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Rawhead Rex

Nov '17
Easily the one of the most fun straight forward horror movies. Watch a monster kill some people for an hour and a half.

I heard that Clive Barker retroactively made Rawhead Rex an official part of the Nightbreed. But i'm not sure.



Nov '17
Got it in the mail almost 2 weeks ago, but still haven't watched, even tho it was in my top 10 of newly released/ badly needed rerelease discs. Diabolik was only place that had it in stock after its release date. Everyone else sold out from preorders.

Had to make sure I got that bitchin' limited slipcover.
A crossover with Pumpkinhead must see fruition!

Tommix says:

Jun '19
I had never heard about this movie, but it sounds good. I was just reading an old thread somewhere about Midnight Meat Train (also by Clive Barker) and someone brought it up. It looks pretty demented. Wait, someone in one of the comments on a Youtube video called it "folk horror." Is that anything like the original Wicker Man? I hope so, that sounds promising.


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.