dec '18
Silent Night Deadly Night and Christmas Evil are my favorite classics that I usually watch. And now Better Watch Out is a new classic that will surely be in my yearly Christmas viewings.

Although, I gotta tell ya, I have hated Christmas ever since around the time I got my first job.

sfpx says:
#4, Reply to #2

Dec '18
Oh don't be such a Grinch.

I thought Better Watch Out was just OK. Maybe it needs a second watch.

markus-san says:

Dec '18
I thought Silent Night Deadly Night wasn't that great personally.. I don't get its "classic" status. To me it's just a run-of-the-mill slasher movie set at.. Christmas. But it was fun and I can see it's appeal I guess.

Black Christmas and of course Gremlins are the only two good Christmas horrors I've seen. And I guess The Nightmare Before Christmas, although I tend to think of that more as a halloween movie.

And aside from horror, of course no Christmas is complete without a viewing of..


sfpx says:
#7, Reply to #5

Dec '18
Run of the mill? With rape, creepy catatonic grandpa, sadistic nun, death by antlers, and a deaf man dressed as Santa gunned down mistakenly.... there's a cruelness and raunchiness present not found in a run of the mill slasher.

Znep27 says:

Dec '18
Edmund Purdom, the dean from Pieces, directed the somewhat crappy, but not too terrible slasher Don't Open Till Christmas. I always thought, if someone was killing everyone dressed as Santa, wouldn't everybody just stop dressing like Santa? Is it that important to them that they're willing to risk their lives?

sfpx says:
#8, Reply to #6

Dec '18
Well, the holiday MUST go on....

I like that movie. It's sleazy, lots of people die and the ending is bonkers. Good enough for me.

ZombieCPA says:

Dec '18
A Cadaver Christmas
Rare Exports
Feeders 2
and this:


sfpx says:
#11, Reply to #9

Dec '18
That's a great episode. Didn't the Tales from the Crypt movie also have a killer Santa segment? I don't remember it being nearly as good as the television show version, though.

ZombieCPA says:
#13, Reply to #11

Dec '18 *
"And All Through the House" in the 1972 movie. Both are based on the same EC comic story. I like the newer version better.


Box_a_Hair says:

Dec '18
Christmas and horror go together better than such a jolly season would suggest. Obviously, they made horror films out of any and every holiday and season, so Christmas time is no exception.

Personally, I'm not as crazy about this season as most people. I never buy anyone gifts, and that upsets people, but I don't know what to get anyone. I don't even know what to get myself. I tend to zone out in my own world a lot, so I have a difficulty with empathy and whatnot. I just have a hard time getting the xmas spirit, and my only means to remedy that is by watching xmas xlassics.

Last year, we had a Christmas themed challenge for December. I had a lot of fun with that, considering that it didn't need to be horror, but since we're all horror nuts here, we did get a bulk of those.

Everyone knows about Silent Night Deadly Night and Black Christmas. Personally, I love both. SNDN is some perfectly moody slasher sleaze, and Black Christmas is creepy as fuck. Christmas Evil was a bit off to me, but it wasn't terrible. I watched Santa's Slay (great for that opening scene mostly), All through the Night (decent/forgettable), and Better Watch Out (solid home invasion). Apparently, I also watched David Hess's "To All a Good Night", and I remember liking it, but I honestly don't remember shit about it.

Rate some Christmas Horror Movies

sfpx says:
#12, Reply to #10

Dec '18
I never buy anyone gifts, and that upsets people, but I don't know what to get anyone.

Money. Can't go wrong emoticon

To All A Goodnight is pretty good. Seen it a couple of times but not in a while. May have to rectify that this month. I remember a thread on the imdb board about people's ugly naked bodies in horror films...and there's this one chick in the film, toward the end, who gets nude and she's got this rail thin, anorexic body that just makes me emoticon

Ballz says:

Dec '18
As much as I like Halloween, Christmas isn't bad either. I'm particularly fond of Christmas lights. Have a couple strands hanging in my room year round, in fact. I listen to my share of Christmas music as well. Not the modern junk, but most older songs are tolerable.

Silent Night, Deadly Night and Black Christmas are about it for me when it comes to yearly Christmas horror viewings. Usually I'm busy with non-horror Christmas movies. I watched The Christmas Chronicles earlier on Netflix. Not horror, a little corny, and a lot of CGI, but Kurt Russell makes for a damn good Santa. Sometimes I'll throw on something like Christmas Evil, Krampus, or maybe a Silent Night, Deadly Night sequel, but I might go several years before viewing them again.

jimb14red says:

Dec '18 *
Christmas Evil is my favorite Christmas movie, period. Horror or not. I love that movie. It portrays the true Christmas spirit better than any other. Some others I like besides the obvious like Black Christmas, Silent Night Deadly Night, Gremlins etc. are.

Silent Night Deadly Night 4 : Initiation - This kind of suffers the same syndrome as Halloween 3. Really should be called something else as it has no relation to the franchise. I think as a movie on its own it is damn good. Brian Yuzna directed it and seemed to be in Society mode when he did in my opinion.

Silent Night Bloody Night - Solid low budget film that clearly influenced Black Christmas.

Elves - Just a crazy entertaining mess

Znep27 says:
#16, Reply to #15

Dec '18 *
Elves, much like Night of the Demons, features a kid spying on his sister and commenting on her tits.

"you've got fucking big tits and I'm going to tell everybody I saw them!"

More movies need this.

sfpx says:
#22, Reply to #15

Dec '18
What about Silent Night, Bloody Night makes you say it clearly influenced Black Christmas? My memory on the movie is a little hazy. There were a few creepy phone calls in it, right?

sfpx says:

Dec '18
I watched Silent Night, Deadly Night earlier tonight. I couldn't resist. I wanted to wait until later in the month to watch it but it showed up on Shudder and I couldn't resist.

Some observations:

I love the interiors of the homes, the orphanage and the old folks' retirement home. Everything is so....brown, and bland, and just...so ordinary looking. Like whoever was responsible for the shooting locations found these places, said OK, and the set dressers just left things as is. The interiors almost have a disturbingly depressing, dated look to them, which of course, works to the film's advantage. It's basically the opposite of a stylish Argento film. Its complete and total lack of style is its style, one could argue.

The film occasionally lapses into scenes where the print is of an obviously much lesser quality, like certain scenes during Linnea Quigley's antler impalement for instance. I fucking love this. It kinda gives the movie this dangerous, subversive feel...like you shouldn't be watching it or something.

When grown-up Billy is fantasizing about himself having sex with his co-worker, the camera catches a glimpse of his ass crack, and my God is it hairy! I think I might've noticed this before and forgot, but it caught me by surprise in any event. Hairy man ass isn't something you ordinarily see in...well....anything, besides maybe '80s gay porn.

After Billy starts his murder spree, the cops hit the streets looking for their killer Santa Claus. But wait a second, how do they know he's dressed as Santa? Sure, the nice, caring nun calls the toy store and finds out from the stock room manager that Billy is playing Santa, but that doesn't mean hes still in costume when he finally snaps, or when he leaves the store to continue his rampage. Anyone who ever saw him ended up dead, so it isn't like there are any eyewitness reports.

I love that music during the opening credits and right at the end, when Billy's brother says "naughty" and the closing credits roll. What exactly is going on? It sounds like the composer had a seizure on top of his synthesizer. The music is totally nutzoid and chaotic, in the best of ways.

Why the hell would the mom and dad leave young Billy alone with that creepy, catatonic grandpa? I know, to further the story, but still. Doesn't make sense. No parent would do that.

The song that plays during Billy's montage when he first gets the job at the toy store...what in the ever living fuck?! There's no way, even in 1984, that that song would've EVER been considered even remotely cool.

I seriously think the film is at the very top of the 80s slasher heap. It gets right down to business, is mean, raunchy, entertaining, has lots of tits and cool death scenes, and never overstays its welcome.

Johan_WoW says:

Dec '18
With you nominating Silent Night, Deadly Night for the draft this is a good opportunity to finally watch it. Yes it's shameful I haven't yet seen it. I like Christmas period for the same reasons as you do.
As for movies no i'm not a particular fan of Christmas movies. I wasn't that crazy about Black Christmas but than again I'm not that big on slashers. Gremlins is fun but not one I would pop in every christmas. It's actually a long time since I have seen it.
Usually TV comes up with the Home alone movies. They were fun once we got to the kid vs the bandits parts with the traps etc.
Santa Claus: The Movie (1985) I really loved as a kid. It's not one that kept up well rewatching it as an adult though.
So no I don't really have a christmas movie watching tradition.
But I'll get to Silent Night, Deadly Night and also Krampus (2015) since that one was nominated for the other draft.

sfpx says:
#21, Reply to #18

Dec '18
Yeah, you need to see it Johan. You probably won't like it (lol) but at least you gave it a shot.

I think I have too much nostalgia attached to it, personally, but such is life.


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