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Mar '17
and also starring MOLLY PARKER, who I love and I am sorry I couldn't stuff her name into the subject line.

This is a pretty interesting TV movie. I think it was really well done. A very large part of it is basically a one woman show, just Molly Parker talking to herself as she thinks her way through various life-threatening predicaments... so, if you don't like her, better skip this puppy. But, I like her, so I really enjoyed this.

She plays a woman with a very disturbed/disturbing backstory, who must rescue a young girl being held hostage by John C. McGinley. I think of him as Dr. Cox from Scrubs, so it is interesting to see him play a cold, calculating, very deliberately evil character. You could call him insane, but he thinks hard about what he does, and why he does it, so his actions are not... um... unpremeditated. Anyway, Molly Parker has to rescue a girl from J.C. McG, waaayyy out in rural Oregon or Washington state. It's a pretty simple story, but I think they built the tension very carefully and effectively. John McG has a fair number of scenes, of course, and he is always chilling, but Molly Parker really carries this movie. Anyway, I recommend watching it if you can find it.

Box_a_Hair says:

Mar '17
It's a lot like "High Tension" at times, though not gory. As a tv-movie, it's pretty decent. I love Dr. Cox, so to have him playing a sadistic killer is pretty awesome. Also cool to have Piper Laurie in there.

That said, the setting is very pretty.


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