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Jun '20
Noticed that was on Amazon Prime the other day and thought I'd watch it out of curiosity, and damned if that wasn't actually pretty good! Not quite good enough to do a review for, but good enough to deserve a little praise from someone who hated it before it was even made. I'm not exactly open minded when it comes to this kind of thing, but still know when I'm enjoying a movie. Child's Play '19 doesn't try to be the original or step on the toes of the original series in the least. Very much it's own thing. Pretty funny at times, too. But not like "Bride and Seed funny". Give it a different title and who knows how popular it could have been. Recommended. 5/10

OnyxHades says:

Jun '20
I'm going to watch it tonight or tomorrow, babe. I don't know if I'll like it or not, but I'll do my best to go into it open minded. I just don't like the anyone else besides Brad Dourif as the voice of Chucky.

I get that it's supposed to be a different doll, but why use the same name for the kid as in the orginal? You seem to think I'll like it though, and you're always right about that. I guess you know me better than I know myself at times.

Tromafreak says:
#8, Reply to #1

Jun '20
I know how much you like doll Horror, so, if you disliked this one, I figure it would have to be due to a refusal to accept a Child's Play remake, which isn't the most unreasonable thing in the world, but if you can get past that, you oughta find it enjoyable.

Znep27 says:

Jun '20
I like it just as much as the original, but in a totally different way.

Box_a_Hair says:

Jun '20
Yeah, it was better than it had any right to be. It changes stuff up a bit, but keeps the general concept, and it's good when a "remake" doesn't have to rely so heavily on the original so it can have some merit of its own. Plus, the level of violence was satisfying.

Mark Hamill was a pretty amusing replacement too, but I'll be happy to see Dourif return for the upcoming series.


Jun '20
Can 5/10 really be recommended? Eh....if u say so. This and Ready Or Not I watched recently as a double feature. Hollywood horror has fn sucked since 2015 and these type recent entries reinforce my hope for the future.

Znep27 says:
#5, Reply to #4

Jun '20
Yeah, I consider 5/10 a bad rating. If you get 50% on a test, you fail.

Tromafreak says:
#6, Reply to #4

Jun '20
I try to consider more than just my own enjoyment when rating a movie. And considering how low I was prepared to rate it originally, 5/10 isn't bad. Plus, this still isn't my favorite kind of horror to begin with. Nothing mindblowing, but a far fucking cry from the Cabin Fever remake, which deserves some respect. A strong 5 sounds accurate. And I've enjoyed and recommended movies I rated quite a bit lower. emoticon

#7, Reply to #6

Jun '20
For today's type of Horror I wouldn't consider it terrible, probably better than most which imo isn't saying much....miles and miles better than Ready or Not which I couldn't be paid to watch a 2nd time.

Ballz says:

Jun '20
I liked it. I'm not a huge fan of the original, so maybe that helped when it came to accepting the remake for what it is and enjoying it.

Johan_WoW says:

Jun '20 *
The problem I have is that I don't find Chucky scary in the least and also he blabbers way too much. He ain't creepy crawly like the dolls from Dolls or Puppetmaster or even Dolly Dearest which I prefer. That's why I never really tried any of the sequels. Basically it's a slasher about a man in doll's body.

Since it will still be Chucky with the same voice landing with the same kid and the same concept I'll pass on it.

Oh Yeah Pinocchio's Revenge is another one I consider much better than Child's Play.

Znep27 says:
#11, Reply to #10

Jun '20
"Since it will still be Chucky with the same voice landing with the same kid and the same concept I'll pass on it. "

It's not that at all.

#12, Reply to #11

Jun '20
Childs Play 2 still the best of bunch and most entertaining imo.

Creepshow says:

Jun '20

It amuses me that "doll possed by soul of a killer" gets swapped out for "guy in factory gets bitch slapped too many times and changes doll's security settings." Also love the fact that TCM2 taught this Chucky how to kill. To be honest I still haven't finished it, probably will tomorrow. But yes definitley safe to say a little better than expected so far.


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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.