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Aug '15 *

As far as the films of Paul Mossissey go, I only really love two of them. Flesh For Frankenstein and Blood For Dracula. These two mean spirited, 70's exploitation versions of the popular Horror tales include what is most likely the best performance by not only Udo Kier, but Joe Dallesandro as well. They're great. Very entertaining films. But a couple years prior, director, Paul Morrissey made a not-so great film. He actually made alot of them. This one is a movie called Trash. A highly improvised, more raw, less funny, but equally sleazy version of an old school John Waters epic. A movie which has little to no story, and is completely devoid of a point. Basically, Trash is trash.

Andy Warhol's Trash stars Joe Dallesandro as an 18 year old heroin addicted deadbeat, who just goes around and hangs out with women, who all wish to get fucked in the mouth by the very indifferent Joe. Indifferent due to too much Heroin use. Indifferent because he can't get it up anymore due to the same reason. Again. the guy is supposed to be 18. Yeah. Whatever. After the opening scene, which includes a pretty cute female friend failing to get Joe a hardon with her mouth, Joe makes his way back to the shitty apartment, where he sometimes lives with a hideous woman (played by a hideous transsexual) with a massive overbite, who only thinks of itself, and its own sexual needs, which includes sucking dick and only sucking dick. Joe didn't have anything for the cute one. So, you already know he's not gonna budge for this goddamn thing. Joe's "girlfriend", Holly (played by Holly Woodlawn), just kind of puts up with Joe and lets him sleep there because he's good looking and has an above average cock. A cock that doesn't seem to work any more. So, Holly's patience is wearing thin with her boy toy, because he mainly contributes nothing to their hopeless, poverty stricken lives.

https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/stars-of-andy-warhols-trash-jane-forth-and-joe-dallesandro-in-1970-picture-id481659703?s=2048x2048 Joe continues to come and go as he pleases. Looking for heroin, hanging out with chicks whom he tries to get heroin money from. He comes across one weird chick who's looking for some acid. He doesn't get very far with this one, and ends up attempting to rape her out of frustration after she annoys him and blows his high, but fails miserably, and gets made fun of for his trouble. Joe then heads back to his girlfriend's place and sits around, staring into space while Holly drugs and sucks off some teenager. Bored with this, Joe heads out again and breaks into someone's house with the intention of robbing them, but immediately gets caught by some dude's wife. A babbling jackass of a woman who seemingly wants Joe to stick around just so she can have someone to talk at. The husband seems to be cool with it. He's probably eager to talk to someone besides her, as he seems incredibly annoyed with the wife, who's either crazy or a complete idiot. After they give Joe a bath, they gather around and watch in amazement as he shoots up, but quickly freaks out and kicks him out of the house when they get the idea he's overdosed, when he only just wanted to lay down for a minute.

image Joe heads back home, and tries getting some shut eye on the floor next to the bed where Holly is fucking itself with an empty bottle. He promises that he'll be able to get it up soon. And the very next day, he does, when Holly's pregnant sister visits and seduces him when Holly's out hunting for garbage. They are of course caught in the act by a very offended Holly who probably still has dried jizz on her mouth from the day before. Will this fuck up Holly and Joe's plans for moving up in the world and getting on welfare, or will Holly keep it all "bottled in" and forget about it like she probably should? I see her point that it's offensive that he can never get it up for her, but has no problem sticking it to her sister, who Holly herself has fucked in the past. Yet, Holly is a hideous dicksucker with an Adam's Apple, who deserves to be cheated on, and even shat upon in my opinion. But Joe sadly never does that.

Trash is Paul Morrissey's second installment of a trilogy which spanned from the late 60's to the early 70's, along with a movie called Flesh, and one called Heat. The former is an experimental film which is even less coherent than this one, and the latter, by far being the best of the three. But most B-movie fans will likely prefer Trash over the other two. Joe Dallesandro's lack of acting skills in Trash actually does him a service this one time, as it makes his character's indifferent, spaced out persona more believeable. Because if you've seen Joe in anything else, he just seems like that guy who either doesn't care about anything or simply doesn't have much going on in his head. However, I got to say something about Joe's physique. It looks great! The thing is, he's playing a junkie. And the guy portraying him looks like he hits the weights regularly. Just sayin'. And on to Holly Woodlawn. Believe it or not, Holly Woodlawn is actually pretty convincing as a real woman. He/she just comes off as a really, really ugly one. This movie can get a bit tedious to sit through, but does have some outrageously trashy moments which make it worth it. And for fans of weird, sleazy cinema from the 70's, you just might have a good time with this Trash Epic! 5/10


Tromafreak says:
#2, Reply to #1

Aug '15
There was cock in this but no hard ones. I don't remember seeing that in any of these moves, or especially in any movie played on tv. I don't know. Ya may have been dreaming about erections, that night. emoticon


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.