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Aug '20 *
As the title already says I would like to create a top 100 of horror movies from individual lists from each who likes to make a list.
Tromafreak created an individual top 100 horror a while ago, that's the kind of thing I'm talking about. He could actually use that one if that hasn't changed til now.

Now I understand that for some it might not be possible to come up with 100 so I set a minimum of 50 movies.

So these are the rules:

* Those who want to provide a list reserve a spot here where the list can be typed or copy pasted

* Only full feature horror movies no shorts or TV shows will be accepted
* The movies should be ranked and numbered, number 1 is your best, 2 second best and so on
* You must provide a minimum of 50 movies and a maximum of 100. This means you can provide any number of movies between 50 and 100 if that suits you better.
* You get a week time to compile your list (not from today but from the moment enough people signed up for this project).

I think this will be fun, so sign up horror & trash lovers.

Ok you all get until Saturday 22nd August 2020 to finalize your list.

Johan_WoW says:

Aug '20 *
Final list

1 Dolls (1987)
2 Blood Feast 2: All U can Eat (2002)
3 Alice, sweet Alice (1976)
4 Carrie (1976) 5 The Innocents (1961)
6 The Bad Seed (1956)
7 The Company of Wolves (1984)
8 The Exorcist (1973)
9 The Conjuring 2 (2016)
10 Cannibal Holocaust (1980)
11 Black Sunday (1960)
12 The Others (2001)
13 The Wizard of Gore (1970)
14 Spider Baby (1967)
15 Cat People (1942)
16 The Phantom of the Opera (1925)
17 The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920)
18 Let the Right One in (2008)
19 Freaks (1932)
20 Rosemary's Baby (1968)
21 The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane (1976)
22 The Tingler (1959)
23 House on Haunted Hill (1959)24 Alien (1979)
25 The Flesh Eaters (1964)
26 The Haunting (1963)
27 A Quiet Place (2018)
28 Oculus (2013)
29 Two Thousand Maniacs (1964)
30 The Hunchback of the Notre Dame (1923)
31 The Gruesome Twosome (1967)
32 Frankenhooker
33 Re-Animator (1985)
34 Eyes without a Face (1960)
35 Sleepaway Camp (1983)
36 The Last Cannibal World (1977)
37 The Head (1959)
38 Night of the Living Dead (1968)
39 Day of the Dead (1985)
40 Burial Ground (1981)
41 Hellbound: Hellraiser II (1988)
42 Hellraiser (1987)
43 The Birds (1963)
44 Kingdom of the Spiders (1977)
45 The Invisible Man (1933)
46 Blood and Black Lace (1964)
47 The Hands of Orlac (1924)
48 I Vampiri (1957)
49 The Cat and the Canary (1927)
50 Poison for the Fairies (1984)
51 Orphan (2009)
52 Haunter (2013)
53 FleshEater (1988)
54 Evil Dead (2013)
55 Braindead (1992)
56 The Entity (1982)
57 Demon Seed (1977)
58 Dawn of the Dead (1978)
59 Zombi 2 (1979)
60 Piranha (1978)
61 Don't Be Afraid of the Dark (2010)
62 Happy Birtday to me (1981)
63 Ouija: Origin of Evil (2016)
64 Yummy (2019)
65 City of the Living Dead (1980)
66 The House by the Cemetery (1981)
67 The Beyond (1981)
68 Maggie (2015)
69 Trauma (2017)
70 Masque of the Red Death (1962)
71 The Witch's Mirror (1962)
72 The Living Dead of Manchester Morgue (1974)
73 Homicidal (1961)
74 The Day of the Triffids (1962)
75 Mr. Sardonicus (1961)
76 Orca (1977)
77 The Girl with all the Gifts (2016)
78 Ghostland (2018)
79 Mansion of the Doomed (1976)
80 The Black Cat (1981)
81 Fright (1971)
82 The Pit and the Pendulum (1991)
83 Bloody Birthday (1981)
84 Shanks (1974)
85 Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte (1964)
86 The Raven (1935)
87 The Fly (1958)
88 Fiend without a Face (1958)
89 Ghost Ship (2002)
90 Tarantula (1955)
91 Them! (1954)
92 Village of the Damned (1960)
93 Invisble Invaders (1959)
94 Hรคxan (1922)
95 The VVitch: A New-England Folktale (2015)
96 I Spit on your Grave (1978)
97 I Spit on your Grave (2010)
98 A Bay of Blood (1971)
99 The Legend of Hell House (1973)
100 Final Girl (2015)

Johan_WoW says:
#12, Reply to #2

Aug '20 *
Thx then I'll put your list already in the spreadsheet. Btw if I'm not sure about the year I'll gotta ask you but I think in most cases it's pretty clear I know you prefer Romero's Dead movies over the remakes.

Johan_WoW says:
#13, Reply to #2

Aug '20
A very very 80s list it is. Actually only 1 movie from this century (Inside) that I was wondering if it was a mistake from your or my part. also some real obscure ones I like that.

Johan_WoW says:
#17, Reply to #5

Aug '20
No problem the numbers I can generate easily in the spreadsheet.

Johan_WoW says:
#14, Reply to #7

Aug '20
Ranking I consider a bigger challenge than any movie challenge too. As you said you haven't seen that much horror like most here and I think all the popular and classics are on there both from now and the past. I like that it isn't centered around 1 particular period. Gutterballs is certainly not 1 I expected to see on yours. Seems like one you watched with Box as I know he loves that flick. I love it too, it's the kind of trashy horror flick I dig. So yes I can give recommednations there too if you like emoticon


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.