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A genre exploiting the evils and ignorance of the American south.

Monster Mash

The pairing of iconic monsters into the same universe, originating from the 1940s Universal monster movie crossovers, like Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man and House of Frankenstein.


The delusion of a disordered mind. A phantom. A spirit. A ghost.


Don't pretend like you don't know!


I could be wrong, but I believe Predator is Chris Pine's character in Horrible Bosses 2.


A swat-team entity that fights zombies. Notably a character in "Dawn of the Dead" and multiple characters in "Hell of the Living Dead".


A follow-up film to continue the story of a prior film. Sequels will inherently fail to surpass the original film's integrity, yet they provide gratuity, and a box office gross.


A serial killer with a preference for melee weapons, popularized in the 70s and 80s with horror icons Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Leatherface, and Michael Myers.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise has been shelling out ninja action for over three decades now. Heroes in a half shell!


A powerful impervious humanoid machine with advanced artificial intelligence, programmed to terminate humans. The main antagonists in the Terminator film series.


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