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Feb '16
So I was recently watching one of my favorite films EraserHead for the second damn time in a couple months on Friday night with my wife when around 4:00am I woke up screaming cause this super HOT blonde here was chasing me through the woods behind my damn house.
The fucking dream felt like it lasts forever anyways my wife freaked the hell out and to be honest I was scared shitless all day Saturday thinking about that damn dream and that scene in the movie.
So Saturday night we decide to watch Romper Stomper, no damn nightmares Saturday night.
So the wife says she wants to watch The Shining last night and now I can't get this crazy BITCH out of my mind since last night.

Anyways do any of you nightmares or just fucked up dreams from watching any films.
Some more films that have fucked me up growing up.
Pet Sematary
The Burning Moon
Naked Blood (Magyaku)
Jacob's Ladder
The Changling
That's just a few off the top of my head.

Tommix says:

Feb '16
one time I watched the sequel to Blair Witch, Book of Shadows, and also Eurotrip, in the same weekend. I dreamed up a combination of a song from each movie, Scotty Doesn't Know, from Eurotrip, and the song they play over the end credits in the Blair Witch sequel. It sounded really cool, sort of a slow ba da ba ba... Scotty doesn't knoooowwww... ba da ba ba... I never, ever have dreams that are anything like that, so, that was really strange.


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