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Jan '19
In the trailer for Children of the Corn (1984) around the 35-second mark, it sounds like a kid is yelling apple pie. Am I hearing this correctly?

Znep27 says:

Jan '19
I thought you were saying "Children of the Corn: Apple Pie" was going to be the title of the next installment. Then I thought maybe you misheard someone saying "Malachi." But after watching that, I don't think that could be anything but apple pie. It's been a while since I've seen the movie, but I sure don't remember anybody yelling about apple pie.

OnyxHades says:
#2, Reply to #1

Jan '19
From the way the series has been, I wouldn't be surprised if that did become a title. emoticon

I thought it might have been Malachi also, but the more I play it the more I'm convinced the kid is yelling "APPLE PIE!". Maybe it was close to lunchtimeemoticon?

Ballz says:

Jan '19 *
Sounds like "apple pie" to me. Seems like a pretty random thing for them to yell, but I don't remember much about that movie.

OnyxHades says:
#4, Reply to #3

Jan '19
It's been a long time since I last watched it. I think I will give it another watch soon. I'd like to see if that is in the movie itself or just the trailer.

Tromafreak says:

Jan '19
I don't know. Kinda sounds like where's the beef? to me.

OnyxHades says:
#6, Reply to #5

Jan '19

Tommix says:

Jan '19 *
"Gatlin pride!" Like at a high school football game, cheering on the home team. But instead of cheering on the Gatlin home football team, they're cheering because they're gonna sacrifice an Outlander and his woman to the corn demon/god.

Tommix says:

Jan '19
No, seriously, it does sound like apple pie. I think they might have taken that scene out of the actual movie, but left it in the trailer. I am NOT sure of that, but it seems like that moment probably would have been in the movie right around an hour an three minutes into the movie, plus or minus a minute or so. It doesn't seem to be there. Maybe they left it in the trailer, but took it out of the movie because it sounded so much like apple pie?!? I haven't gone through the whole movie carefully, but if it was supposed to be when all the kids are chasing the Outlander dude, at around 1:03 -- 1:04 here, I can't find it.

OnyxHades says:
#10, Reply to #8

Jan '19
I think you're right. I don't remember hearing it in the movie at all.

sfpx says:

Jan '19


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