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Aug '15 *

The films of Chris Seaver are for loving or for hating only. I doubt there's anyone out there who thinks his films are "just okay", or "kinda dumb". This guy will leave an impression one way or the other. And in the world of micro-budget filmmaking, that's quite rare, especially these days. The first Sevaer flick I ever saw was Terror At Blood Fart Lake. For years, I had heard about an earlier movie of his, Mulva Zombie Ass Kicker, and its reputation as one of the worst films ever made. But after reading a couple of positive reviews about one of Seaver's newest films, Terror At Blood Fart Lake, I finally thought it was time to give this guy a shot. Guess I was feeling a bit open minded that day.

So, I took a chance and bought the dvd. And when the day came that I finally watched it, I was far from pleased with my most recent purchase. This movie started out very annoying, and continued to get more and more annoying by the minute. I expected stupidity, considering the title, but this obnoxious shit really caught me off guard. I cracked not one smile for the 70-something minutes this film went for. I'm now fighting the urge to eject the dvd and break it right before it goes in the trash. I haven't thrown a dvd away since suffering through Meir Zarchi's Don't Mess With My Sister. And I watched all of that one, so, I figured I'd go aheadand see this one through, too. After it was over, I just stuck it in a drawer with the rest of the mistakes I've bought, and tried to forget. Oh, but I couldn't.

I kept thinking about how stupid this movie is, and how the idiot who made it, and the dumb fucks who starred in it, shouldn't be allowed to do anything like this ever again. And then, I thought to myself "I really need to see this, again". I don't know why. I just do. So, I open the drawer back up. Still stupid, still annoying. And a week or so later, I find myself watching it, again. Oh, shit! This has a commentary track. I gotta hear this. An explanation is definitely in order. So, I watch it again. But when listening to the commentary, which included Seaver, and 4 or 5 cast members, I found them all strangely likeable and entertaining to listen to. These people were all friends that just liked hanging out and making stupid B-movies together, who didn't take themselves one bit seriously. I can respect that. And while even Seaver admits to being a not so great director, It occured to me that some of the material, which he wrote, was absolutely hysterical, dare I say borderline genius. I finally got the joke. Chris Seaver and the LBP (Low Budget Pictures) gang finally won me over. And not only do I now want to see more of these movies, but I kinda want to hang out with these people. This is weird.

image And of course, the next one I buy would be Mulva. Yeah. I totally had that one coming. That's a story better left for another day. Anyway, still excited about my discovery of this hilarious POS, I go on an Amazon shopping spree for any Chris Seaver films I can find. Not long after that, I owned about 15 LBP films. All awesome, all pretty bad. All ridiculous, but mostly in a good way. Some lower budgeted than others, depending on how old they were, but none quite as amazing as Blood Fart Lake. And years later, after seeing countless more of these, I still stand by that. But let me tell you about Terror At Blood Fart Lake.

This movie is just crazy. Wacky, silly, goofy and obnoxious as hell. Pretty damn vulgar, too. I can always understand why someone wouldn't like it. But there's just this upbeat charm about it. And a "we don't give a fuck" attitude that goes with it. Not much of a plot, really. 5 young people spend a weekend in a cabin by a a lake, owned by their pal, Hambone, who is killed in the first scene, shortly before they get there. His absence throughout the movie is barely acknowledged. The 5 young people consist of a loud yet friendly chick who has delusions of being an actress from the 30's, a 5,000 pound horny goth chick, her douchebag boyfriend who can't even get her name right, some idiot who only knows about 5 words, as well as some guy. Some guy is the main character, I guess. He seems completely out of place in this movie and seems dull compared to everyone else, because he's normal. That in itself is ammusing.

image The ridiculous group is joined by who may be the funniest character in film history. An odd, feminine young man with an afro and abnormally large calves, named Caspian, forces his company on everyone and assures them he can be trusted since he "taught Hambone everything he knows", which is good enough for the gang. Besides the occasional killing by a masked scarecrow, not much happens to further the plot. Just Caspian and pals partying, talking about Ernest, and spouting some of the most ridiculous lines ever put to a script. Meanwhile, Thunder Ambrosia, a badass bitch with vengeance on her mind, is heading towards the cabin and hitches a ride from dumbass redneck, Leo DeChamp. These two bicker, flirt, say alot of stupid shit, and eventually take a fuck break where Thunder gets tons of fake-looking jizz sprayed all over her in what is one of the most pointless scenes in the movie, believe it or not. It's all pretty much pointless. But so much fun. The actors who portray Caspian and the gang continue to make asses of themselves, and clearly having a ball doing it. Hats off to the eccentric Josh Suire, who portrayed both Caspian and Leo. He really carried this movie, and made it far more entertaining than it should be. But considering there were no real actors in this movie (besides Ambrosia and Hambone), these guys actually did a really good job. At being funny more so than the acting. Which is far more important, anyway.

And so, that's where my Chris Seaver/LBP obsession started. Since 2009's Blood Fart Lake, Seaver has made many films, some of which are superior, quality-wise, but none have surpassed my first experience. A film I once hated so passionately now holds a special place in my heart for. For anyone who checks this out and likes what they see, you should also get a kick out of Wet Heat, Moist Fury, Sexquatch, Evil Dead Inbred Rednecks, Evil Night, I Spit Chew On Your Grave, Teenape Goes To Camp, and Deathbone, Third Blood Part VII: The Blood of Deathbone. All starring the same likeable non actors, along with the same spastic behavior, random weirdness, and vulgar humor, all from the mind of the great Chris Seaver. The most prolific and underrated B-movie director of the 2000's. A man whose fantastic ideas have long been ignored and shunned by most due to tiny budgets. But I believe that someday, the man will get noticed by the right person. And his crazy shit will finally get the recognition it deserves. Then someday, everyone will know of the greatness of Terror At Blood Fart Lake! 10/10


Tromafreak says:
#4, Reply to #1

Aug '15
Thank you. It's an honor to have introduced to you the world of LBP. And. I'm glad you can appreciate these movies. I wasn't sure if you would when I reced you this. It's impossible to tell whether someone will like these or not.

Tromafreak says:
#3, Reply to #2

Aug '15
Snake: Hey, uh, dude, Ben, man. I'm gonna go chill on the hammock and listen to my Bill And Teds tape. If you wanna like sleep with me, it's cool. I too know how hard it is not getting laid.

Ben: Are... you asking me to fuck you?

Snake: Fuck me? FUCK YOU!

I haven't been able to come across any of the Heather And Pugglys, but did recently get a hold of the Anal Paprika trilogy. Interesting seeing some pre-Mulva Seaver. The first one is only about 22 minutes, though. Have you seen Stoinky Beach? A very interesting 35 minutes, there. One scene features the cast eating shit out of Josh Suire's ass.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.