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Election 2020

Aug '20 *
With the US election on the horizon I figured it would be nice to have a place for CIVIL political discord. That being said feel free to drag your third world non-american politics into the mix as well

Box_a_Hair says:

Aug '20
I find it hilarious how little the democrats are trying this year. Why bother with Sleepy Joe? Literally anyone would be a better candidate.

DerTables says:
#2, Reply to #1

Sep '20
Joe Hiden

#3, Reply to #2

Sep '20
No matter who wins, expect chaos!

Oct '20
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Oct '20
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Oct '20
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ZombieCPA says:

Sep '20
A pet rock could do a better job than Dementia Don.

Oct '20
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markus-san says:
#9, Reply to #4

Sep '20 *
Trump on COVID-19: "It's just a cold. It will go away as if by miracle."

Trump on Climate Change: "It will get cooler."

Trump on science: "I don't think science knows actually".

Enough of this clown. I hope he doesn't get a 2nd term but something tells me he's probably going to.

zed says:
#11, Reply to #9

Sep '20 *
It will get cooler, its gonna be winter in 3 months

And we need trump, who else can possibly stop hilary clinton trafficking all those children to those secret soros mars bases

Sep '20
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DerTables says:
#15, Reply to #9

Sep '20
I don't think you get how quotation marks work...

Sep '20
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Sep '20
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ZombieCPA says:

Sep '20
The GOP hates democracy and hates American values. Trump has admitted that the military is โ€œlosersโ€ and โ€œsuckersโ€. The GOP doesnโ€™t support our troops. They just exploit the military.

The GOP is doing everything they can to prevent UnitedStates citizens who have the right to vote from voting right now. They knowthey will lose a fair election because there are fewer of them. They lost by 3%in 2016, 10% in 2018, and will lose by 6-10% in 2020. They hate democracy andare power hungry. Trump is trying to turn the United States into his own NorthKorea with Trump having supreme power.
In 2016 the Senate Republicans refused to do their Constitutional duty to โ€œAdvise and Consentโ€ on President Obamaโ€™s Supreme Court nominee because it was an election year and the voters should decide who replaces Scalia. Now, the hypocrites on the GOP canโ€™t even wait for the Honorable Ruth Bader Ginsburg to be buried before they start voting on that seat. I am a political moderate, but the GOP is a bunch of slime balls with no ethics or morals. They hate America and only love power.

Box_a_Hair says:
#13, Reply to #12

Sep '20
GOP? You misspelled "democrats".

DerTables says:
#14, Reply to #12

Sep '20 *
Soooooo... where to start...
First of all the "loosers" comment you are talking about was made by an anonymous source and refuted by 25 people in attendance. Furthermore under the Trump administration the military has historic funding. Next the United States is not a democracy, we are a republic. Third a "fair election" in your mind is what? Does it involve unsolicited mail in ballots that allow long dead people to vote? Speaking of dead people, you claimed the Republicans can't wait to vote on RBG's replacement before she is buried, yet Trump is on record saying he won't even announce a nominee until after her burial. Lastly The difference between Obama trying to get a SCOTUS appointment in his election year and Trump: we hold the senate, Obama's party didn't. So get the senate next time. You sound like you spend 20 hours a day watching CNN and have no ability to check primary sources yourself. In other words, you are what is wrong with this country.

ZombieCPA says:
#29, Reply to #14

Sep '20
โ€œBut this is not about this particular judge. This is about who should make the appointment. Weโ€™re in the process of picking the president, and that new president ought to make this appointment, which will affect the Supreme Court maybe for the next quarter of a century.โ€ Mitch McConnell

โ€œI want you to use my words against me. If thereโ€™s a Republican president in 2016 and a vacancy occurs in the last year of the first term, you can say Lindsey Graham said letโ€™s let the next president, whoever it might be, make that nomination,โ€ Lindsey Graham

โ€œWe will see what the people say this fall and our next president, regardless of party, will be making that nomination.โ€ Joni Ernst

I can go on, but I have already proved my point.

Game, set, and match. Stop getting brainwashed with Fox News

DerTables says:
#33, Reply to #29

Sep '20 *
"There's nothing in the Constitution that says the president stops being president in his last year," - Ruth Ginsburg (2016)

"The president should make his appointment and the Senate should vote. That's their job" - Ruth Ginsburg (2016)

"Merrick Garland is a thoughtful jurist with impeccable credentials; if he can't get bipartisan support no one can. #DoYourJob" - Chucky Schumer (2016)

I can go all day

ZombieCPA says:
#40, Reply to #33

Sep '20
The more you argue, the bigger hole you dig yourself into.

You are saying either:

1) The Republicans are admitting that a nominee should be confirmed during an election year; therefore, Merrick Garland was wronged and should be installed now to correct the wrong, or

2) The GOP was right in 2016; therefore, the nomination should not take place until the new POTUS in installed.

This is just a GOP to hold power even though they are the minority party. 3 million fewer votes in 2016 and 10 million fewer votes in 2018.

Debating with Trump supporters is as easy to win as debating with a dead stump because they have no logic or common sense.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.