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Body Melt

Mar '17
This movie was wack. It reminded me a little of Street Trash. I welcome any comments or opinions... because of shit going on in my personal life I'm having a hard time focusing, so I probably missed some of the goodness, but enjoyed what I absorbed.


This was probably my last view for the Trash Challenge... thanks for starting the challenge Troma! emoticon
...and I just put in notice at my job. Good grief. emoticon


Mar '17
I didn't like the movie but the gore was great. It does have a street trash feel to it.

Smerd says:

Mar '17
Fun wacko flick. Haven't seen it in years though, definitely deserves a rewatch.

Good luck, peeps. I hope you find something far less stressful.emoticon

peeptoad says:
#7, Reply to #2

Mar '17
Thanks smerd. I'm a little uneasy about it but I have 2 interviews lined up next week, so fingers crossed one of them pans out.

Ballz says:

Mar '17
Weak story. Really didn't care about what was happening to any of the characters. The gore is amazing though. Amazing enough to make me revisit it once in a while.

Tommix says:

Mar '17 *
maybe you could give The Incredible Melting Man a shot, as long as you're in the mood for that sort of thing. Actually, it might be too trashy, even for Trash Epics... your call. coming back to edit: look at that actor's face at :48-:50, as he says "He seems to be getting stronger as he melts!" He looks like he's thinking "just get through this fucking line... just say the damned words, then I can go have a beer..."

peeptoad says:
#8, Reply to #4

Mar '17
Hmmmmm... might try that one on for size. emoticon

Tommix says:

Mar '17
PS is it just me, or does the guy in the picture you posted (yeah, the melting guy) look quite a bit like Tim Raimi?!?

Also, you put in notice at your job? Good for you (I think). Good luck with whatever's next!

Tromafreak says:

Mar '17
Couldn't get into it. Something about Australian movies just bore the shit outta me, regardless of how good it may sound.

Yakko says:

Mar '17 *
I knew an actual melted person in college who was mentally ill and causing all sorts of weird problems and distractions by cheating on tests and writing his name in bathrooms, so I always this one would be hilarious. Every time there's any mention of The Incredible Melting Man I think of him, so this one would no doubt have the same effect on me.

OnyxHades says:
#11, Reply to #9

Mar '17
What do you mean by melted??

Yakko says:
#12, Reply to #11

Mar '17
He looked like he was made out of wax and stood too close to a fire. His whole right side looked heat-damaged. He stood tilted, and rode around town on a bike that had black tape wrapped all over it. The bike stood tilted too.

Since human flesh doesn't actually melt, I'm sure it had to be caused by something else, but it sure gave the appearance of having been melted.

OnyxHades says:
#13, Reply to #12

Mar '17
Poor guy! That sounds horrible.

Yakko says:
#16, Reply to #13

Mar '17
Yeah I wouldn't want to be him. I was just always curious how he got that eay but I didn't think it would be right to just ask him. It didn't actually show at a glance. If you only saw him from the left side you;d never know it.

peeptoad says:
#17, Reply to #16

Mar '17
It would be tough to be a burn victim like that... my heart goes out a little when I see people who've been disfigured by burns, etc.
My 5th grade teacher told a story one time where he went ot the Social Security office or some other civic office and there was a guy in the waiting area with horrible burns all over his face and neck and people were moving away from him like he had the plague. My teacher went up to him and enganged him in conversation (not related to his appearance) and he said he was one of the nicest guys he'd ever engaged in small talk with.

I can understand wanting to ask someone what happened though; I' d have that curiosity as well, but probably not the stones to actually ask someone.

Tommix says:
#20, Reply to #16

Mar '17 *
there was a video store clerk, at a store I used to go to, who was really horribly burned all over his entire face. He looked like a monster. I remember that I would take it in stride, and pass the time of day with him like it was not a big deal, but I bet I had a visible reaction of being freaked out the first time I saw him standing at the counter.

OnyxHades says:

Mar '17 *
I watched this one after being warned by Troma not to. I loved Street Trash, and so I thought I would like this one. Aside from the gore, I was bored as hell by it. I may revisit it again someday. Good luck with the whole job situation. It definitely sounds as though you need a break!

peeptoad says:
#14, Reply to #10

Mar '17
Yeah the film was a little... um, disjointed I guess, but I enjoyed the gore (and mucus, ugh) as well. I loved Street trash.... Body Melt doesn't hold a candle to it, but the effects were good.
Thanks for the wishes on the job. I hope it works out...I'd love not to have this blasted commute every day. emoticon

OnyxHades says:
#15, Reply to #14

Mar '17
The gore is awesome in it. I love gore. The gorier the better. So gory you can smell'em!


Mar '17
I haven't seen this in over 20 years and can't remember a damn thing about it. Except for a part where there's a porno on someone's TV and if you look closely, you can see a tiny bit of penetration. For some reason, my mind considered that worth remembering.

I'm mainly replying to congratulate you on quitting your job and to wish you all the best in finding a better one!

peeptoad says:
#19, Reply to #18

Mar '17
Except for a part where there's a porno on someone's TV and if you look closely, you can see a tiny bit of penetration.

Yep, that was memorable. emoticon ...and I didn't even take penetration points for it either. emoticon

And, thanks! My last day (I think, have a meeting with HR tomorrow) is April 28. I don't have a replacement job yet, but man am I finding myself oddly happy and energized, despite that. emoticon


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.