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Apr '20
I don't mean movies that you forget the title of. I'm talking about movies that you have watched more than once and you can't remember how they end.

I've encountered this a few times. I'll have seen a movie anywhere from 2 or more times and for the life of me, I can't remember how the damn movie ends.

Here are three movies off the top of my head that I have this issue with:

1. Session 9 (2001) I would estimate I have seen this movie 5 or 6 times. I can never remember how it ends. I like the movie a lot, but as soon as it is over, I've completely forgotten the ending...
2. The Void (2016) Another one I really like. I think it has a great setting and atmosphere. Sadly, just like Session 9 once this one is over I can't remember anything about how the movie ended.
3. John Carpenter's The Thing (1982): Sigh... This one is embarrassing to admit that I can't remember the ending. John Carpenter's The Thing is one of my all-time favorite movies. The practical effects are beautiful! The feeling of dread and paranoia throughout, I honestly think this movie is perfection. I have seen this more times than I could possibly count and as soon as it's over I have forgotten how the movie finished. emoticon

I don't know why certain movies are like this for me. Any of you ever have this happen? What movie or movies do you have a hard time remembering?

Box_a_Hair says:

Apr '20
There are plenty I can't remember, but I don't remember what they are. emoticon

I remember watching Session 9, but I couldn't tell you dick about that movie. Another one I remember watching is The Initiation 1984 and as soon as it ended, I had forgotten everything about it.

There was also Blood Sisters 1987 that I got in a Shriekshow set because the cover had some quality big-boob art to lure me in, and I'd forgotten it immediately. I remembered that I liked it somewhat, so I'd watched it a few more times and still can barely remember anything about it.

OnyxHades says:
#2, Reply to #1

Apr '20
Well, at least you remembered the quality big-boob art! emoticon

As for The Initiation, I know I've seen that movie. I know it's one I like, but it is also one I don't remember much about.

Apr '20
Comment Deleted

Tromafreak says:

Apr '20 *
Symptoms (1974), directed by Josรฉ Ramรณn Larraz (Vampyres). Seen it several times but can't remember shit about it. I'll try to think of some others later.

Johan_WoW says:

Apr '20 *
I think the inclusion of The Void is funny, maybe the title makes you feel empty. I saw it only once and I'm not even sure it has an ending?

Movies I saw multiple times and forgot the ending?

I think several of the Mario Bava movies
That's possibly because they are much more about atmosphere than story.

I love those flicks anyway.


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