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2023 Oscars

Mar '23
What a fucking joke. That movie Everything Everywhere All at Once won all the big awards. It was okay at best, but still a convoluted mess of a movie. They only gave it awards because it had Asians and gay people. They really didn't have anything better than that last year?!

I hope someone got slapped.

zed says:
#99, Reply to #96

Mar '23
You do realize I have a young child myself (now 14 months old)
Im not biased against americans or anyone (not even the french), most of what I write is just me taking the piss, treat my posts as just chatter, whilst there are grains of shinola in the shit, the majority is just drivel. Though what I write is all true, Like me vomitting on some dudes back outside Ipoh on the bus (got kicked off btw & had to hitchhike back into ipoh)

OnyxHades says:
#101, Reply to #99

Mar '23
Ok, the French remark was funny lol.

It's hard at times interpreting what someone means through text. I tend to have a really hard time on occasion with it due to an old brain injury. Lol guess that explains a lot about myself.

Yeah, it's cool. I'm sorry I misunderstood you. I do enjoy some dark humor.

zed says:
#97, Reply to #91

Mar '23
fuck now I remember last year, I had this loaded rifle (safety off) aimed at my chest for like 10 minutes during an interogation last year, the massive guy (like 2m tall was extremely nervous he was like early 20s, for the first 5mins I was OK but the longer it went on, Im like fuck this shit, the constant sound of artillery going off, I was thinking, hell if one of those explodes overhead this cunts gonna react startled and pull the trigger)
we werent in artillery/mortar range, as the front was 15km away, but every so often a missile would explode close by

OnyxHades says:
#98, Reply to #97

Mar '23
WTF? Where were you? Did you actually travel through the Ukraine?

Nope... I don't do guns. I could never own one. I know I'd be so nervous holding it. I'd be scared I would accidentally hurt someone.

zed says:
#102, Reply to #98

Mar '23
its ukraine not 'the ukraine'

heres me having a beer like an hour later
same bright yellow jacket,
Im like guys seriously if I was a russian sabtoeur would I dress this way.
I did have to bribe one guy with chocolate at a checkpoint before

I've never really bribed anyone for whats its worth, been in a lot of situations where thats what they wanted but its the kiwi in me, nah can't do it


Mar '23
This thread has truly taken a life of it's own branching out in all sorts of direction.

Box_a_Hair says:
#84, Reply to #82

Mar '23
This thread is probably more entertaining than the Oscars. Not that I would know, I didn't watch that shit. I just complain about it after the fact.

#85, Reply to #84

Mar '23
Yeah I didn't watch that crap either instead I watched a YT watch party of the Oscars where they gave you updates of the awards and ripped on Jimmy Kimmel for not being funny and acting like a jackass which I fully expected.

zed says:
#93, Reply to #84

Mar '23
Yeah you started it dude, I just fueled the fire.
Vinnie was some hitchhiker we picked up on the outskirts of town

#105, Reply to #93

Mar '23
This thread was a good time, it reminded me of the HB. Most of the regulars here got involved at some point. By the time I replied to someone there were already 2 or 3 new posts. It's always fun conversing with you Zed, you make your points while talking shit seem effortless.

zed says:
#106, Reply to #105

Mar '23
I'll leave that as a cryptic note in your shirt pocket when we bury your body in a shallow grave on the outskirts of town before ditching and torching the car.

Fuck its been a long time since I hitchhiked, I think the last was 2 years ago on menorca island.
but fuck I have hitchhiked maybe 5000 times, no idea, its more than 1000 times, never any danger, a couple of close calls, never had sex, drugs a few times, drinking also, stayed at a few ppls places. Had some fucking weird rides too

#112, Reply to #106

Mar '23
One last request...do me the favor of digging a 6 ft hole before planting me. I wouldn't want to be dug up by nocturnal predators and feasted upon. Thx mate!

zed says:
#114, Reply to #112

Mar '23
oddly thats how I wasnt to be disposed off, eaten by wild animals

OnyxHades says:
#100, Reply to #84

Mar '23
It's pretty entertaining. I enjoy reading everyone's views.

Tommix says:

Mar '23
An interesting thing about Daniel Kwan, who co-wrote and co-directed EEAAO: he was born and went to high school in Westborough, MA, which is also where Eli Whitney, the inventor of the cotton gin, was born. I imagine that a lot of kids in that town are going to turn out to be total schizos in the future, as they try to grapple with their town's heritage as being both an extremely important link in the chain of events that made slavery economically attractive, and also being significant in... whatever EEAAO is supposed to be significant for, like diversity, equal ooportunity, racial inclusiveness, yadda yadda yadda.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.