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Aug '14 *
image Poor Harold. A life long nerd. This guy has no social skills. He's an ugly motherfucker with greasy hair, stupid clothes, an, annoying voice. He's irritating, his peers make fun of him and his only friend is his mother, who he seems to not like all that much. Yeah, Harold Kunkle is a nerd if there ever was such a thing. A frinedless, comic book-collecting virgin for life. But he's still a person with feelings just like everybody else. And just like everybody else, Harold has his breaking point.

image Poor awkward bastard wants to be cool so bad. But just doesn't get it. And nobody gets him. It seems as if it's simply not in him to be cool. Is there seriously no hope for Harold? Enter Slick Dick. Possibly Harold's one and only hope for social salvation. Infomercial douche bag, Slick Dick seems to know all the right things to say, and do, and how to dress, and most importantly, how to be confident. Or maybe it's just those Back To The Future Part II Solar Shades he was wearing. Either way, Harold the nerd needs all the advice he can get if he's serious about getting out of this rut and possibly getting his fuck on. Harold is desperate enough to try anything at this point. So he orders Slick Dick's motivational tape. Finally, the secrets of coolness will be revealed. And if Slick Dick turns out to be full of shit... well, then there's always that killing spree Harold has been considering.

image Killer Nerd is a comically hopeless tale of one sad, lonely man-child's burning desire to rise above his own reject status, only to be sabotaged by those who hate him simply because he looks diffrent. And the mental breakdown he suffers because of it. Brought to you by our pals at Troma, Killer Nerd is some entertaining Z-grade Horror. Far more than it should be. Also a very satirical tone typical for the 90's. Not so much a good performance by Toby Radloff as much as it just being a case of him being a genuines nerd in real life. Atleast that's what I get from all this. Anyone looking for another performance from the now legendary Radloff, you may want to seek out Townies (1999). Now, that's a real trash epic! And we mustn't forget Bride Of Killer Nerd, which, like this one, is also not as bad as it sounds. And can be found on the same dvd. As you'd expect, this probably won't be getting a 2-disc Tromasterpiece edition dvd/blu-ray any time soon. Just another piece of shit which has its moments. Don't expect a hell of a lot, and you might have a few laughs. 4/10


slasherfan85 says:

Aug '14
I found this movie entertaining. Not great, but I had some fun with it. The sequel isn't horrible, but I liked Killer Nerd better. Both are okay I think I gave it a 5/10 and the sequel a 4/10. Not the worse Troma film I have seen.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.