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May '15 *

Every great Horror franchise must come to and end. And for Friday The 13th, that would be part 4. "The Final Chapter" arrived in 1984. And a hell of a final chapter it was. The best of the series, some still say. This film had it all. Tits, gruesome kills, Crispin "the dead fuck" Glover. And it was actually pretty scary. But most of all, it gave us Friday The 13th fans closure. So, anyway. By 1985, The greedy dicksuckers at Paramount wanted another sequel. Preferably a resurrected Jason, or possibly a returning Corey Feldman, taking over as "the new Jason". Unfortunately, neither scenario became reality. But this movie was to happen either way. Because Paramount demanded more... of something.


The original plan for Friday The 13th Part V was to bring back the kid who killed Jason didn't exactly go as planned due to Mr. Feldman being too busy filming The Goonies at the time. But he was available for a cameo which we see in the opening scene. It's a stormy night, and for some reason, young Tommy Jarvis is hanging out in the woods. The boy watches in terror while grave robbers dig up his worst nightmare. And continues to watch as Jason Voorhees once again rises from the dead and slaughters said grave robbers. Frozen with fear, the kid watches as Jason walks towards him with his machete which some idiot buried with him. And just as Jason is about to get even with his destroyer, Tommy wakes up. But he's no longer Corey Feldman. He's not even a kid any more. But he is blonde, now. So, that's good. However, he's now semi-insane and on his way to a halfway house/semi-asylum called Pinehurst. That's bad. But good for us viewers. At Pinehurst, they got hot chicks, all with various breast sizes, a white-trash/hillbilly mother and son who ive next door, and look suspeciously close in age, a wiseass kid named Reggie the wreckless, who happens to have a big brother named Demon, who lives near by in his van with his bitch. If you ever need any enchilladas or jewelry, he's your man.

https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/fridaythe13th/images/1/13/78404-6836.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130629174102 A key member of the Pinehurst gang, an unwanted sack of fat shit named Joey, who no one seems to have much patience for, makes the mistake of offering Vic a candy bar while he was busy chopping wood. And informing him that he's out of line when Vic yells at him. The nerve of this guy! Of course Vic is going to stick that axe in his back and end his miserable life. How else is Joey going to learn some manners? It does suck that Joey's dead because more scenes involving him would have only added to the campiness that lies before us. But I guess he's better off dead. Although, somebody doesn't think so. Back to the new Tommy. This guy doesn't say much of anything. And has no desire to know any of these Pinehurst weirdos. He just wants to stand around and stare at mirrors, and have hullucinations of Jason. He seriously needs to get over that shit. I mean, he DID win, after all I guess his presence at this place is somehow supposed to make things easier. But someone is going around killing gay greasers and coke heads using some very familiar methods. Is Jason back from the dead? Is Tommy more damaged than we thought? Is someone so pissed off about Joey's murder that they're going around killing everyone except the guy who murdered him? Now, that wouldn't make much sense.

But who cares? What about that one sex scene? You know the one I'm talking about. Debi Sue Voorhees and that guy who has to go wash up after only 30 seconds of pounding her sweet vagina whilst her glorious, milky white tits bounce up and down. As hot as it was, I would have preferred this scene to go on another half hour, but Debi Sue gets her eyes cut out by some ass hole who apparently doesn't like amazing tits. so, that's the end of that. THAT being the peak of the entire Friday The 13th series. I hope it was as good for you as it was for me.


Meanwhile, back at Pinehurst. Tommy isn't doing so well. Demon got it good in the out house, the hillbilly mother & son got sent to Heaven with Demon and his bitch, Pinehurst residents are dropping like flies, and seemingly nobody else is getting laid for the rest of the movie. I sure do wish that one scene was still going on. But you can't beat this type of bloody 80's action. Especially now that there's a rainstorm going on now that shit's now gotten real. just like in Tommy's nightmare. Nice touch, I think. But again. Is it Tommy who is doing this? It's starting to seem like it.

Despite being far better than it has any right to be, this film has gained an unnecessary amount of criticism over the years, and is wrongfully considered the black sheep or just the flat out worst installment of the franchise by many, simply because a certain reoccuring character took the night off. Thanks to exploitation director, Danny Steinmann, This movie does offer something a little different, though. but not too different. All the elements which we all love about the past installments are present. But with a higher bodycount, better/funnier characters, and a sleazy B-movie atmosphere never before seen in a Friday The 13th film. The killer even wears a hockey mask. To some, A New Beginning may have been the slump of the series, and a lazy way of making a few bucks off a once thought dead franchise. But in my opinion, this is not only one of the mast entertaining 80's Slashers out there. But arguably the last great Friday The 13th film. 7/10


Shaza123 says:

May '15
Amazing review for the best installment of the Friday the 13th series. Well done Troma!

I love that remix you added at the end, that was my favourite scene in the whole movie.

Stellar stuff!


Tromafreak says:
#7, Reply to #1

May '15
Thanks, Shaza. I knew you'd like that video. I need to do another F-13 review soon. maybe 3 or 7.

Box_a_Hair says:

May '15
You've helped me decide what to watch when I get home. emoticon Ain't nothing wrong with this movie! And I don't understand why the killer has to kill the chick with the best rack. That misogynistic fuck!

Box_a_Hair says:

May '15
I've been trying to place this in the timeline.

As you can see, the film ends up in 1987. The title implies that it should be set on Friday the 13th. 1987 has three instances of a Friday the 13th: February, March, and November (just like this year). Now, I'm guessing it'd be set in November (to give Tommy's vast maturing a few more months) as well as the fact that I saw pumpkins in this movie! That's good enough, right?

Tromafreak says:
#4, Reply to #3

May '15
How is this movie in 1987? Tommy has aged atleast 5 or 6 years.

A better question is what's up with part 8? The main chick in that got attacked by little kid Jason in the lake when she was a little kid, which must have been almost a decade earlier. Yet, at that point it should have been somewhere between part 6 & 7, right? Either way, those two were not kids at the same time. This probably makes less sense than anything I've seen from this series.

Box_a_Hair says:
#5, Reply to #4

May '15
Sure, it makes no sense, but you gotta stretch your imagination. Going by the valid F13 dates from all the other entries, you gotta shoe-horn it in there somewhere, and 1987 is the most fitting date. Most timelines seem to agree with that, since everything else after that falls into place. Of course, we all know the filmmakers behind these films didn't give two shits about the continuity, but the OCD fans do.

I always write off the young Jason bit in part 8 as a dream. Boy Jason's entire presence in that film comes off as the hallucinations of a junkie chick. Hell, she was flying high on heroin during the whole end chase. Lucky whore...

It seems like a cop-out to write a scene of bad continuity off as a 'dream', but the series has a LOT of dream sequences. That's another reason why Freddy vs. Jason worked. So much dream bullshit goes on in both franchises.

Tromafreak says:
#6, Reply to #5

May '15
Young Jason in part 8 couldn't have been a hallucination. Cuz he was laying right there at the end in front of both the chick and the guy. The whole thing made about as much sense as Jason invading people's bodies in the next movie, or Jason appearing to have a far more human looking face in Jason X. All these movies have their own issues.

Box_a_Hair says:
#8, Reply to #6

May '15
That's why these movies are so charming. They confuse us enough to wonder about their inconsistencies all these years later. I always figured that guy who also saw boy Jason at the end of part 8 just went "mad", like everyone in these movies conveniently seems to do. It allows the continuity to be frivolous.

Tromafreak says:
#9, Reply to #8

May '15
And what exactly is supposed to be wrong with the Pinehurst residents? They're actually more normal that alot of the teenagers from the past installments. Vic was the only one that seemed fucked in the head at all. The stuttering loser seemed a tad fragile, but that's about it.


Aug '15
Do you recommend Friday 13 IV brah

Tromafreak says:
#11, Reply to #10

Aug '15
The Chooper, brah.

#12, Reply to #11

Aug '15
God danmit I forgot the title again of that one. The funny thing is that I watched 14 seconds of it a long tme ago and I thought the soundtrack was wicked good even thoug you said it was sightt comparted to the other one brah

Tromafreak says:
#13, Reply to #12

Aug '15
Too late. I've officially taken Blood Shack off the table as an official rec. Now, it's all about Chop, brah.


Aug '15
I cant find the good one brah I looked all over

Tromafreak says:
#15, Reply to #14

Aug '15
The good one? There's only one Chop, brah!

#16, Reply to #15

Aug '15
I thogh you ment Chooper. Yes I looked for Chop yesterday but nobody is seding the torrent brah. I may still find it though i havint stoped locking.

Tromafreak says:
#17, Reply to #16

Aug '15 *
Yes. Never stop locking, brah.

Box_a_Hair says:
#18, Reply to #16

Aug '15
Yes. Never stop locking, brah.

Jun '21
Comment Deleted

Tromafreak says:
#20, Reply to #19

Aug '15
Se would aake a very decent #1 for a human centipede, imo.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.