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Aug '14 *
image So, a movie about a killer ass, huh? Well, I'd be lying if I said that's the dumbest idea I've ever heard for a horror movie. But it's certainly up there... Or down there, I guess. Still pretty enjoyable.

Wade is a clueless lardass reject of a human being who spends most of his time playing Atari and being fat and nasty. Wade lives with his so-called friend and college roommate, Brian. Why these guys live out in the middle of nowhere is a mystery, but Brian's not all that happy with this living arrangement. Brian despises Wade for his rudeness, for his body odor, for the way he always barges in on him and his girlfriend when they're trying to be all romantic and shit. But mostly because this waste of space doesn't have the damn common courtesy to pull his pants up now and then.

While he is loud, homophobic and annoying as fuck, Wade is still a nice enough guy. Just a poor choice for a roommate for a guy who's lookin' for a little privacy so he can pop the question to his girl. I suppose Brian could have always taken her out on a date or something, but I'm guessing it was the principle of the whole thing. He SHOULD be allowed a little time away from Wade and Wade's ass in his own home. But it ain't gonna happen. Atleast not while Wade's still kickin'.

image Finally, Brian convinces one of his friends to take Wade out for a matinee, just long enough for a quiet afternoon at home with his girlfriend so he can finally pop the question with no interruption. But not long after they leave, Wade gets the idea that Brian's pal is trying to fuck him, so, Wade demands he stop the car, and he just walks his fat ass home, destroying the mood, once again, and he even gets vomited on by Brian's weak-stomached girlfriend.

At this point, Brain's pretty steamed. Almost mad enough to throw a (plugged in) stereo in the bath tub when Wade finally decides to take a bath to get the vomit off. And by almost I mean Wade is now dead from electrocution. Serves his fat ass right for being such a thoughtless, cock blockin' oaf. What Brian doesn't know is that Wade's sister is into voodoo, and somehow she knows exactly what went down. Hell bent on revenge, sister Wade puts a curse on... her dead brother, I guess. Fat Wade is now resurrected as a zombie. Although, he thinks he's still alive, and really doesn't mean any harm. He just wants to come home and play Atari. But the mere sight of his crack melts faces.

image An all around terrible yet entertaining performance from Caleb Kreischer as the fat piece of shit that is Wade. Personally, I would have liked this movie better if it remained a "roommate from Hell" comedy, and things had continued until Brian blew his brains out right before the credits, but that's just me. As bad as this movie is, it does have style, and a really enthusiastic feel, as well as a catchy little score to go with it. On top of that, it has the decency to not wear out its welcome, as it's only 68 minutes long. I recommend Buttcrack to anyone with a love/tolerance for low brow humor. If you like a Troma movie or 2, chances are good this one will make you laugh. And ultimately, that's all that matters in Tromaville. Yay for Buttcrack! 5/10


RedHawk10 says:

Aug '14
I'm all for buttcrack, but that's some nasty ass buttcrack.

Who woulda thought there was a horror movie called Buttcrack anyway. The more you know.

Tromafreak says:
#3, Reply to #1

Aug '14
You'll like it.

Shaza123 says:

Aug '14
Outstanding review. One of your best.
You should now review Killer Pussy. It's not a Troma movie, but it'll be an awesome double feature with this.

Tromafreak says:
#4, Reply to #2

Aug '14
Thank you. Very nice of you to say. Actually, I can't write a review for Killer Pussy cuz the version I saw didn't have subtitles. Which didn't make it much harder to understand, but I wouldn't feel right writing a review for it. emoticon

Jul '17
Comment Deleted

slasherfan85 says:

Aug '14
Nice Review! I have only saw bits and pieces of this a long time ago. I might watch it for the Turkey Challenge this year.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.