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Nov '22

Still can't get over this fucking movie. Just watched it again for the 30th or so time the other night and it only gets funnier to me. Alan is a truly amazing character which honestly seems as if it was meant only to confuse. Clearly targeted towards those with a specific type of sense of humor who might not mind an absolute shit show replacing the "real" sequel we all originally expected.

Pathetic, dim-witted, fat boy with a tiny nose just wants to fit in with the normal kids, which is never going to happen. Before we can feel sorry for him, Alan turns around and acts like a dick to the smaller kids as that seems to be the only thing that makes him feel better about himself. But then when given the least amount of shit for this by a counselor, he freaks out and starts yelling and screaming, and dropping F-bombs. Yelling shit like "Not as stupid as you, YA BIG PENIS!!!!!". How quick he is to use unnecessarily harsh language might be my favorite thing about him. A comically inconsistent character. At times, it seems he's been pushed to his limit by someone fucking with him, but then does or says something that makes it seem as if he's having fun with it all. For a long time, it's unclear when he's truly bothered by something or is just fucking with everyone. Maybe he's just a piece of shit with no attention span. One of the strangest performances I've ever seen. This young actor obviously knew what he looked and came off like and was comfortable enough with it to make an absolute joke out of himself to the point of making us forget that our purpose for watching had nothing to do with him. It's unfortunate he's so misunderstood and unwanted by the audience. The movie in general is overlooked as fuck, not to say it's not overflowing with problems that aren't even Alan-related. This really should be remembered as one of the all time great turkeys by now, but I'm not sure it's even remembered to begin with.

This one sure did need some commentary on that dvd to give us a little insight as to what Robert Hilzik was thinking/smoking. He just kinda randomly dumped this one on us one day and quickly went back to whatever he has doing. And with no heads up, everybody just took it the wrong way, drying up plans of a Sleepaway Camp Reunion (2010), which once had an IMDb page. I'd love to know how they got from whatever Hilzik originally had planned to THIS. No way THIS was always his plan. He probably should have taken a different route with Felissa Rose, but the Alan thing was gold, as pointless as it all really ended up being. Kinda surprised this hasn't ended up on Tubi or something by now. Surely Sleepaway Camp's one and only "real sequel" will eventually get itself a fanbase.


Nov '22
I barely recall this seeing it once probably around 2010? We'll never see films/sequels released like this today... they're seen as way too problematic.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.