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2023 Oscars

Mar '23
What a fucking joke. That movie Everything Everywhere All at Once won all the big awards. It was okay at best, but still a convoluted mess of a movie. They only gave it awards because it had Asians and gay people. They really didn't have anything better than that last year?!

I hope someone got slapped.

#33, Reply to #29

Mar '23 *
I guess you haven't heard about Ian Fleming's 007 Bond series being rewritten/edited to eliminate what they deem racist and misogynistic content?

zed says:
#41, Reply to #33

Mar '23
My first question is when did he die?
OK googling 1964, so the estate still had a decade to live off the bond money, but its still quite close esp , if you have been living off this gravy train for decade.
(remeber US law = 70 years after their death then the work is in public domain)

thus in 2034 you can use the original fleming books text, but by then its not canon if enuf of the zeitgeist saiz this is not the new official version)

Vince - Follow the money,always. Most conspiracies are just about ppl trying to gleen cash from others

#44, Reply to #41

Mar '23
I enjoy debating with you Zed, honestly. I've found most conspiracy theorists were correct only suppressed especially since 2020.

zed says:
#49, Reply to #44

Mar '23
Im not debating with you, Im telling you shit (This medium aint made for debating, as thats more 1-2-1-1-2-1-2) this is more slow
but in saying that I do like detribing to you (not sure about the spelling of the word) as one drunk to another, something carthatic if I was to be so bold (and yes I rember you talking shit to me a few years ago, water off my back mate, so dont feel bad)
not sure what you mean about suppressed post 2020?

#38, Reply to #29

Mar '23
...and mate, stop watching MSNBC, they're just as bad as FOX, CNN and the BBC combined. Western mainstream news is all taken from AP. The West is just as propagandized as North Korea at this point. Find Independent news sources, hell Jimmy Dore is a better news source than that crap.

zed says:
#48, Reply to #38

Mar '23
mate I think I said this before multiple times, The last time I watched TV was the X files, i.e. last century, same with news

Box_a_Hair says:
#47, Reply to #26

Mar '23
Yes, it is the liberals doing the banning, because they're all about rewriting the narrative, for better or for worse. And surprisingly, one of our only champions in the fight against woketards and censorship is a rich billionaire.

The great thing about Musk is that he loves to troll people, and as a man of trash, I know damn well that the freedom to be an ass is what makes America great. I'm not about putting people down. Like what you want. Hate what you want. Just don't force me to hate something because it's the new trend to do so.

There's no argument from me that the two-party system is stupid as hell. Both sides suck, and the illusion of choice is just that. An illusion.

I'm not so bothered about the less vacation days. I can work. I can quit my job. I can live off subsidized housing if I wanted, but I don't want that, because I'm opting out of being part of that permanent lower class that the dems need to feed their egos and agendas. There is plenty of freedom in the US, but you have to squint hard to see it sometimes.

zed says:
#108, Reply to #47

Mar '23
heres a list of the 50 most common banned books in the US from last year

personally it does not look like that libtards are doing most of the banning, it looks more like the repedolicans.
Yes musk loves to troll and loves freedom, if thats the case why did he do the thing he said he would never do
ppl love to spout freedom but what the mean is freedom for me but not for you

Box_a_Hair says:
#109, Reply to #108

Mar '23
The banning of these lib-centric books aren't all necessarily repube motivated for the hell of it. I don't disagree that it is stupid to push all this trans/racially-divisive hate-mongering propaganda into curriculums, because what does that teach people? Valuable life lessons about tolerance? Or that whitey is the devil and all police are racist? That the less-than 8% of LGBTs in the US should dictate our laws and what we're taught in schools? It's counter productive to learning about things that actually matter, like the earth being round and the holocaust did happen, as well as other tidbits of common sense such as why historical events and wars (regardless of how triggering they may be to some) are important to know about. As a programmer, you ought to understand the value of logical-based decisions over emotional ones.

Plus, in a similar vein to video nasties, banning these books gives them more publicity and thus more sales. I wouldn't be surprised if the libs were creating this drama themselves to appear more oppressed so they can inflate their bloated egos and continue wasting time and resources on the non-issues they continue to pretend are real issues.

Or better yet, maybe they just want people to write better books, cuz these books sound pretty lame.

Musk banning that douche was because he was violating his privacy, which he then goes on to clarify is a direct personal safety risk. I can't blame him for that.

Znep27 says:
#110, Reply to #108

Mar '23
Those lqbtq+ and crt promoting books aren't actually banned. You can buy them just about anywhere. They were just removed from some schools for being inappropriate for children. The same way they don't let kids into R rated movies.

zed says:
#107, Reply to #18

Mar '23
what should be aparant from these films, is most of them clearly are not the best film of that year (I've seen about 70%), same thing back in the 20th century, its always been about popularity.

OnyxHades says:

Mar '23 *
I'm confused by some people thinking being woke isn't an issue in Hollywood. If it's not, why are they giving parts to black actors to play historically white people? Why is a black woman now playing Anne Boleyn? Why did a black man play the part of Thomas Jefferson in a play? How does that make sense? How do you think "woke" people would react if a white person was cast to play Martin Luther King Jr. ?

#34, Reply to #30

Mar '23
I wanna see Chris Pratt recast in the next Black Panther sequel!...also MLK is now looked down upon cause he preached equality not equity so I don't think they'd care.

OnyxHades says:
#35, Reply to #34

Mar '23
LOL! Let's not forget Abraham Lincoln is no good anymore either.

zed says:
#43, Reply to #35

Mar '23
why not? I saw him in a recent film battling zombies he seemed to be doing OK

zed says:
#42, Reply to #30

Mar '23
How do you think "woke" people would react if a white person was cast to play Martin Luther King Jr. ?

this has happened literally 100s times, shall I list (well I would but I dont think this edit box could holdit)
for those hard of understanding think of every film with a chinese or indian or whatever playing the part from your childhood

i.e. your agrument is a bit dumb, no offence

I will leave my final words of that famous draft dodger (john wayne)
when he portayed that great white heroi gengis khan
I did watch this film btw, & he really slaps the bitches around, ( cause thats what the desreve oxy)

zed says:
#45, Reply to #42

Mar '23
ha now I think about this, I rememebr the last time I dwelled upon the guy, it was back in NZ maybe 15 years ago, I was working in this salmon factory, there was this english guy I was friendly with, anyways offhand I mention I watched one of john waynes last films when he did not walk, instead was just carried around on ppls shoulders from scene to scene where they would stop and he would utter something like "well wad-do you know ..."
and he was so pissed off, john wayne would always walk etc
I found it funny (I dont give a shit if he was walking or not) but all I knew was what I saew the previous night, and he was adamant like john waybe would never be carried by anyone.

#46, Reply to #42

Mar '23
That last statement isn't progressive at all Zed...I find it disappointing to say the least. Chalk it it up to drunk posting, I know since I often find myself there of late.

Box_a_Hair says:
#50, Reply to #42

Mar '23
There is bit of a double standard here. Other races can play white roles, but white people would get crucified if they were to play an asian or a black person.

I read about some instance of a TV episode where a white British guy played Michael Jackson, and that got some heat, but why? (Probably because it was a shitty, but that's not the point.) Let the actors act.

There's was that whole outcry not long ago that only trans people should play trans characters, which is complete bullshit considering Jared Leto won an Oscar for it one year, but would be boycotted if he tried that same role today.

Znep27 says:
#52, Reply to #50

Mar '23
I remember a time when playing a retard would practically guarantee you an Oscar. Now only retards can play retards...oh, and we can't call them retards anymore either.


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