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Nov '19
I know I didn't officially participate in the October challenge on TE. I organized one for the Dutch speaking horror fans which started earlier (late September) and went on longer (until November 10th) than the usual. It gave more people the opportunity to reach the 31 goal. The winner eventually watched 116 movies. 10 from the 18 participants reached the end goal. I was 4th with 85 viewings I didn't really kept track exactly of the amount of FTV and RW but I guess 90% were FTV.

From the FTV's I derived this top 10 in no particular order:

The Human Centipede (2009)
Don't realy understand the turkey average on imdb. It wasn't that shocking but I found it a well executed 'fresh' idea. I also saw the second movie. Yeah that bad guy was a sleazy one but it had not the tension or the surprises from the first movie. It was paste copy, rinse and repeat just more gory and less interesting in the villain or victim department.

Beaks: The Movie (1987) aka Birds of Prey
You could call it the Mexican version of Hitchcock's The Birds. Beaks has not much character development and looks like a collection of scenes of people attacked by birds (many characters you don't see again after the attack). the acting is rather poor but the many bird attacks and a bit of gore make it a fun ride.

Demon Seed (1977)

At many points people wondered what would happen if computers actually would become so smart that they could make their own decisions and eventually disobey their human creators? I think Demon Seed might answer that question partly. It was a great movie where a computer terrorizes a women. He eventually wants to get her pregnant. Sounds sick yeah it is and it worked well for me. Reminded me also of The Entity which came out years later.

Lady in Cage (1964)
Another movie that is still a hot topic. What if some stranger is really in need. Would you rush to help or ignore it. What if a group of people see someone drowning. Would you jump in the water or look at the others hoping one of them does it? That's what this movie is about. Olivia de havilland as the handicapped woman is stuck in her elevator. Her cries for help only seem to attract low lives and thieves. Of course that leads to internal conflicts between the 'bad' guys as well.

Men behind the Sun (1988)
If you think movies like a Serbian movie or Human Centipede are sick, this Hong Kong flick actually show what it would be like to live in a concentration camp during war and basically being used as a lab rat. The graphic violence is pretty explicit not for the faint hearted.

Trauma (2017)
There is many movies with this title. It's a Chilean rape revenge movie which is pretty brutal. However it does quite a good job of explaining the psyche of the bad guys (why and how did they become so cruel) throughout the movie by means of flashbacks. The 4 female victims also have their fair share of character development and the introduction before the terror begins isn't overly long. So far the best movie I have seen in this genre. Doesn't shy away from female nudity at all (guess the metoo brigade didn't yet arrive there). The clichรฉs are present but minimal.

Scream Bloody Murder (1973)
It has the look of a low budget Troma movie. The acting is average and the story is not good. However the troubled kid with an oedipus complex who really cannot stand a his mother being touched by some othe guy but him, does a great job. he goes crazy whenever he finds a new mother figure and sees a man going physical with her. Not really gory but nevertheless interesting as psychological portrait.

Criminally Insane (1975)
Low budget, no good in acting, sleazy characters. Corpulent Ethel can only think of 1 thing: eating. Everyone who stands in her way trying to prevent from stuffing food in her mouth will be sorry for trying! the kills are rather bloody even if it's so obviously red paint. Fun ride and it's only 1 hour long.

Hospital Massacre (1981) aka X-ray
Another slasher that doesn't offer much in story or in the acting department. However it's one that actually stays true to its title. Just sit back and enjoy.

Happy Birthday to me (1981)
Copy paste from what I wrote on another thread
Despite its length it never gets boring. Yeah it's true that there is quite a bit of red herrings being thrown in but wow what a great dark, twisty, macabre, fucked up ending was that! Throw in giallo elements (the black gloves), some great kills (especially the one with the weights ouch) and some real psycho elements and you have a movie that should have been a classic. Why its average is so low, well apparently some people found it too messy in story, well I guess they found it too complex.One of my favorite slashers now!

So what you think? Do you also have an own top 10 of FTV's

sfpx says:

Nov '19
Some good ones there. Criminally Insane is a lot of fun. The actress that plays the overweight loonie really makes the film. She did a great job. Really 'hammed' it up (geddit?, ham).

Always wanted to see Lady in a Cage but never got around to it. My dad used to talk about how much it scared him when he was a kid.

Johan_WoW says:
#7, Reply to #1

Nov '19
Lady in a Cage shows little in terms of graphic violence. It's really the passivity towards, the greed and the position of power over De Havilland's character who is pretty helpless that actually made me feel like stepping in myself and teach those nasty bad guys a lesson.

Box_a_Hair says:

Nov '19
I'll have to look into some of those. I'm kinda surprised you liked Human Centipede. It ain't a bad movie, it was just kind of overhyped at the time, and to my surprise, tamer than I expected. I kinda like the sequels more. Wait till you watch part 3... that's when shit gets funny!

I remember watching Scream Bloody Murder on some 50 movie pack I got and I hated the shit out of that movie. I should revisit it though, because I've grown to like trash over the years (if you haven't already guessed). Plus, it has Angus Scrimm in there somewhere, but I didn't see him in my first few attempts to watch it.

Criminally Insane is somehow a very entertaining movie. I love the look and vibe of that movie. It has a perfect 70s grain to it, and yeah... that paint blood is great!

Hospital Massacre was pretty decent. Had a few good scenes, but it needs a rewatch from me. Happy Birthday to Me is also pretty good. It may be long, but it stays interesting and has a few good kills, and indeed a twisted ending.

I've been kinda reluctant to watch Men Behind the Sun, but one of these days when I'm brave enough, I'll give it a go.

Johan_WoW says:
#8, Reply to #2

Nov '19
Men Behind the Sun is sick, exploitation at its purest. It looks all so god damn real. I'm not sure how to prepare for a movie like that. I found it much more shocking than A Serbian Film.

I have heard that some Human Centipede fans wanted a movie with more gore thus came the second with more gore. The first was like a 7/10 for me the second like 2/10. The first gave us some insight in the mad doctor and I liked the bonding between the girls and it had tension. The second gave us a creepy guy with a face only a mother could love (and even she hated him) with few background (something about being abused by his father). The movie is more graphic but also quite repetitive him making victims for his centipede (it's a miracle they are still alive after him beating them up) and even more a miracle he actually succeeds in making a centipede. Of course if it was all in his head that would make sense. I just didn't see this as an addition. Maybe I have seen too many movies with killers who can but refuse to talk. The scene where he was motivating his centipede to shit that was really embarassing. I don't see more gore as a plus if the movie is well made. I thought the original was well made the second was a poor copycat to me almost becoming a parody. I recently re-watched Two Thousand Maniacs. It has little gore compared to other Lewis' flicks but the few gore moments are really effective because the build-up to those moments are really good as well. Also watched with audio commentary afterwards. I can totally see why it is the director's favorite and is really proud of it much more than Blood Feast despite initiating a new genre with that one.
And yes I was surprised too I liked Human Centipede. I tend to avoid the hype and go for it when it has died down. I didn't do so with Hereditary and Mandy but I had my reasons to watch them. That didn't work out well. I expected to hate Mandy but thought I would appreciate Hereditary more.

Yakko says:

Nov '19
Demon Seed was pretty good and a very original idea. It's not gory and some may consider it more sci-fi than horror. This was a rare film for a while but I think now there is a Blu-ray.

Lady in a Cage was also quite good. Been a while since I saw it but it also had Ann Sothern playing one of the villains. She played the deranged mom in The Killing Kind. These were both later in her career - she was a big star in non-horror films when she was younger and thinner.

Hospital Massacre was an okay slasher with a high body count and an annoying score. I found it interesting that it was another Valentine themed slasher that had the killer named Harry. I like the other hospital slasher, Visiting Hours, a bit better.

Happy Birthday to Me is also an okay slasher with some good moments. I always thought, as someone else here recently said, that the killings should've been bloodier. I always figured the same thing happened to this movie as My Bloody Valentine - that the real gore was cut and never restored. Not sure if that's true but those killings sure had the potential to have been much more gory.

Human Centipede I hated. It was just boring and seemed to have been just made to make people sick. It affected me the same way Martyrs did. I guess the modern style of making gore films just doesn't do anything for me.

The rest of these I have not seen.

Johan_WoW says:
#5, Reply to #3

Nov '19
Hm Visiting Hours is also still on my list. I guess that will be for December after the Turkey challenge.

About the gore well I have seen really lots of slashers lately. I think much gore is rather the exception than the rule or there don't seem to be much uncut versions around.

Demon Seed is out on Blu Ray through Warner I believe but unfortunately apart from a trailer there ain't extras. I think I'll go for the DVD or wait until a company like Arrow or 88 Films makes one with real extras.

Just looked up Ann Sothern when she was younger wow yeah what a difference with the plump gal she played in Lady in a Cage. It didn't hurt her as she became 92! De Havilland is 103 now emoticon

markus-san says:

Nov '19 *
The scene with the little boy in Men Behind the Sun really got to me. You're right, it's all the more shocking and disturbing because much of what you see is based on actual human experiments conducted at "Unit 731" during the Japanese occupation of Manchuria. The only thing that I found slightly off-putting, although most people who are not familiar with the languages would not care that much, but the Japanese were speaking Mandarin. And despite being factual, it is pretty much just an exploitation movie.

The Human Centipede is definitely not as bad as it's IMDb rating would suggest. Actually A Serbian Film isn't either. People are so easily offended, they give a '1' rating without having even seen the damn thing.

I saw Demon Seed years and years ago and I remember quite liking it. Julie Christie was a huge crush during my youth and I sought out pretty much all of her movies at the time.

Johan_WoW says:
#6, Reply to #4

Nov '19 *
It might sound as blasphemy but I saw an English dub of Men behind the sun. It wasn't easy to get a decent copy so I went along with it. It didn't make the images any less disturbing. Yes the little boy that was really painful given how unaware he was of what going to happen to him. The lady and the ice hands I found quite shocking too. It is exploitation and some ( a lot?) of people might say you are sick to watch or think of it as a good movie, but I think it was very effective. Martyrs did little to me but Men Behind the Sun I think the most disturbing I saw so far.

A Serbian Film also had some quite shocking scenes especially the newborn porn. However I didn't really like the way is was filmed close to found footage style and I found that main guy quite unlikable.

markus-san says:
#9, Reply to #6

Nov '19
Actually I didn't find that particular scene in A Serbian Film to be so shocking, probably because 1. I'd heard about it beforehand and 2. It just looked so fake. And that line made me cringe. I found the scene where a female character is asphyxiated more disturbing. I don't recall it being filmed in close to found footage style? Perhaps some scenes came across that way but I seem to remember one of the positive things about it was the cinematography and how it's glossy style and "sheen" made it somewhat less grimy.

I think I first attempted to watch Men Behind the Sun in an English dub but could not take it so seriously so had to wait until I found the original version. This movie, along with The Stoning of Soraya M are two of the more disturbing films I've seen because of the fact they're based on real events.


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