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May '15 *

Color Me Blood Red was the last of the Lewis-Friedman produced Exploitation films of the 60's. Filmed in Sarasota, Florida in 1965, this final installment of Their groundbreaking Blood Trilogy was, for the most part, back to basics after the surprisingly successful epic, Two Thousand Maniacs. This new turkey would be a bit more simplistic like Blood Feast. But gorier, dumber, and while not nearly as legendary, alot more fun in my opinion.

image Adam Sorg has many problems. One of which is that he's a complete douchebag who is always picking on his stupid but hot girlfriend for no reason. He also seems to always be on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Adam is wound tighter than a cheap watch, as they say. Even daily water-bike rides on the ocean outside his sweet beach house isn't enough to make this dickhole happy. Worst of all, Adam Sorg is a famous painter who has seemed to have lost his touch, and hasn't put out anything worth bragging about in some time. Pressure from his art dealer forces Adam to think outside the box, and come up with something truly original.

And when he accidentally cuts his finger on a nail, it finally comes to him. Blood is a really beautiful shade of red. So much so, that he could probably get away with using it to paint any piece of sh!t he wants and it would probably be a big hit. Which actually turns out to be the case. After hours of using his own blood, and nearly passing out, Adam is once again, forced to think outside the box. And since the stupid, hot girlfriend has been exceptionally irritating today, and she is HERE, why not just stab her in the head, drain her of all blood, and bury the corpse apprroximately a foot and a half in the sand outside on the beach? Holy bananas! Sounds like a plan! But then again, there's not THAT much blood in the human body. So, this might have to become a regular thing. And being that Adam is a douchebag who has recently gone insane, it seems about the right time for a killing spree.

image Color Me Blood Red is most everyone's third favorite of the trilogy. But unlike the previous two installments, the so bad it's goodness seems to come solely from the ridiculous dialogue written by Lewis and Friedman in a matter of hours. And it shows.Jokes so unfunny that they're actually kind of funny. The mad painter teasing "F words" and "S words", yet never delivering for seemingly no reason. Dialogue that sounds like it was written by old people who watched too much Leave It To Beaver. Take away the gore and Color Me Blood Red IS Leave It To Beaver. I don't know about you, but I love that show. And I love gore. As long as it took this movie to grow on me, I've come to appreciate it for what it is. Color Me Blood Red is a perfect example of a bad movie being so oblivious to how lame and silly it is, that it's actually a little endearing. This isn't Herschell's worst be a mile, but still bad in all the right ways.

But in such a bad movie with bad dialogue, one would think the acting would leave a little to be desired. But not so. Especially our bloodthirsty villain, theater actor, Gordon Oas-Heim. By far, the most talented actor to play a villain in a Herschell Gordon Lewis movie. Not that that's saying much. Just sayin'. Some time before this film's release, Herschell Lewis and his long time producer parted ways, Herschell would go on to direct several more gore films. Some better than this one, and some worse. But none would have that special Florida gore magic of Blood Feast, Two Thousand Maniacs, and Color Me Blood Red. As corny as it may be, at times, this film was the end of an era. 6/10


BloodWank says:

May '15
Man, I haven't watched any HGL in years. Never saw this one either. Dug Blood Freak but found 2000 Maniacs disappointing so I can't really predict how this one might stack up. The Gruesome Twosome is probably my favourite of his I've seen. Cheers for the review, might look this one out for later.

Tromafreak says:
#3, Reply to #1

May '15
Blood Freak actually isn't an HGL flick.

Id recommend The Wizard Of Gore if ya haven't seen it.

BloodWank says:
#4, Reply to #3

May '15
Silly me, meant Blood Feast. Liked Wizard of Gore pretty well, think it went on a bit or was repetitive or something but had some fun stuff in it. Reminds me I need to see Blood Feast 2 actually. Well, that can be another one for later...

Tromafreak says:
#6, Reply to #4

May '15
Blood Feast 2 is flippin' amazing!

Shaza123 says:

May '15
Awesome review Troma, you've convinced me to watch this one.

Tromafreak says:
#5, Reply to #2

May '15
Thank you. I think you'll like this one.


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