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Aug '22
What a little cunt. Seriously, fuck him and his dick nose. Sick of seeing him on that Tubi ad with that other unfunny piece of shit from Scrubs. Makes me wanna watch more Amazon Prime, where there are far less ads.

Box_a_Hair says:

Aug '22
I remember during the election when him and Chris Evans were ashamed by people who voted for Trump and demanded a "list of names" of those who voted for him. Like what are they going to do, beat them up? At least Evans is buff, but Braff is a twerp. What the hell was he going to do? That fucker lost his relevance when he lost his scrubs. Fuck the both of them.

Tromafreak says:
#2, Reply to #1

Aug '22
And a libtarded, authoritarian little cunt on top of it! Not surprised.

jimb14red says:

Aug '22
I loved Garden State though.

Box_a_Hair says:
#4, Reply to #3

Aug '22
I remember everyone making a big deal about that movie, so I did end up seeing it. I don't remember anything about it though. emoticon

Tromafreak says:
#5, Reply to #3

Aug '22
Oh, I see. You on his side. emoticon

Aug '22
Comment Deleted


Aug '22
Decided to delete that last rant due to after rereading it a few times it sounded ridiculous. Who gives a fuck what any celebrity thinks?!...really, back in the day I recall MTV running their campaign of "Rock the Vote". Which was fine cause they wanted you to participate in the act of voting, now these celebrities want to tell you who to vote for and shame you if you don't agree with them! Social engineering has gotten out of control the past decade and I blame social media which is why I don't participate in FB or Tvvatter. I could care less what any professional pretender thinks politically. That goes for Zack Braff or Jon Voight for that matter. Do your job and entertain me or get lost. Fnck Celebrity worship.

Box_a_Hair says:
#8, Reply to #7

Aug '22
I remember getting pretty flustered during the last election cycles when shitty A-lister actors were trying to shame me into voting for their puppetmasters. It takes a huge fucking ego to think the country really gives a shit about what you think as a person when all you do is play random characters all day. Those phonies live such incomparable lifestyles and they have no idea what the value of a dollar is. I do believe that Hollywood helped fuck themselves over with their pretentious meandering.

Tromafreak says:
#9, Reply to #7

Aug '22 *
I don't care what any of them think regardless of whether I'm a fan or agree with them or not, but it does seem like they all live under this unspoken of pressure to at least pretend to lean left publicly, and at this point, shun and shame their portion of the fanbase who refuses to comply. And regardless of why all this is happpening, it's pretty offputting. Not so much because I disagree with them. Just always feels like they're following orders and being used to influence the masses, while the Joh Voights and Tim Allens of the world are simply "not playing ball". WAY too many people are failing to notice this.

Was gonna point out before you deleted the other reply, I too gave up on sitcoms (and really network tv shows in general) after Married With Children was cancelled. The 90's was such a fantastic time for this stuff, but after Married With Children annd Roseanne were gone, I found myself asking "now what?". Might have given That 70's Show and 3rd Rock From The Sun a shot, but wasn't the same, and seemingly nothing was ever again... Although HBO did come out with that show Lucky Louie in the 2000's, which any old school sitcom fan would probably like.

#10, Reply to #9

Aug '22
I agree and think it's fuct up that actors with traditional American conservative values are being black listed and not given work. I love Jon Voight and James Woods. Thought they were both phenomenal in the last good cable series in Ray Donovan on Showtime. It seems like the only conservative actors still getting opportunities in Hollywood are Chris Pratt and Mel Gibson and that's cause they're still bankable stars...and the Twatter mob is always trying to cancel them. It almost seems like reverse McCarthyism in the 21st century.

Tbh I was never a fan of sitcoms or network tv, Married with Children was the exception. I always thought of most network shows as junk food, just rather watch a film than 3-4 different sitcoms in a row. I'm a cinephile that was raised by cinephiles.

Znep27 says:

Aug '22 *
According to this review of Friday the 13th part 3D, Zach Braff once punched a baby.


P.S. imbedding YouTube videos seems to be impossible now.

Box_a_Hair says:
#12, Reply to #11

Aug '22


Aug '22
I actually saw F13-3D in theatres, cheap 3D glasses and all. Imagine my laughter when 30 years later I brought home the Bloody Valentine DVD to find the same glasses included. Nice catch with the Zach Braff Punk'd inclusion.
I also saw Jaws 3-D at the theatres with the same type glasses...fukin 80s ruled, someone find me a DeLorean with a flux capacitor in the backseat.

Znep27 says:
#14, Reply to #13

Aug '22
I also saw F13 3D in theaters in 3D, but that was in 2006, I believe.

#15, Reply to #14

Aug '22
I was around 10 yrs old when I saw both F13-3D and Jaws 3D. I doubt you were even around then. My Pops was real cool about seeing R rated films when I was young. I remember some lady yelling at him about he shouldn't be letting me watch this while watching Trading Places and him telling her to mind her fn business ya fn skank almost starting a melee in the theatre.

I miss you everyday since you passed Pops...RIP

Znep27 says:
#16, Reply to #15

Aug '22
I may have to agree with that lady. I remember when I saw The Meg a few years ago, and there was a little kid in the theater who would not shut the fuck up through the entire thing! I hope you were better behaved.

#17, Reply to #16

Aug '22 *
Naw I was reasonable and mature for my age. There were times years later I was in a R rated film and people had brought in kids way younger, even toddlers that were crying and screaming throughout the film. They were so young they probably couldn't understand but I guessed it was cheaper for the parents to pay their admission than pay for a babysitter for a few hours.


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.