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Aug '14 *
image It's been a while,Trash Epics. But Ballz is back (at least for the duration of this post) and he has a new review for you, along with a slightly changed format. The other night, I had the pleasure of finally seeing Jim Mickle's Cold in July after waiting for what feels like such a long time now and was that wait worth it? Yes, I'd say the wait was well worth it.

Starring Michael C. Hall (Dexter, Six Feet Under) and the always enjoyable Don Johnson (Machete, Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man, Miami Vice), along with some other people, it's the story of a man trying to do what's best for his family while also trying to uncover the truth behind the situation he finds himself forced into.

And now, it's time for another... Reviews with Ballz!


image The movie starts out with family man Richard Dane (Hall) asleep in bed with his wife when they're awakened by sounds coming from within the house. He gets out of bed to investigate only to discover an intruder, who he proceeds to shoot and kill. The police are called and after they're at the Dane's house for a while, Richard is taken to the station to take care of the usual stuff that comes with blowing away a burglar. It's all pretty straight forward and later that same night, he's allowed to return home to his family.

image Once he's back at his house, he helps his wife clean up the blood left behind by the burglar. Now, during this, I could only think of Dexter. Dexter was an expert at cleaning up blood and, also, while I'm not sure where the movie takes place exactly, it's definitely in the Southern US. And where did Dexter take place? Florida. Richard was a pretty good shot with that gun too. Sure, it could have been a lucky shot and Dexter was more of a stabber than a shooter, but I'm certain he could have used a gun pretty well if he'd needed to. Could this movie be Dexter's life after Dexter? Probably not actually, since this is based on a novel from 1989, but can you really blame me for thinking such things?

image Anyway, a short while later, Richard has an encounter with the burglar's father. Some unfriendly words are exchanged and this is where the movie really starts to pick up. I won't reveal more of the movie after that point, as I think it's one of those movies that's definitely best seen instead of read about in some asshole's review. I feel that even reading IMDb's basic storyline description takes away from what the movie builds up in the beginning. It's one I definitely plan to buy at some point and I do highly recommend checking it out for yourself.

My Rating: 4/5

Shaza123 says:

Aug '14
Just wanted tp day, awesome write up!

Ballz says:
#2, Reply to #1

Aug '14
Thanks, Shaza!


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