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Aug '18
Today, at least two of Fabio Frizzi's tracks from the upcoming Puppet Master reboot have been released.

Main Title https://www.dreadcentral.com/news/280708/fabio-frizzi-enchants-in-puppet-master-the-littlest-reichs-main-title-premiere/

Carnage Hotel https://dailydead.com/listen-to-our-exclusive-track-premiere-of-fabio-frizzis-carnage-hotel-from-puppet-master-the-littlest-reich-soundtrack/

(Sorry, both links are articles containing the tracks. I can't figure out how to link them directly from Soundcloud. They seem to be hidden on there.)

"Main Title" is sort of a loose re-imagining of Richard Band's original Puppet Master theme. I prefer Band's version, but Frizzi's version will work. "Carnage Hotel" is... a horror track. With some guitar thrown into it. It's not the most generic modern movie music I've heard, but it lacks the memorability of Frizzi's music of the past, particularly his music in Lucio Fulci's movies. Maybe it'll grow on me.

Still, I like that Fabio Frizzi has been brought in for this. Between his music, the involvement of actors such as Michael Parรฉ, Udo Kier, and Barbara Crampton, and S. Craig Zahler's screenplay, it's hard to imagine The Littlest Reich not being good. As a bonus (or maybe not if you love their stuff), it also appears that Full Moon has no involvement with this movie outside of Charles Band serving as a producer.

Will you be watching Puppet Master: The Littlest Reich when it comes out later this month on the 17th or perhaps during October?

As much as I want to see it, I think I'll save it for October. Even if I hated the other Puppet Master movies, I'd probably want to see this one because S. Craig Zahler is quickly becoming one of my favorite people in the movie business. Go watch Bone Tomahawk and Brawl in Cell Block 99 if you haven't already and you'll understand why I feel the way I do about him.

If you're interested in The Littlest Reich's trailer, it was released a few days ago.


Box_a_Hair says:

Aug '18
What a cast. Count me down.

I've only seen the first Puppet Master and I wasn't overly thrilled by it, but this looks promising. Anyone who's seen the rest, are they worth watching?

I still find it odd that S. Craig Zahler is involved, but that's why it might be great.

On a side note, I see it's directed by Tommy Wiklund. Almost mistook him for Tommy Wirkola. Both are okay, I guess.

Ballz says:
#2, Reply to #1

Aug '18
I wasn't overly thrilled by any of them. My favorite was the third and even that I wouldn't rate more than a 3/5. The new one looks more professional than any of the past entries. And gorier.

sfpx says:

Aug '18
Wow. I gotta say....it looks fucking badass. Hopefully it's as gory as the trailer makes it out to be.

And Thomas Lennon is in it? That dude's pretty cool. Count me in.

Ballz says:
#4, Reply to #3

Aug '18
I saw it described as "super gory and unapologetically un-PC". If true, it sounds like a fun time.

sfpx says:
#5, Reply to #4

Aug '18
I'm pretty hyped for it. I unfortunately missed a showing in Ft. Lauderdale Friday night. Found out the next day. Oh well. The 17th is right around the corner.


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