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Aug '18
I don't. That goes double for dead people. Or maybe animals is worse. I wouldn't know. I could probably deal with fur better than cold, dead skin. But yeah. Fuck them both. I'm not sure what the appeal is. Of course, I don't really get the appeal of anything that I don't find arousing. That's pretty normal, I think. The jury's still out on the gays as far as "normal" goes, but not so much all that other shit. Far lefties already trying to wedge in the "P" into the LGBT. P for Pedophile, N for Necro, S for sisterfucker. Why the fuck not?

I wish I hadn't already used the "S" cuz what about the shit eaters? Sorry guys. Shit is a bit of a taboo, isn't it? That Not Safe For Work thread WAS going pretty well. Although any time I go to it, now, it says "the site ahead contains malware", and will not let me see the fucked up pics. I have no idea what that means. Please look into that, Fuad. I'm not done posting in it. But yeah. I should have posted less shit in there and more shark bites. I hope that's not what caused this. Too bad it's mostly me and Onyx who posted in there. But I've seen the rest of you sick cunts peeking.

So, pocket pussies are pretty sweet. Anyone here ever stick their penis in one? Did it feel good? It felt good to me. It actually smelled like vanilla. Or maybe it was coconuts. I forgot. I had one of those a few years ago until I accidentally ripped it open with my dick. Did you know masturbation and even sex can be bad for the prostate. I found that out the hard way, this year. A hard penis isn't even a bone, is it? some even call them boners. I don't, though. I like the way "hard on" rolls off the tongue, don't you?

No, it was definitely vanilla. And maybe "SH" for the shit eaters. That way it could be LGBTPNSSH, and we can lump all the sexual deviants into the same category. Unless we want to get cute about it and add Furries and Bronies, although I don't think they actually fuck the My Little Ponies since they're only on the Television, that is unless there's something I don't know about that whole thing. Which brings me back to my original question. Do you ever think about fucking animals?

Box_a_Hair says:

Aug '18
What an interesting rant. I've never looked at an animal and found it sexually attractive. I've sometimes wondered what would happen if a man fucks a monkey, but I'm 99% certain that it wouldn't work, nor would it be reasonable to try.

LGBTQ stuff always bugs me, because they try to make a lifestyle out of their sexuality. It can become all those people focus on, is how fashionable they can be toward their crowd. I don't let my sexual orientation define who I am as a person. Why do these people need to shove it in everyone's face?

I suppose the P would stand for pansexuals, who come off as rather sexual deviants. They'll fuck anything, right? Like men, women, cats, tree stumps, who knows.

Animals aren't attractive, but once you start making them more humanoid, then you've got all sorts of weirdos who get off to that stuff.

Ballz says:
#4, Reply to #1

Aug '18
I've sometimes wondered what would happen if a man fucks a monkey

That's how AIDS got started.

Gymnopedie says:
#8, Reply to #4

Aug '18 *
I would like to be Fox Mulder for a moment, if you will...

According to Phil Schneider, who was a geologist and engineer assigned by the US government, AIDS was a population control virus invented by the National Ordinance Laboratory, Chicago, Illionois.


Also, Thomas Castello, a security officer who worked at Dulce, New Mexico. Sex-change, or sex reassignment surgery first originated within the Dulce base.


.....The truth is out there...

Ballz says:
#13, Reply to #8

Aug '18
Schneider maintained that numerous previous attempts had been made on his life, including the removal of the nuts from one of the front wheels of his automobile.

Jeez. emoticon

Whether their claims are true or not, I've long believed the US government is involved in some shady shit. A virus designed for population control and forced sex-change operations would fit right in with that belief.

Tromafreak says:
#6, Reply to #1

Aug '18
I've sometimes wondered what would happen if a man fucks a monkey, but I'm 99% certain that it wouldn't work, nor would it be reasonable to try.

Wouldn't work? You mean the dick not fitting inside it's asshole or pussy or not being able to get it pregnant? Cuz you can fuck a monkey.

I suppose the P would stand for pansexuals, who come off as rather sexual deviants. They'll fuck anything, right? Like men, women, cats, tree stumps, who knows.

I'm not sure. I was under the impression they were Bi-sexuals who were also A-Sexual.

Tromafreak says:
#10, Reply to #1

Aug '18
Oh, and I ain't pulling your leg about the NSFW thread. It don't work no more.

OnyxHades says:

Aug '18 *
Do overly hairy men count as animals? You know the ones who look like they have a sweater on even if they arenโ€™t wearing a shirt? No for me on the pocket pussy, but I did at one point own a diesel-powered vibrator.

Iโ€™m not sure which would be better between an animal or a dead person. The animal would be fresher but would be bitey. Turtles could work if you popped it out of its shell. Multiple holes to chose from then. I guess youโ€™d need to stay away from snapping turtles because they also tend to be bitey. Did you know that it's a proven fact that beavers are horrible at giving head?

Dead people would pose the problem of rigor mortis. Too stiff CAN be a bad thing. Perhaps the pedos could go for dead babies? Seems like they would be a tad more limber. Sick perverts need love too. If someone is an underage pervert does that make them a prevert?

Tromafreak says:
#7, Reply to #2

Aug '18
Turtles could work if you popped it out of its shell.

For me, maybe. Lizards, frogs, eels and salamanders for you. Like in that movie.

There's gotta be somebody out there that's in to dead babies. Like a fat Gacy type that hides them in his big, sweaty ass while maintaining the illusion that he's a fine, upstanding citizen.

Ballz says:

Aug '18 *

I don't think about fucking animals. Some guy bled out internally after trying to let a horse fuck him in the butt. That's probably why they just give male horses blowjobs in animal porn. Even that seems dangerous though. I wonder how many people have been trampled while blowing a horse. Or kicked while trying to fuck a horse from behind. Now that'd be animal porn worth watching, where the animal becomes agitated and attacks the idiot trying to get their rocks off.

I've never heard that about sex and masturbation being bad for the prostate. In fact, I've heard the opposite, that frequent masturbation is good for the prostate. @Box told me a while ago that I was losing calcium every time I jizz or something like that. So I guess eventually, I'm going to have a bad prostate and bad bone(r)s. Did you know that for some animals, their hard penis actually is a bone? It's called a baculum. Walruses have a yuge baculum. I wonder if anyone's ever tried to fuck a walrus.

markus-san says:
#5, Reply to #3

Aug '18 *

I read somewhere it depends on the age you started doing it frequently.. the younger you started the higher the risk of cancer developing however if you started frequent masturbation late in your 40s or 50s, it decreases the risk.. think most of us probably started pretty young.. we're all doomed.

Ballz says:
#12, Reply to #5

Aug '18
I always thought it was just hairy palms and blindness I needed to worry about. Who knew masturbation could be so dangerous?

Tromafreak says:
#11, Reply to #3

Aug '18
I think I saw that video with the horse fucking the guy in the ass. That was hilarious. There should be a type of porn involving people tyring to fuck animals and getting killed. emoticon

I don't think sex/masturbation is necessarily bad for the prostate so much as it just irritates an already bad prostate. At least I hope that's it.

Ballz says:
#14, Reply to #11

Aug '18 *
I'd watch. Ever heard about the guy who was crushed while fucking a chicken? https://www.myconfinedspace.com/2011/01/21/spanish-perv-dies-having-sex-with-a-chicken/

I hope whatever's wrong with you is nothing too serious.

I think I hurt my prostate one time. I'd been drinking right before bed and out of fear of pissing the sheets, I tried to push out every drop I could in the toilet. I pushed too hard though because for about a week after, there was an aching pain in my ass every time I did something that involved my penis. I didn't get it checked out and it's fine now, but a damaged prostate was my conclusion.

Tromafreak says:
#15, Reply to #14

Aug '18
I must have missed the crushed chicked fucker. emoticon I guess there are more humiliating ways to die than choking and stroking.

Come to think of it, that may be how I originally damaged my prostate. Trying too hard to squeeze out every last drop of piss apparently leads to having to do that all the time, which becomes harder and harder. I was taking insane amounts of time to finish pissing. Especially at night. It got the the point of being exhausting and nerve racking. I actually thought it was all in my head for a while but it turned out to be part of a physical problem. The over pissing and daily constipation made life suck pretty bad. I also suspected I had IBS or just really needed to change my eating habits, but all I really needed was a prescription of Flomax, which relaxes the prostate, enabling it to shrink to a normal size. Problem solved!

OnyxHades says:

Aug '18
For those of you discussing the fucking of monkeys, itโ€™s a bit disturbing. Seriously, did any of you get consent from the monkey? Monkey rape is no laughing matter.

Tromafreak says:
#28, Reply to #9

Oct '18 *
I dislike those ignorant fuckin' things but they needn't be raped.

Yakko says:

Aug '18
No. Although it is one of the many things I and my parents were accused of by neighbors and peers back when I was in junior high. I remember decking a lot of girls who accused me of bestiality, and I even stabbed a few of them with pencils.

Here in my hometown, there's a guy who rapes and sexually abuses horses. He breaks into peoples' barns and sexually mutilates them while masturbating. Many of them have died. He also burned down several houses. He's done this since the mid 80s. He's been locked up and let out a few times, but always re-offends. He's now in a mental health facility for life I think, after he did it at a barn with surveillance cameras. He has a twin brother who is normal and has gotten harassed because he's been mistaken for the other guy. I can't understand things like this at all, nor can I understand pedophilia or anything else similar. I even have a hard time understanding homosexuality.

I never heard of masturbation being bad for the prostate or anything else. The only thing I remember reading in more than one place (including posts on the old soapbox) is that if you do it too much it desensitizes you and you can't get good orgasms anymore. I didn't masturbate until I was in grade 10, and that was after the injury from two gay kids throwing a heavy book at me in grade 9. I think I have one dead testicle, although recently I went to a urologist and he said an injury like that couldn't do permanent damage. I'm not sure I agree. He just gave me a sample of some generic Viagra equivalent and told me the next time I have a partner to take one about an hour before sex.

Tromafreak says:
#17, Reply to #16

Aug '18
I remember decking a lot of girls who accused me of bestiality, and I even stabbed a few of them with pencils.

I think we've all been there at one point or another...

zed says:
#19, Reply to #16

Aug '18
next time

So youve lost your virginity?


Yakko says:
#21, Reply to #19

Aug '18 *
No. He just said that because he didn't know I'd never had a partner. I didn't tell him that. I'm sure he just assumed someone my age would've had at least a few.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.