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Aug '15
I want to check out good Eurocrime flicks, predominantly from the 70's. Any recs?

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slasherfan85 says:

Aug '15
Almost Human(1974)
Contraband(1980) - Not 70s, but Fulci directed it.

Pretty much any eurocrime film with Henry Silva in it is good.

Skeelo says:
#2, Reply to #1

Aug '15
Contraband is a good one actually. I preferr it to most of Fulci's horror

klownz says:

Aug '15
I don't know what you mean mate. Giallo recs?

Skeelo says:
#5, Reply to #3

Aug '15
Those would count I suppose, but there was a whole genre of crime films known as Eurocrime; more along the lines of cop and gangster films. Some of them that I've seen have been violent and sleazy. You'd like some :)

peeptoad says:
#8, Reply to #3

Oct '15
They are also called poliziotto. Italian crime films...

corpus_vile says:

Aug '15 *
The Big Racket. (1976)
Il Boss (1973)
The Heroin Busters (1977)
Cry of a Prostitute (1974)
Also check out the documentary Eurocrime! The Italian Cop & Gangster Films That Ruled The '70s (2012)

Skeelo says:
#6, Reply to #4

Aug '15
Thanks buddy. I always trust your recs.

It's because of that doc I want to explore the genre. I haven't seen it yet, but I ordered the DVD

corpus_vile says:
#7, Reply to #6

Oct '15 *
No worries mate, The Big Racket is probably the most entertaining one I've seen so far.


peeptoad says:

Oct '15
Anything by Fernando di Leo. and I can come up with some others, but after I get off work. I've seen a few that are giallo-polizziotto crossovers or had elements of both that are good too.

Skeelo says:

Oct '15
I started a FB group dedicated to crime movies. If you guys want to join in you're welcome :)


zed says:

Oct '15
famous ones

Hitch Hike (1977)
Rabid Dogs (1974)
Eyeball (1975)
Inn of the Frightened People (1971)
McVicar (1980)
Die Screaming Marianne (1971)


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