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Aug '17

Maurice celebrates the Challenge of the Apes finale. And it was good! We had a grand time monkeying around and I learned a few things - like Smerd is an even bigger Ape fan than I am. It was exciting to see so many of us immerse ourselves in the Ape universe. Here's how the final results stacked up:

beatnik (moi) - 5775 points - Makes me Caesar - Long live the King!
SethYeah - 5658 points - he never delivered on the promised monkeyfucking but Seth nearly took Caesar's crown.
Smerd - 5253 points and Smerd definitely gets the Orangutan Award by reading 29 consecutive issues of Marvel's POTA comic.
India - 3074 points - India bounced all over the place gathering points here and there like a true monkey!
Box-a-Hair & sidekick @der - 3018 points - they cut a solid swath through both universes.
Foz - 2381 - and Fozzie may have been the only one of us to actually score off the Marmoset song.
peeps - 2214 points - She deserves an extra bonus for suffering through the Kong musicals.
JohanWOW - 1311 points and that was all achieved in the first two weeks.
Ballz - 1295 points - took a couple of long pauses but came back strong at the end.
barkingBaphomet - 1016 points from a varied list of movies and one classic Spidey show.
troma - 881 points without entering either universe!
NoseOfNicko - 471 points - for a late starter, nicko did alright.
Gymnopedie - 91 points from boggy Creek

Thank you all for participating. I hope everyone had as much fun monkeying around as I did. Tell me what you liked and didn't like. Did you miss FTV points? Did you like that points were based on minutes instead of movies watched? Did you like the reading bonus? Will you be back next July for .... The Animals Amuck & Disaster Flick Challenge or would you prefer something else? Do you know all the lyrics to "Dr. Zaius! Dr. Zaius!" ???


foz says:

Aug '17
excellent work hosting & congrats winning!

I was pleasantly suprised by the original POTA films, which i assumed wouldn't be my thing, but Escape especially was very good. Worst was either Dawn or Jacksons Kong, the former i found boring and predictable, the latter just too long. And by then i'd seen the 33 & 76 ones is quick succession, so Kong overload may have been a factor.

didn't miss FTV points, when scoring by the min they hardly affect anything. books/comic i think was great idea, tho i didnt utilise myself feel that introducing multi platform into challenges mixes it up and offers avenues to keep enthusiasm going throughout & makes it all the more fun.

nice to have these one off challenges, as mentioned get to watch stuff you may not normally consider. cheers for the ape mess beats!


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