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Nov '21
Hey TE boarders

I have been wondering if there was an interest in a challenge considering the found footage style of filming. If I mention The Blair Witch Project, I guess everyone knows what I'm talking about. The movies are often shot in POV with handcam, sometimes really shaky and dark, and have usually also a documentary/mockumentary feeling. Originally this definition comes from filmed material of people lost that disappeared or ended up death, the footage being the last evidence of their actions on earth.

BWP made the style more popular and set some kind of standard (not a standard I was too happy about but that's not what I want to discuss here). Before 1999 found footage movies were a rarity. It's only from 2000 that they really started to boom even though the first real movie that was labeled found footage (in retrospect) is from 1961 titled The Connection. Less than 30 FF movies were made before 1999. A few are so obscure I hardly found any info on them.

This is the list I have been able to compile from all the FF movies from the previous century. * indicates I was unable to track a copy of it online. ! indicates I have seen the flick.

The Connection (1961)
David Holzman's Diary (1967)
Rape (1969) * directed by Yoko Ono and John Lennon
Punishment Park (1971)
The Legend of Boggy Creek (1972)
Alternative 3 (1977)
! Cannibal Holocaust (1980) not full found footage

Special Bulletin (1983)
Manson Family Movies (1984)
! Guinea Pig 2 - Flowers of Flesh and Blood (1985) Japanese movie, Charlie Sheen apparently alerted the FBI as he thought he was watching a snuff movie

Psychic Vision - Jaganrei (1986) Japanese movie
UFO: Secret Video (1986) *
! 84 Charlie MoPic (1989) Charlie MoPic the follows a group or American soldiers on a mission in Vietnam, perhaps the first FF I ever saw in my life before even knowing it was FF, really needs a rewatch

! The McPherson Tape aka UFO Abduction (1989) one of my favorites, has long been believed by UFO enthusiasts to be real

Lenin Was A Mushroom (1991) a Russian movie it's on youtube but in Russian and no subs
Ghostwatch (1992)
! Man Bites Dog (1992) Belgian movie, French spoken about a bunch of film students tagging along with a serial killer, I wasn't a fan. Comparable to Henry: Portrait of serial killer which I consider a lot better.

Paul Calf's Video Diary (1993)
Pauline Calf's Wedding Video (1994)
Without Warning (1994)
Alien Autopsy - Fact or fiction? (1995)
Forgotten Silver (1995) this one is from Peter Jackson
Little Sister aka Zusje (1995) a Dutch movie
Area 51 - The Alien Interview (1997)
The Last Broadcast (1997)
Alien Abduction - Incident in Lake County (1998) from the director of McPherson Tape
Watching a Movie (1998) *
Curse of the Blair Witch Project (1999) the docu that apparently should have made people warm for the movie
! The Blair Witch Project (1999) as much as I don't like it it needs a rewatch

Sticks and Stones - Investigating the Blair Witch (1999) short docu on BWP
Dirty Cop No Donut (1999) *

Some I found thanks to wikipedia but most helpful was this site:

Ok FF is not my favorite style but I like to give myself a challenge and I'm particularly interested in the period before BWP made it 'hip'. And even though this style is often linked to the horror genre, it could practically be used in any genre. In the list above, there is also crime, war, drama, sci-fi, documentary, comedy, exploitation... Especially the alien theme is often reoccuring.

So my question are there people interesed in a month (or perhaps a bit longer) watching FF movies. I would also like to include TV show episodes as the main idea is 1 point per watched minute so shorts can be included as well. Bonus points for anything FF before 2000 and also for a FTV.

Johan_WoW says:
#5, Reply to #2

Nov '21
Looks like you are going to trash the competition as so far you seem to be the only fan of FF emoticon

Johan_WoW says:
#4, Reply to #3

Nov '21
Care to share where you found Dirty cop No Donut? It's probably not something I would like but would take the chance to see it for a challenge.

Johan_WoW says:
#9, Reply to #8

Nov '21
The first FF I saw was somewhere in the 90s before BWP came out and I didn't know of FF yet. That was 84 Charlie Mopic. Even though no woman in sight IIRC I still think it's a really good war docu drama which I look forward to for a rewatch (it's on youtube). No really shaky handcam or dark shots there. I believe you like sci-fi too that's one that also works well with FF IMO without needing to be horror. The McPherson Tape I enjoyed enormously (the first time not that much as the quality was really poor) and gets better with each viewing. But it's advisable to watch with subtitles because often people talk fast and several speaking at the same time. Some people labeled it as a predecessor of Signs. Also if BWP had a low budget you can say McPherson Tape was micro budget, filmed mostly in 1 take and in 1 day. I think 90% of budget went to the alien suits and spaceship. Anyway hope you'll participate as POV and mockumentaries are allowed.

Johan_WoW says:
#11, Reply to #10

Nov '21
Yes everything that has the POV or has an amateur style of filming like handcam, mobile device such as phone, tablet, webcam I will accept.

Johan_WoW says:
#14, Reply to #12

Nov '21
Well I'm far from an expert on this. I do have a soft spot for the Mondo style movies as they really have an amateur approach. Mockumentaries like for example 'The Last Exorcism', I'm not so keen on as they have a much more professional look IMO. I suggest using foundfootagecritic.com as a guide.

Johan_WoW says:
#15, Reply to #13

Nov '21
Well I do allow shorts if they meet the criteria so episodes of TV shows that meet the criteria are allowed too.

Johan_WoW says:
#17, Reply to #16

Nov '21
No, let's not overcomplicate matters.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.