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Sep '20
I might actually going to re-watch more than doing first time views. Not that I'm running out of options but somehow I want to find a good balance and not have a lot of disappointments.

There is stuff like the Entity, Demon Seed, Humanoids from the Deep. Those are the flicks I'm looking forward to revisit.

On the other hand there is movies I want to give another shot even though they weren't exactly a success last time. 2 in particular, classics and popular movies.

The Thing (1982): even though a movie totally devoid of female input isn't exactly a nice propspect, given it ended up as number 1 on the top 300 horror I hosted on the Dutch movie board I surely need to see what I might have missed the first time.

Suspiria (1977): I'm not sure what to expect but it was kind slow when I saw it the first time. Sure there is some gory parts but nothing I had not seen in some earlier movies (yup HG Lewis) . Maybe I could try the technique let's just not pay too much attention to plot and characters enjoy the kills and visuals. It worked fine when revisiting Bava's Blood and Black Lace or a bay of Blood.

The Orphanage: Well I'm not quite sure if I am going to revisit it. I remember when I saw it with Del Toro's name attached to it to find something fantasy like. But Del Toro was just the producer to lure people (guilty as charged) and it proved to be some haunted house, mystery type of movie. More of a drama not much of a horror.

Ballz says:

Sep '20
Halloween (1978) and Halloween (2018). I haven't seen the original in a few years. I'll probably rewatch other stuff, but I'm not sure what yet. I agree you'll probably enjoy Suspiria more with that technique. I love Suspiria, but it's more for, as you said, the kills and visuals. Also the music.


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