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Jan '16 *

80's Horror is an unusual thing. While it may not be particularly known for its quality, it is the favorite decade of many. Possibly most. After so many amazing Horror films thrown at us in the 70's, like The Exorcist and Halloween, the genre became much bigger and profitable than anyone ever thought. However, the quality of the 70's gave away to the quantity of the 80's. This decade was mostly about "fun" Horror. Cheesy sequels and ripoffs. And a hell of a lot of them. Technically, more bad than good came from this decade. And even a lot of the good ones aren't even technically all that great. Just fun. But there are of course exceptions. One of which is a creepy, gruesome little film which was based on real life serial killer, Henry Lee Lucas, and brought to life with a stone cold performance by the now legendary Michael Rooker. Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer is quality 80's Horror.

About a drifter, and ex-convict who's handy work we see scattered out all over Chicago. Female corpses. Victims of stabbings, shootings and strangulations. We catch a glimpse of Henry in a diner, making conversation with a waitress before paying. No one would suspect a a monster within this normal looking man is responsible for the carnage. A monster which needs to inflict suffering and end as many lives as possible, in order to deal with whatever pain and rage is going on deep inside. Not only does Henry need to kill, but he happens to be very good at it, as well as good at not getting caught. And he's about to pass on a few of his secrets to a friend. A dumbass motherfucker, but an eager one.


While in town, Henry has been staying with his friend Otis, who's sister, Becky, is in town for a visit. Naive chick with stupid hair quickly takes to Henry, and loses no interest at all once Otis informs her that Henry killed his abusive, whore mama some years ago. Otis has the habit of making things far more awkward than they need to be by flirting with his sister, while playfully picking at her in a brotherly way. He seems white trash enough to take the flirting and grabbing a step or two further. But Henry has her back and puts Otis in his place fairly quick, which pretty much does it for Becky. She is officially crushing on this serial killer. Later on, Henry and Otis go out for a beer and some hookers. Henry gets a little carried away and snaps both their necks. A little freaked out, Otis, at first, has a problem with this, but after Henry giving him a good talking to, Otis now realizes that murder is not that big of a big deal. And after a couple more pep talks, Otis is ready to start killing, himself. Well, that was easy enough

image Henry and Otis go on a bit of a spree. Henry is generous with his knowledge. The obnoxious Otis isn't much of a thinker, and seems to discard most of the advice given. However, he soon gives us the impression that he may be a little sicker than even Henry. He just lacks skill and patience. As the killing continues, Otis' big mouth and dumb ass weighs on Henry's nerves. Although, Otis mostly knows when to shut up, as Henry is a bit on the intimidating side. But one night, after way too many beers, and after a lingering hardon for the sister catches up with him, Otis may finally be getting on Henry's last nerve.

image Loosely based on the infamous sick fuck, Henry Lee Lucas, this movie is actually far less gruesome than the truth. Like Michael Rooker's portrayal, Lucas did in fact kill his abusive whore mama. And he was a drifter who avoided getting caught for a long time due to always moving. And he did have a friend named Otis, who had a little sister named Becky, who was actually far younger than the fictional version. The real Henry was big on necrophilia, and once apprehended, Lucas gave the cops one last middle finger by confessing to hundreds of murders. Many of which have been proven false. Because of Henry Lee Lucas, many murders will most likely go unsolved.

Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer is a unique Horror film. Low key with very few characters, whom we really don't ever get to know at all. The outside world, including the authorities, seem to be completely detached from the story. These aren't killers from society's point of view. These are killers. One of them, cold, quiet and focused. The other one, a buffoon, who adds some much needed comedy relief, but also makes it impossible to see Henry as the bad guy that he really is. Both Michael Rooker and Tom Towles put on brilliant performances, and work very well together. Their interactions makes this film far more entertaining than one would expect from from a film with such creepy subject matter. The comedy relief is subtle and seperate enough to not get in the way. Making this one of the most effective and memorable straight up Horror films from the 1980's. 9/10


RedHawk10 says:

Jan '16
Nice review man. I like this one too but I prefer Maniac.


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