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Mar 2018 *
I haven't touched alcohol in nearly 3 years. Not because I had a problem or anything. I just stopped liking it for a while. Something that has happened several times over the years, although never quite this long. As long as I have other things to get fucked up on, I feel like I could easily go another 3 years. I'm just not an alcohol kind of a guy. However, I was for a while there.

Back in 2003, I made a conscious decision to become a drinker. I mean a big drinker! My friends and I were coming off several long back-to-back acid/shroom/ecstasy binges, mainly because it all dried up. I can't describe how dull and dpressing life seems after something like that happens and then just abruptly ends. As I came to this decision, I started slow by having one beer every night with my pot. My friends and I started drinking beer whenever hanging out, eventually dropping that for Vodka. We experimented with all sorts of hard drink during Spring and Summer of '03, until one of us had the bright idea to buy some 151 proof Everclear. By this time, everyone's tolerances was actually capable of handing it. But goddamn, what a hangover!!

I must have had a half dozen shots of that shit. We started drinking Everclear together at least 3 or 4 nights a week. We also decided non-alcoholic beverages were no longer a suitable chaser. So, whenever we had 151, we chased it with something usually closer to 80 prooof, which is the standard hard alcohol level. I got to the point where I could take a good 12 shots of Everclear, along with whatever else, get sick, throw it up and then continue drinking. It's interesting how getting sick off alcohol isn't so bad if you're used to it. But then, you can only go on like that for so long.

One Sunday afternoon, my friend Chris came over, and, as usual, we aimed to do some serious drinking. We went and bought some Everclear and some 100 proof peppermind Schnapps for a chaser. We sat on my parents back porch on this cool, November afternoon and took shot after shot, awaiting our mutual friend, Jeremy, to show up and drink with us. This started around 4 or 4:30, and by 6 or so, I was pretty much done. I say this because, in one flash of a second, it went from being around 6 (I think) to nearly 2 am. I woke up in my bed, naked, confused and feeling sicker than a motherfuck, not knowing much but knowing something ain't right.

I guess I continued drinking longer than I remembered. Jeremy did finally come over, and as I was told later on in the week, I did a helluva lot of throwing up in the yard before passing out, waking up and throwing up more. I didn't just pass out, I was blacked out for all of it. Something that had never happened to me before this night ... So, back to 2 AM: After getting out of bed to throw up some more, I don't think I even went back to bed that night, as I stayed up, trying to figure out what exactly happened, while watching Return of The Living Dead which, luckily, was playing on tv. As I said, I was filled in later on but bits and pieces did resurface throughout the week

So, what I was told and what I sorta remember is that, not long after Jeremy came over, my vomiting started. After a while, I went and did some more throwing up in the bathroom until I decided to go to bed, completely unaware that I still had 2 guests over. I guess I was. I'm not really sure what I knew or didn't know. But, as I always do before bedtime, I got good and naked. Not sure if I tore my room apart before or after that, but that happened too.

I'm not sure how long I laid there. Could have been 30 minutes, could have been 5, but I guess I heard my friends outside having a good time. Well, never to be a stick in the mud, I got up to go back outside to join my pals. Yes, naked, and no, neither of my parents were home. I still have a very fuzzy memory of this, but as I opened the door to the garage, which is where the party was now being held, I remember hearing the words "WHAT THE FUCK!!!" come from Chris' mouth, as he laid eyes on my naked dick. Even blacked out, I had the common sense to turn around and go back to my room, or probably the bathroom to throw up again before passing out in there for a while.

I didn't feel right all week as I was a little shaken up by some bad alcohol poisoning and coming to the conclusion that I seriously needed to chill out. So, I made the decision to dry out for a while. Sucked cuz Thanksgiving was just a few days away, and some drinkin' would have hit the spot, but I know this was bad and needed to be taken seriously. I was back to drinking in a couple weeks but took it down a notch after that. Since then, I've had a couple drinking phases but have come to realize once and for all that I just don't like alcohol enough to be an alcoholic. If it didn't happen in '03, it just plain can't. However, if I had kept on doing what I was doing during tat year, I'd be dead, now.

So, what's your story?

sfpx says:

Mar 2018 *
Hahaha. That's a pretty good one. I doubt I have that beat. Any time I've ever thrown up usually meant it was the end of the night for me. I never wanted to continue drinking afterwards.

My drinking days were between 2005 and 2013 for the most part. Like you, I don't drink anymore really. Even at get togethers I don't have the desire to drink, and if my daughter is with me, I definitely won't touch it. The last time I had a drink was probably some time in late 2017 for the holidays. I'm about to go on a cruise to Mexico later this week so I'll probably have one or two.

My most drunken episodes were usually when I took a few Xanax with it. Blackout city. Some crazy shit happened. Waking up in strange places - the shower, fully clothed, water on - driving and getting from point A to point B and having no recollection of it - not proud in the slightest, picking up random girls, etc. Nothing like spending the night in jail or getting my stomach pumped or anything. Maybe one of the craziest things was getting drunk on Natty Ice, driving, and this fuckin' car was tailing me real bad so I told my girlfriend at the time to throw beer bottles at them, which she did. Got 'em off my ass, fa sho'.

Oh yeah, did some dine n' dashing too. Once the bill was like over $200.

Tromafreak says:
#4, Reply to #1

Mar 2018
Mixing painkillers and stuff with alcohol isn't smart. Especially something like Xanax. I did that a few times but luckily never developed a liking for it. Anyone I ever heard of that did that usually blacked out and got really mean if not violent, too. Nowadays, I just see mixing the 2 as a waste. I'd much rather get fucked up on some painkillers only, as opposed to feeling like I'm super drunk after taking both.

Sounds like you had a lot of fun. Considering how much I drank and how often, it never really altered my personality like it would most people. I could be a really shitty version of me but never did things all that uncharacteristic.

sfpx says:
#5, Reply to #4

Mar 2018
Xanax ain't no painkiller, mang! I know better than to mess with pain pills, though. Forget that. Yeah, some people can get really violent when they mix like that - Hell, some people get violent from just certain types of liquor alone.

Yeah, I had some good times. I got lucky though. Super, super lucky that nothing really bad ever happened. I kinda feel as though I'd be pushing my luck if I still lived that kinda life. Not that I necessarily want to anymore, but eventually my luck would run out and that's something I really don't need at this point in time. There's just much more important things and people now.

Box_a_Hair says:

Mar 2018
I don't have any story as interesting as that. I still head off to the gas station most nights to buy a beer or two, but I've had at least a couple good hangovers to teach me not to get to that point again.

Shortly before I graduated (or was it after?), I was at some neighbor's party and got drunk as fuck. I wasn't even a beer drinker then. I could barely finish 1 beer because it made me want to throw up from the smell or whatever, so what do I do? Shots. My brother (who had just gotten out of the marines) was telling me that beer is there to chase the shots with, and a long story short... I was throwing up all night with "Night of the Living Dead" 1990 on tv. And that's exactly how I felt.

I never got terrible shit-faced beyond that. I had a birthday a few years back, and I drank a can and a half of Four Locos, and have since sworn off of that stuff (probably because it tastes like chemicals). Most other hangovers haven't been as bad, because I don't drink to get blitzed. It really is just a horrible feeling, so I'll cut myself off before I ever get to that point again.

I can handle my booze a lot better than I used to. However, if there's a bottle of something in the room, I need to hide it or I'll want it. I wouldn't say I'm addicted though. I've thought that I might be here or there, but compared to some people... like your story perhaps... I'm definitely not. emoticon

Weed is always better, but depending on how bored I get in life, that's when I start drinking. However, sometimes, you need to get drunk when you're stressed out, or celebrating. In a few days, the new season of Trailer Park Boys will come out. It's the last season to feature John Dunsworth, who died after playing a hardcore drunken imbecile on that show for nearly 20 years. He'd often make outrageous claims on the show, like "I am the liquor!", and he would "Let the liquor do the thinking". So, once I get started on that, I'm going to drink my ass off.

Tromafreak says:
#8, Reply to #2

Mar 2018
So, you only drink a beer or 2 a night? I was under the impression you were a full-blown alcoholic who got shit-faced every night. emoticon

Box_a_Hair says:
#9, Reply to #8

Mar 2018
No, I was doing it for a while, but I can't afford so much these days. I used to buy whiskey more regularly, and I'd go through it pretty quickly, so I cut out the expense. Beer is cheaper for my habits, but I do like to get the dirt cheap 8% stuff to feel a buzz. Sometimes a 40 oz... sometimes mixed with energy drinks.

Znep27 says:

Mar 2018
Nowhere near that. I've never been much for hard liquor. I have kind of a sensitive stomach, and when I puke, the party's over. I can only think of a couple times when I went overboard, and there's not much of a story behind them. Most of my big drinking was when I had a roommate between 2010 and 2013 and we were subject to eachothers peer pressure. One time I drank 13 beers in about a 3 hour period, and later that night I might have slept walked and pissed all over his laundry. I probably did. Somebody did anyway. The only times I've ever blacked out were the couple times I mixed alcohol and xanex. One time when I did that I woke with a very vague recollection of smoking something from a glass pipe. I woke up my roommate and asked him what the hell we smoked last night and he said it was meth. The one and only time I tried it and I don't remember even feeling anything from it. It's just as well, I never should have done it in the first place.

Tromafreak says:
#10, Reply to #3

Mar 2018
Meth, huh? That's one thing I never experimented with. Probably would have if I had the chance at one point. It's about the worst drug you can do, I hear. When you're drunk, nothing really seems like it's a bad idea.

Znep27 says:
#12, Reply to #10

Mar 2018
Yeah, I was surprised I agreed to smoke it. I normally stay away from drugs that are known for being highly addictive.

Ballz says:

Mar 2018
My drinking experiences aren't much compared to yours.

The single worst experience was on the night of October 29th, 2011. The October 29th part sticks with me for obvious reasons and I know it was 2011 because I was planning to watch Scream 4 (it'd just come out on DVD earlier that month). My poison of choice that night: beer and Jack Daniel's Tennessee Honey. Already a couple drinks in before the movie and lacking experience with hard liquor, I don't think I was even halfway through the movie before I drank too much too fast and the puking started.

Made it to the bathroom and puked. Laid down to try sleeping it off only to sit up and spew puke through the air, most of it landing on my bedroom floor. Puked one more time in the bathroom after that before passing out in bed. Felt shitty enough to not drink beer again for a couple weeks and didn't go anywhere near hard liquor for several months.

Despite drinking heavily plenty of times since then, that was the last time alcohol made me puke, though I have woken up feeling queasy a few times. Guess I got better at pacing myself and now I'm down to usually only having a couple drinks a night. Not sure I'll ever stop drinking entirely. Consider stopping for a while sometimes, but if I do, it's never for more than a few days. Three years seems impossible.

Does that make me an alcoholic? Pretty sure I'm not. I've never resorted to drinking aftershave or something because I was desperate for a drink. At the same time however, I'm unwilling to make much effort to stop and I'm happy to admit that I enjoy drinking. emoticon

Tromafreak says:
#13, Reply to #6

Mar 2018
You're not an alcoholic unless you need it to feel/act normal or get the shakes. At my worst, I might have felt a little bored or cranky if I went a few days without anything. Some people are vulnerable to it and some people aren't at all, I guess.

Getting sick off alcohol is always a nightmare. Besides the above story, my worst vomiting experience was probably a year before that when I was stranded at a friend's house across town, waiting for a lift home from another friend. I had downed 10 shots of Captain Morgan and was handling it surprisingly well consideirng this is before my tolerance got as high as it did. After waiting many hours for the ride, I got my friend to throw me some coke, which I snorted, sobering me up and coking me out, but also kicking in a stomach virus that had been laying dormant the last day or 2. So, I immediately did some massive throwing up. My ride finally arrived, and on the way home, I had to hold in a whole lot of shit AND vomit. He drove fast and luckily we made it without something horrible happening to the interior. The next few hours were horrible, though. Stayed up all night going back and forth between vomiting and shitting. I thought "goddamn, this is fucking weird! it's not usually quite like this". I figured out the next day that I was actually sick on top of having way too much alcohol and cocaine. emoticon

foz says:

Mar 2018
haha, these stories are great, excellent subject for entertainment value! I'm assuming the Jeremy in question is the guy involved in the box of VHS tapes incident. If so you guys are puke bros.

I'm pretty much a functional alcoholic, drink on a daily basis but it seldom cause my temper (never cause my temper). Cue Massive heart Attack... of the big three drunk stereotypes, sleeper, puker or fighter, i'm very much the former. No real stories as such but im told i was escorted from a nightclub after passing out in front of the speakers back in the day, and sleep argued with a bouncer that i was doing no harm, before collapsing to the ground and insisting that gravity was indiscriminate. or something. im told theres a video on facebook but it dont remember the incident so it probably didnt happen. Like my stag do.

sfpx says:

Mar 2018
I can relay a funny story about a random anonymous dude's most drunken night:

Several years back, my friends and I were at the Hard Rock drinking. Typical weekend night after drinking and trying to pick up girls we'd go grab some grub because, you know, when your buzz is wearing off fatty, greasy food is KING. We go to a rather busy Steak N Shake (still in the Hard Rock casino) and we all gotta take mad pisses. There's only one bathroom and it's locked. OK, so we're waiting. And waiting. And waiting. And now a line is forming. The natives begin to get restless. People are banging on the door like "YO, what the FUCK!" and so on. Finally, some guy shimmeys the door open somehow and the dude inside is passed out drunk on the floor with his DICK out. Some people help him up and tell him "ey, put yo' junk away!" to which he clumsily does.

I'm thinkin man, to pass out on a disgusting restaurant bathroom floor dick out, mid-piss, that's gotta be one of your more memorable drunken nights.

Tromafreak says:
#15, Reply to #11

Mar 2018
Funny how alcohol is legal and everything else isn't. In a way, nothing fucks one up more than alcohol

Yakko says:

Mar 2018
I only ever got drunk once, and I wasn't really drunk. I just got really sick. I was still in college so I think I was 23 or 24 at the time. I was trying to get drunk because I decided I wanted to find out why so many people liked to get drunk, and also because I thought it would impress a girl I liked at the time. She liked to drink and hang out in bars so I figured if she thought I was going to start doing that she'd like me. I was drinking 100 proof Southern Comfort so I figured I'd get drunk quick, but I just got sick. I didn't even feel sick until I stood up. Fortunately I only had to walk a few blocks to get home, but by the time I got there I was seeing double and not able to stand up. That was only the beginning, and I did manage to call the girl to tell her I'd been out drinking, but it turned out she was not even in town at the time. The next day I couldn't do much because I was sicker than I ever had been or hope to be in my entire life. I suppose I should've known that drinking that much when I wasn't used to drinking was going to make me sick.

I did eventually ask the girl out but she said no. The day after I asked her, there was a big drug bust and I found out her relatives were drug dealers.

Tromafreak says:
#16, Reply to #14

Mar 2018
Sounds like you may have needed some pot with that alcohol. Probably would have gone smoother.

Yakko says:
#17, Reply to #16

Mar 2018
Wouldn't that have made it worse? I figure I'm lucky I didn't die from alcohol poisoning just as it was. It was bad enough so I knew I never would do anything like that again. It was also really stupid because I already should've known that the girl wouldn't like me no matter what I did.

Tromafreak says:
#18, Reply to #17

Mar 2018
Pot may have made it a smoother, more relaxing experience. Or at least lessened the sickening feeling. Chicks find potheads more appealing than drinkers, anyway.

Yakko says:
#19, Reply to #18

Mar 2018
I just shouldn't have done it, period. It was a wrong thing to do. Smoking pot would've made it even more wrong, and I would've had to live with it for the rest of my life. I wouldn't do anything like that for a woman. They aren't worth that. That would be like killing someone in cold blood or committing some other crime just for fun.

Tromafreak says:
#20, Reply to #19

Mar 2018
, and I would've had to live with it for the rest of my life.

I didn't consider that. Guess it's best to not push it since you made it through the alcohol in one piece.



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