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Sep '14 *

Anyone who is familiar with Troma knows that Bloodsucking Freaks (AKA The Incredible Torture Show) is by far the most vile, most depraved, most pitch black evil thing those guys have to offer. A film that shows us exactly how rotten this world we live in can be. But this is a special film, as it somehow manages to successfully sneak in a ton of humor. Successfully, meaning this is done in a way that is actually funny without decreasing the disturbing nature of it all. In my opinion, that's what makes Bloodsucking Freaks so great. Well, that and the fact that, at one point, a midget fucks a freshly severed head right in the mouth.

image This dismal, yet oddly humorous tale is about a bad man named Sardu, who is one the most despicable, power-hungry individuals you will ever come across. This guy runs his underground "Theater of the Macabre" in Hell's Kitchen where he and his eager assistant, Ralphus, torture and mutilates kidnapped, naked women in front of audiences. All this, a front for their slavery ring. Except the extremely gullible audience thinks this is all just a show with top notch FX. And that all these lades aren't being slaughtered for realz. Those who die for the show get off light. Some are made into mindless slaves. Some are starved. Some are electrocuted, decapitated, de-footed. Some are used as dart boards, toilets, or just for Ralphus' amusement. In the Theater Of The Macabre, Sardu is God. And anyone who gets out alive will only become someone elses slave. And whether that's a good or bad thing is unclear.

They even managed to throw in a storyline. Sardu decides he wants to add a little class and legitimacy to his theater, and has Ralphus kidnap local ballerina, Natasha De Natalie so she can perform in his up and coming show. Asking her first might have been a better idea, but Sardu doesn't have time or patience for bullshit, and has pretty much decided right off the bat that this thing WILL go down exactly the way he wants. Unfortunately, now that they got her, she's being an unreasonable little bitch and refuses to dance for her kidnapper. But Sardu and his midget companion have ways of persuading those who will not cooperate. And if threats of dismenberment don't work, then there's always brainwashing. Either way, SHE SHALL DANCE!!!

image Some people seem to think that Bloodsucking Freaks is a bit uncalled for. Something about promoting, and possibly even making light of cruelty towards women. I'd love nothing more than to come up with some clever argument, disproving this theory, but I suspect there isn't one. Sardu and Ralphus ain't nice to the ladies, and that's just the way it is. In a strange way, Bloodsucking Freaks was ahead of it's time. You just didn't see extreme Horror mixed with such humor in those days. But humor or no humor, this griminess of this film should make most of us want a shower.

As I was listening to Eli Roth's commentary on the DVD, I couldn't help notice how deeply this guy was reading into every little thing that occurred. I'm going to just go ahead and assume he was pulling our legs with some of those claims. If not, then this guy knows waaaaay too much about Bloodsucking Freaks. Although, I tend to belive his claim that after shooting, the cast and crew had a big drugged out orgy to celebate, only because that's fuckin' awesome! And also, a bit of sad news, as Seamus O'Brien, the man who played Sardu was unfortunately shot and killed shortly after filming was completed. That's too bad the guy never got to see his greatest role in what would eventually become known as one of the greatest B-Horror flicks films the 70's has to offer. Our fallen lead actor may never get to see the splendor that is Bloodsucking Freaks. But it's not too late for you to witness this evil, legendary movie. It'll put some hair on your chest... or take years off your life. 8/10


Box_a_Hair says:

Sep '14
A great non-Kaufman Troma film, introduced to me years ago by @Tromafreak himself. It's a nasty little movie with a dark, twisted sense of humor that was indeed ahead of its time. If I were to describe this movie in mathematical terms, it would be:

Ilsa: She-Wolf of the SS + The Wizard of Gore + Theater of Blood = Blood Sucking Freaks

I may post my old review on here soon, just to further celebrate this movie. Trash at its finest!

Tromafreak says:
#4, Reply to #1

Sep '14
Would you recommend Theater Of Blood?

Box_a_Hair says:
#5, Reply to #4

Sep '14
Would I ever! It's Vincent Price and his hobo brigade exacting revenge against stubborn critics! He gets pretty violent (for older movie standards). Vincent Price is a Shakespeare nut who isn't afraid to get sadistic. Plus, it has Ian Hendry, who's starred in a few other great horror flicks, like Captain Kronos, Repulsion, and Tales from the Crypt.

Tromafreak says:
#6, Reply to #5

Sep '14
I just checked the IMDb page and I actually rated it. Don't remmeber watching it, though. emoticon

Shaza123 says:

Sep '14
Amazing review. This might be my favourite troma movie. It has just enough torture and misogyny to be fucked up, while enough black humour to be amusing. I believe you were the one who originally recommended it too. RIP Sardu, you were a fine actor, and could have been of Vincent Price status. emoticon

I really should check out the Eli Roth commentary. I'm interested in all the claims this guy makes.


Sep '15
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Sep '15
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Tromafreak says:
#10, Reply to #2

Sep '15
Interesting. Never thought of Sardu as Vincent Price-ish. But he kinda is.


Sep '14
"The only movie about which I've had second thoughts is Bloodsucking Freaks. We didn't make the film, but we put some money into it and I think, because of the misogyny involved, I'd pass if it came round again". - Lloyd Kaufman

Let's face it, a movie that even Lloyd himself finds too distasteful has to be something pretty special. And it sure is. emoticon

Tromafreak says:
#7, Reply to #3

Nov '14
Possibly just a clever way to promote the movie.

Albert says:

Sep '15
Yeah, the film was maybe too sick for me but it was also hilarious. Specially sardu's performance was funny as hell. He did all those atrocities with his posh gay manners like he was appreciating a fancy dinner or smtg!!! Lol

Albert says:

Sep '15
Yeah, the film was maybe too sick for me but it was also hilarious. Specially sardu's performance was funny as hell. He did all those atrocities with his posh gay manners like he was appreciating a fancy dinner or smtg!!! Lol


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