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A swat-team entity that fights zombies. Notably a character in "Dawn of the Dead" and multiple characters in "Hell of the Living Dead".

image Roger is a character in the 1978 zombie film "Dawn of the Dead", played by actor Scott Reiniger. He is part of the swat team and knows how to kick ass.

Zombies only upset him when he drives large trucks, as he is otherwise indifferent towards their lumbering menace. Or maybe he hates getting blood on his face? Hell if I know.

With the help of a brother, he steals a mall and lives like a king, living and dying with his favorite things, drugs, and apocalypse survivors. It is a classic fairy tale, and lifestyle that many strive for.

There is only one true Roger.

Gangstas have Scarface on repeat. Zombie fanatics have Dawn of the Dead on repeat. However, Italy went too far... Italy had Dawn of the Dead's Roger on repeat.

image In 1980, Italian knock-off "Hell of the Living Dead" stole some of the Goblin music from Dawn of the Dead, as well as the character of Roger, whom Bruno Mattei cloned several times so he could film them all together in one take, as CGI was only for billionaire film-makers, like Steven Spielman.

However, these fake Rogers were without the heart and passion of the real Roger, and came off as stupid. One of them dresses up like a woman? That came out of nowhere!

Italy wrote some dumb fuck characters sometimes, but we'll forgive 'em!


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