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Jul '18
Any musicians here?? Or, anyone with experience with church music, or just any ability to read sheet music...?

I volunteer sometimes in a local community library, and people bring in boxes of donations all the time. It's usually books, of course, but sometimes people bring in old VHS tapes, CDs, etc. One time someone brought in some old sheet music. I couldn't really read it, except very, very basically being able to see that some notes were higher than others. But, I thought some of it LOOKED kind of beautiful. I have no idea if it actually SOUNDED (or sounds) beautiful, but it looked terrific.

It got me wondering about what the most beautiful looking sheet music would be. I think it would have to be complex, and maybe have little side notes with Italian words that look and sound cool, whether I know what they mean or not. But, I can barely even write anything bout this idea, I don't really have enough of a feel for the topic to be able to say anything intelligible.

Anyone know what I'm trying to say here? I'm not interested in how it sounds, at the moment. Just how it looks. Does anything come to mind for you? I would like to see what people come up with. Here are some threads I found, talking about this general topic (sort of):

This person is clearly thinking along the same lines as I am, although she seems to pay as much attention to the beauty of the old yellowed paper as to the beauty of the actual notes... but whatever, that's cool I guess.

Some good stuff here:

These are not what I was thinking about, but still interesting to see:

markus-san says:

Aug '18 *
I play a little piano, well I used to play more but I've never looked a sheet of music and thought wow, this looks beautiful, however complex. Maybe, like handwriting, it depends if it has been written by hand and not printed. I've been to a museum in Vienna which contained some of the most famous composer's handwritten sheet music and sure, it was fascinating to look at, and I guess quite beautiful. Beethoven's tended to be a bit of a mess though emoticon.


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