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Mar '19
I didnโ€™t feel like the revenge part of this movie done very well. It is kind of strange that she wanted to play with her rapist prior to killing them. Also, she is such a small woman, and the idea of seducing and then killing her rapist just doesnโ€™t seem very practical. Overall, it was just ok and nothing really special. I donโ€™t think it deserves the reputation it has.

DerTables says:

Mar '19
I've never seen the original, but I've seen part 1 & 2 of the remake series and I like those. Have you seen the remakes?

Box_a_Hair says:

Mar '19
Its reputation suggests it ought to be banned, but it's actually a rather tame movie. I still like it though. I like it a bunch. It's definitely a product of its time, and I think it had a lot of the right ideas. The remake is much more effective in terms of being extremely graphic and disturbing. I like that one more than the original, easily. I also think the sequels to that movie are surprisingly solid as well.

sfpx says:

Mar '19
The gangrape kinda goes on forever and ever it seems. I think that alone warrants its notoriety. It disturbed me, certainly.

Also, I don't think she "wanted" to play with her rapists, she needed to get close enough to them to kill them. She's clearly unhinged, rightfully so, so it's hardly surprising.

ZombieCPA says:
#4, Reply to #3

Mar '19
She had a gun. She could have easily just shot them. I thought her second kill was funny when she cut off his slong and let him bleed to death.

sfpx says:
#7, Reply to #4

Mar '19
Oh. I didn't remember. Either way, a gun is boring. If she had shot them we wouldn't have got that awesome castration scene.

Znep27 says:

Mar '19
I think Roger Ebert's scathing review is what's mainly responsible for its notoriety.

Box_a_Hair says:

Mar '19
Alright, this thread came out just in time to shill this trailer for the new direct sequel, I Spit on Your Grave: Deja Vu, coming next month.


Ballz says:

Mar '19
I like it. Obviously I like it since I used an image from it on the Trash Challenge (which I've watched nothing for emoticon). It's a little tame and the remake's a little better, but it's still gritty and mean-spirited. And like @sfpx said, she had to seduce her rapists to get close to them for the kill. She could've shot them, sure, but that's way less personal or entertaining.

Did you happen to watch this on XVideos? I was looking up the movie on Bing before replying to you and a link to the full movie on XVideos was at the top of the results. Jerk off, then watch a rape/revenge flick, all on one site.

Yakko says:

Mar '19 *
I more or less share your opinions. It's certainly not my favorite from that time period, but I have seen it a few times. It's been very influential so I think it's a movie that genre fans should see. I think the prolonged rape and castration scenes are what got it the notoriety it has, but I'd say all these years later it doesn't quite pack the punch it must have when first released. Run of the mill horror and so-called torture porn movies of the last decade or so have far more disturbing stuff in them. Some of the later giallos like New York Ripper have it beat by miles as far as disturbing sexual content is concerned, and even some of the 80s slashers like My Bloody Valentine have as much or more gore. And then there's all the foreign stuff like August Underground, Mermaid in a Manhole, Vomit Gore trilogy, etc.

For the time period, I think Last House on the Left is a much better and more entertaining film.


Mar '19
I feel the same, it's ok but nothing special really. Overrated, in a word. Like Yakks says above I'd rather watch Last House on the Left again.

BloodWank says:

Mar '19
Wasn't the one she seduces and castrates the one who said that she was asking for it initially? I thought that was the reasoning. Like how she showed the handicapped one who couldn't do things properly a proper good time before she offed him. And kinda afterthoughts the other two who were just in it for a good time and didn't have characters so much. I thought the revenge portion was effective, had a sort of mythic quality. Like she becomes an angel of death. I think the film's reputation is deserved, if nothing else it has some of the most graphic and lengthy sexual violence outside of outright roughie porn. But as a film overall, interesting rather than exceptional. Weakest of the famous rape revenge pictures for me.


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