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RIP Wes Craven

by Skeelo

Aug '15
Well this sucks. I'm bummed out about this one. I know he was 76 but he always seemed so healthy. I had no idea he even had cancer.

But what a career he had. I enjoyed most of his movies, even My Soul To Take and Shocker. What are your faves?

damn_cyborg says:

Aug '15
A truly devestitaing loss. Everyone who worked with him has had nothing but good things to say, so it goes to show he was a geninuely awesome guy.

My favorite films from him include: A Nightmare on Elm Street, New Nightmare, The Last House on the Left, The Serpent and the Rainbow, Scream, Shocker, The People Under the Stairs, The Hills Have Eyes, Red Eye, and Deadly Friend.


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