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Aug 2015
I watch WWE weekly out of habit, but sometimes I delve deeper and go through wrestling phases where it's the only thing I watch (if you don't see me on movie forums for a week it's because I'm watching wrestling).

If so which companies do you watch and who are your favorite wrestlers?

Tromafreak says:

Aug 2015
Starting about 1994, I got hooked on WWE, WCW and eventually ECW. WCW was always my favovrite. And I still miss it. All that shit was a helluva lot of fun for a long time, but nothing fun about the current WWE product which I finally gave up on 4 or 5 years ago. The predictable, dumbed down style of the matches, and overly rehearsed promos are retarded and obviously designed to program the younger generations into seeing it all as something completely different than it was. How that company has ended up kinda makes me ahsamed of ever liking it to begin with. And how they've destroyed the industry in order to stay on top is disgusting. WWE is too kid friendly, too Hollywood, too much like a shitty reality show. The matches and titles mean nothing. It's all about pushing merchandise and getting as much money out of the fans as they can without putting on a good show. And plus, John Cena. A guy who they've been given a Hogan-push to for over a decade, can't even get cheered in his own fucking home town, yet, those assholes continue to push him like he's the goddamn Rock. As if someday, they'll find a way to trick the fans into liking him. Never gonna happen. No matter how how many other guys they hold down in order to make him look good. And their attempts to guilt trip the fans into liking him by bringing up all the charity work they force him to do is pathetic. I genuinely hope that company goes out of business and I also hope anyone who has fallen for their stock scam loses everything. I love what pro wrestling used to be, and still have much respect for it. But that industry will never recover until the WWE empire falls.

I'm too discouraged to watch wrestling these days. Partly cuz all my old favorites are either retired or might as well be. I hear ROH is pretty good. I was kinda into TNA up until a few years ago when they really started sucking, which was not too long after Hogan showed up. Not much hope for GFW or anything Jarrett is involved with. Unfortunately, the only worthwhile wrestling news that happens any more is someone dying.

My all-time favorites are The Undertaker, Ric Flair, Bret Hart, Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash, Edge and Arn Anderson.

damn_cyborg says:
#3, Reply to #1

Aug 2015
My thoughts exactly more or less.

Tromafreak says:
#4, Reply to #3

Aug 2015

Skeelo says:
#7, Reply to #1

Aug 2015
I agree with all of that. The company has been so focused on being mainstream relevant that it's forgotten the basics of what makes wrestling good.

ROH and Lucha Underground are the 2 worth watching at the moment. ROH up until 2006 was amazing.

Tromafreak says:
#8, Reply to #7

Aug 2015
I suspect they haven't forgotten anything. It seems as if they'd rather be a shitty entertainment company than a good wrestling company. Although, McMahon seemed to have surrounded himself with non-wrestling people, and I know that's not an accident. The man just hates wrestling. That's the root of it all. But it is funny to see them try so hard to be mainstream relevant and fail so miserably. Idiots are always a decade behind. Even if I was on board with the whole sports entertainment/we're not wrestling thing, I still find WWE to be unwatchable tv which occasionally features a wrestler from the 80's or 90's just to trick the old fans into not straying too far away. And it's all so organized. Flair will make his appearance in North Carolina, Bret Hart will make his appearance in Calgary, etc. Everything is SO carefully worked out to milk as much money out of everyone as they can. SO GODDAMN ANNOYING! emoticon

I've heard about how great ROH was before alot of their talent got raided. I can only imagine how much better a Brain Danielson or C.M. Punk match would be on there where they have the creative freedom to put on a good match.

I've seen a little Lucha Underground. It looks pretty good. Theyr'e not an actual wrest;ing promotion, are they? Just a tv show featuring wrestlers. That's weird.

damn_cyborg says:

Aug 2015
I don't watch wrestling anymore, but I was a huge fan back in the day. I started watching when I was about 9 or so. I didn't have cable as a wee lad, so I could never watch Raw, but I tuned into Smackdown every week when it was on UPN. When I really started to use the internet in my teens (besides just for porn), I discovered a lot of old WCW and ECW matches and got into them. I also loved that N64 game WWF No Mercy as a kid.

I stopped watching around 2007 because I grew tired of the WWE product. They were great back in the day, but once they ceased having any competition, they became lame and lazy. Their ECW "revival" was also a huge piece of shit and a disgrace to the former company. I could never get into TNA because of the awful storylines despite some great talent. I haven't really watched any of the other promotions like ROH, but I've been meaning to.

As for my favorite wrestlers, I've always liked The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker, Kane, Rob Van Dam, Roddy Piper (RIP!), Ric Flair, CM Punk, Mick Foley, Val Venis, Booker T, and Raven.

zed says:

Aug 2015
yes since the hulksters left even the dudes that dont like him have shed tears


Aug 2015
I watch WWF brah my favorite wrasstler is the Green Bastard


MaliceRhymes says:

Aug 2015
No. But I did enjoy the episode of RuPaul's Drag Race where they were the lady wrestlers of the WTF?

Tromafreak says:

Nov 2015



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You have reached the end of Trash Epics.