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Aug '14 *

This is one of those movies that you're either going to love or hate. Me? I actually hated it the first time I saw it. I found it to be an obnoxious pile of shit, but with the occasional rewatch over the years, I grew to appreciate Decampitated for what it is. An insightful, yet silly statement on the state of the Horror genre. A self aware 90's slasher which actually manages to get it right. Imagine that.

Decampitated is about seven friends who don't seem to like, or even know each other very well, who decide to go camping together. Although they seem to know nothing about the activity. The leader of our group, Garrett. A hyper, enthusiastic twig of a man who is determinded to treat his pals to a weekend in the woods. Despite not being very bright, he seems to really know how to take charge. For whatever reason, Garrett's lazy, bitchy friends reluctantly decide to join him in his quest to rough it. The happy campers decide to camp as planned, but we soon discover, there's a killer in the woods, but luckily, there's seven of them, which should be more than enough to fight off the killer. Especially if they all stick together. Of course, when times get tough, they all scatter out like dumb fucks, and make one stupid decision after the other. Even when they get the killer down, and have him right where they want him, they'll yet again run off again into the woods to duct tape their wounds, and of course bicker amonst themselves.

image With all the unnecessary re-releases Troma has put out, hopefully, one of these days, this one will get a better release with lots of extras, including commentary, alternate/cut scenes. Maybe some interviews with that peculiar cast. That totally needs to happen. But for the life of me, I can't understand why this film never ended up with the cult status one would just assume it would simply end up with. And why is isn't spoken in the same breath as Troma greats such as Combat Shock or Redneck Zombies. This film was made during a strange time for B-Horror, as well as Horror in general. The genre wasn't taken quite as seriously as it once was, despite actually becoming more serious. But the 90's needed more movies like this. Perhaps if it had, the decade would be remembered a little more fondly by some of us.

Decampitated is a bad movie. A feel good clusterfuck of a slasher that's smart enough to know how stupid it is. In alot of ways, the perfect Troma movie. These guys definitely got it right. Perhaps one of these days, this film, which was clearly ahead of its time, will find the audience that it's always lacked and gain the status it's always deserved as one of the elite Non-Kaufman Troma films. And one of the greatest Horror comedies ever made. Check it out! 7/10


slasherfan85 says:

Aug '14
I loved this movie! It is so funny! And since I heard about it through you thanks again for the rec, Troma!

Tromafreak says:
#7, Reply to #1

Sep '15
I replied to the wrong post.

Tromafreak says:

Aug '14
My pleasure. This one never gets old.


Aug '14 *
Nice review, Tromz! I just watched this one a couple weeks ago and had a good time. I too found it rather amusing that this group of "friends" don't appear to enjoy each others company in the slightest. You can tell thay had a lot of fun making it though and that fun is rather infectious. I imagine Chris Seaver's watched this one a few times.

I can't believe that the main guy who plays Garrett never acted in another movie. Not that he was a brilliant actor or anything, but he's funny as fuck and managed to always be a likeable presence, even though his character is a total douchebag.

Tromafreak says:
#5, Reply to #3

Aug '14
It is a damn shame Garrett and pals haven't done shit besides this. There should be a series of movies with these people. I'd love a future commentary track for this just to learn a thing or 2 about the movie.

Mar '18
Comment Deleted

Tromafreak says:
#6, Reply to #4

Aug '14
Thank you. For some reason, I found this one difficult to write about.

Scarecrow88 says:

Sep '15
Let me guess...the hot babe with the big tits and isn't in it, is she? I mean, damn. I always thought that was such a lousy--but slick--bit of manipulation. Sleepaway Camp 2 and many others did this.

Tromafreak says:
#10, Reply to #8

Sep '15
Yeah. She's nowhere to be found. Kind of a shitty cover, which doesn't give you much of an idea of what the movie is like.

Sep '15
Comment Deleted

foz says:

Feb '17
Sounds fun, gonna try to find it.

You seen the Troma Tour 5000 doc yet? wondering how much of a Troma enthusiast you need to be to enjoy it, i'm a bit of a novice.

Tromafreak says:
#12, Reply to #11

Feb '17
I don't believe I've herd of that. I don't keep up with hardly anything that company does anymore. I still enjoy a Troma movie now and then, but they don't seem to offer anything of worth anymore. Father's Day seemed to be their last hurrah.

foz says:
#13, Reply to #12

Feb '17
The doc only came out in Jan, and I don't think it's by Troma.

"A special edition crossover between Bestow TV's Creative Continuity and Cinema Insomnia with Mr. Lobo, takes the viewer onto a tour of America's oldest Independent studio, Troma Entertainment.

my fave Troma flick is Combat Shock. But I've only seen about a dozen n imagine there must be hundreds.

like the War Pigs cover you posted, cheers!

Tromafreak says:
#14, Reply to #13

Feb '17
Combat Shock is great. Also love Redneck Zombies, Tromeo And Julist, Bloodsucking Freaks, and Cannibal The Musical. Blood Junkie is also great if you like bad 80's throwbacks. And Demented Death Farm Massacre is pretty good too if you want something very UN-Troma.

Yeah. I just discovered that War Pigs cover today. For a clone band, these guys are pretty damn sweet.


foz says:
#15, Reply to #14

Feb '17
Had no idea Bloodsucking Freaks was Troma, it is some damn fine depravity. There's a great line that goes something like 'open your mouth, it would make an excellent urinal' haha. oh and the arse dart board! Tromeo n Juliet's great too.

the old hb provided a coupla Troma flicks for me - watched Zombie Bloodbath during the Turkey challenge on ZCPA's rec, and i hosted an anagram game which Znep won and his prize was picking a film i had to watch. Buttcrack. funnier than i thought it'd be.

another decent Sheavy track, i'm about to read that Metal Rec thread...


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.