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Music rants

by zed

Dec '22
So as not to clutter the shoutbox, heres a seperate thread.

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zed says:

Dec '22 *
Im just going through the Jethro tull catalogue. ( I was in a big prog phase in my teen years, so listened to all their music, good and bad )

But Fucking hell, I had no idea they were huge in the US at the time, I thought they were more UK music that didnt appeal to US tastes

Thick as a Brick (#1 billboard) totally deserved always loved that album

A Passion Play (#1 billboard) WTF emoticontotal trash, even anderson admiys it was

War Child (#2 billboard ) Pretty middling record also, though you can hear this contains material that was meant to be in the previous album as quite a few songs say 'a passion play'

So many great artists/albums never got to #1
eg around the same time heres queeens first few albums best billboard numbers
#83,#49,#12, finally they break into the top 10 with their 4th album which reached #4 (night at the opera) It just required a near perfect album with prolly the biggest song of all time

Feb '23
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Jun '23
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Tromafreak says:

Dec '22 *
Last night, I discovered a Deathcore band called XAcidic Vaginal Liquid Explosion Generated By Mass Amounts Of Filthy Fecal Fisting And Sadistic Septic Syphilic Sodomy Inside The Infected Maggot Infested Womb Of A Molested Nun Dying Under The Roof Of A Burning Church While A Priest Watches And Ejaculates In Immense Perverse Pleasure Over His First Fresh FetusX

Kinda catchy. emoticon


zed says:
#3, Reply to #2

Dec '22
sounds blasphemuos

they get a surprisingly long wiki entry in catalan. I cant even find their english entry.
very strange

so if Im reading this right their songs are about finding the meaning of the relationship between bongs and marajuana. FFS that aint rocketscience

Tromafreak says:
#4, Reply to #3

Dec '22
If you make use of your bong often enough, lots of things become rocket science. emoticon

zed says:
#5, Reply to #4

Dec '22
I dont think Ive had marajuana for like 8 years, and that was on a pizza, so last time I smoked > 10 years prolly. I did smoke opium as the last drug I had and that was a few years ago as well

Tromafreak says:
#6, Reply to #5

Dec '22
I snorted ketamine once. emoticon

zed says:
#7, Reply to #6

Dec '22
good for you. I never really got in drugs (cept a bit of marajuana when I was younger) as I saw what it done to other people and its like Umm well ... what are the odds that I will end up differenetly.
Booze of course is a drug as well, though I feel with that you have much more chances before your brain is screwed, for one thing the highs arent as high, so the corresponding lows arent as low. Havent had a drink now though for at least 2 weeks. fucking 100 hour work weeks

Tromafreak says:
#8, Reply to #7

Dec '22 *
Yeah, if I had more money 20 years ago, I'd have been 6 feet under for some time, or at least brain damaged. I was all about getting fucked up on anything and everything. It's true, the alcohol high isn't as enjoyable as other things, but I always felt it had the most powerful/overwhelming high with more of a chance of doing or saying something stupid, alienating a friend, or just not remembering shit. Honestly, nothing I've ever tried has made me act and feel like a piece of shit more than alcohol. But I guess, in moderation, one can drink much longer in life than consuming any particular drug (besides pot). Haven't had a drink since 2015.

Tromafreak says:

Jan '23 *

How 'bout this shit? Australian Doom Metal band allegedly put out 55 full length albums and 9 EPs in less than 2 years. Can only assume every member has an unlimited supply of adderall.

But seriously, anyone have any theories on this? emoticon

Znep27 says:
#10, Reply to #9

Jan '23
And I thought King Gizzard's output was impressive...

It says they're experimental. I'm wondering if maybe a majority of their work is just improvisational jamming.

Tromafreak says:
#11, Reply to #10

Jan '23
Yeah, there's gotta be a part of the process they're leaving out or half assing. I was under the impression it could take months to even write the album, at least several weeks to record and the better part of a month to mix. Probably a bunch of bullshit noise.

zed says:
#12, Reply to #9

Jan '23
They have nothing on buckethead.

Yeah I hate this shit. Not just music but everything
Quality > quantity everytime.

Like the last few days I've been listening to Peter Hammill and Zappa, 2 guys that have way too much music. And of course even with these 2 eclectic guys theres a lot of crap there.

Even stuff I love like lou reed, dylan, neil young, phish, nofx. Fuck dudes dont be afraid to take a knife to your babies

Tromafreak says:

Feb '23

In celebration of its 50th anniversary, we got a re-recording of Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon coming out this year.And in typical Roger Waters fashion, he's doing it all by himself and shutting out the other members, and passive agressively taking credit for the original. Here's the exact quote from the man himself...

“I wrote The Dark Side of the Moon. Let's get rid of all this 'us' crap!” Waters stated during an interview with The Telegraph. “Of course we were a band, there were four of us, we all contributed, but it's my project and I wrote it. So… blah!”

zed says:
#15, Reply to #14

Feb '23
still the writer of 2 of the best 7 albums in history.
Hes being more and more a dick, I assume this is due to gilmours wife calling him out for his support of the russian state in the ukrainian war. hes one of those guys that USA = always the baddie. Sure USA has done a lot of shit in its history including starting unecessary wars, but in this case they are on the good side of history, but folks like waters can not bring themselves to admit that occasionally the US does right.
Though of course the US does benefit from this current ukrainian war, its costing them very little cash mainly cause they are getting rid of older armaments that are approaching their use by date, whilst gathering a lot of intel etc. Though I wouldn't say that was their chief reason.

Tromafreak says:
#19, Reply to #15

Feb '23
Yeah, he sounds like an unbearable fuckhead with an ego which has cost him an even greater legacy than he already has. He obviously was the most important part of PF, and his solo stuff is pretty great from what I've heard, but fuck him just the same.

markus-san says:
#16, Reply to #14

Feb '23
"but it's my project and I wrote it. So… blah!"

Lol, spoken like a true 79-year old man.

Tromafreak says:
#17, Reply to #16

Feb '23
"Blah" aka "fuck those cunts"

zed says:
#18, Reply to #16

Feb '23
the thing is if you look at the writing credits (unlike the following albums) its pretty spread out, sure waters is prolly the most important but about half the album he didnt write the music


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.