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May '18
I'm really into period piece movies right now. Anyone have any recs? Doesn't have to specifically be horror. Thriller and drama would be good also.

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Box_a_Hair says:

May '18
Witchfinder General (1968) features Vincent Price as a man who accuses women of being witches, and people take his word for it! Set in the English Civil War in the 1600s.

Sleepy Hollow (1999) is set in 1899 I think, and it's one of Tim Burton's last great movies.

Summer of Sam (1999) is not quite horror, but it's close enough. Set during the Son of Sam killer in New York, late 1970s. I love this movie.

Dark Shadows has a lot of period piece action, with stuff going from the 1600s, 1795, 1897, 1960s-1970s, and 1990s. Probably more. Everyone in it just switches costumes and hairstyles, but it's cool as fuck.

I guess a lot of war movies are period-pieces. Forrest Gump is a period-piece I've seen dozens of times. Boogie Nights, American Hustle, Wolf of Wall Street, Casino, Goodfellas... There are a few great crime movies out there. Carlito's Way is one of the best, with Al Pacino in the 70s.

I should add some 'period-piece' tags to some movies so this list can get real.

OnyxHades says:
#2, Reply to #1

May '18
Nice! Thank you!

Tromafreak says:

May '18
The Blood On Satan's Claw


OnyxHades says:
#4, Reply to #3

May '18
Awesome! Thanks babe!

Ballz says:

May '18
Ravenous (1999): Set in the Sierra Nevada during the late 1840s.

Hands of the Ripper (1971): Set in London during the early 1900s I think.

Both are horror. That's all I can come up with at the moment.

OnyxHades says:
#6, Reply to #5

May '18
Very cool! Thank you!

Johan_WoW says:

May '18 *
I guess you have seen most of the Hammers and Universals plenty of period pieces there

A lot of the Vincent Price movies, I think all the Poe adaptations he did directed by Corman.
House of Usher (1960)
Pit and the Pendulum (1961)
Tales of Terror (1962)
The Haunted Palace (1963)
The Raven (1963)
The Masque of the Red Death (1964)
The Tomb of Ligeia (1964)

Mario Bava made some real nice gothic ones
Black Sunday (1960) a favorite of mine
The Whip and the Body (1963)
Black Sabbath (1963) at least the second story
Kill, Baby... Kill! (1966)

Some silents:
The Man Who Laughs (1928)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1923)
The Phantom of the Opera (1925)
Faust (1926)
Nosferatu (1922)
Destiny (1921) aka der Müde tod
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920)

Tower of London (1962)
Premature Burial (1962)
The Terror (1963)
The Witch's Mirror (1962) love this one a lot too
The Pit and the Pendulum (1991)
Mr. Sardonicus (1961)

OnyxHades says:
#8, Reply to #7

May '18
Nice list! Thank you!

Tommix says:

May '18
How about Captain Kronos? I think it's supposed to happen in the 1700's... sorry, this is pathetic, I'm gonna think about this topic some more and come back and make a better post. For now, I'm just sticking with Captain Kronos.

Box_a_Hair says:
#10, Reply to #9

May '18
Someone pointed out that a lot, if not most of the Hammer movies are set in older times. Captain Kronos is a great movie though. One of my favorite Hammer flicks.

Tommix says:
#12, Reply to #10

May '18
It's one of my favorite Hammers too!! I didn't mean to say the movie was pathetic, just that my post was a little pathetic. I meant to take a few minutes to think of a few good period movies, but I just started typing too soon... well, whatever.

I wish they had followed through and made a few sequels to Captain Kronos. I guess it could still happen somehow, online. Hey, there's always fan fiction.

Tommix says:

May '18
Vidocq (2001) is really interesting. It's set in and around Paris in the early 1800's... maybe the 1830s. It's sort of an occult detective story, with lots of action... it's really cool, visually.

Speaking of France, there's also Vatel (2000) set in France in the 1600's.

OK, now that I'm on a roll here with the French stuff, I like Brotherhood of the Wolf (2001) a lot (AKA Le Pacte des Loups). It's mostly set in provincial France in the 1700's.

OnyxHades says:
#14, Reply to #11

May '18
Nice! Thank you!

Tromafreak says:

May '18
Attack Of The Beast Creatures

Smerd says:

May '18
Eyes Of Fire (1983)
The Haunting Of M (1979)
Lemora: Child Of The Supernatural (1973)
The Shadow Of Chikara (1977)

iceflamez says:

May '18
Sauna (2008) Finnish period piece horror flick. Just be warned it's not your typical horror flick!

ebossert says:

Jun '18
The Silenced (2015, Korea) - set in 1938
The Black Death (2015, Thailand) - set in 1565
The Piper (2015, Korea) - set in the 1950s
The Housemaid (2016, Vietnam) - set in 1953
Fires on the Plain (2014, Japan) - set in WWII


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