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RPG game advice

by zed

Dec '17
started this game 196 hours ago https://thehorrorboard.com/game/strategygame.7z (windows 64 only) ~15mb
any gameplay advice I should add/change?

its not fun/that playable ATM, Im just focusing on getting it to work, but should give an idea of approx wgat I'm trying to do
I will be away from the PC for 2 weeks so won't be able to update it any in that time, but will take notes

zed says:

Jan '18
update: made fuck all progress - just getting the basic fight mechanics working

zed says:
#4, Reply to #3

Jan '18
2d is just 3d without one of the dimensions.
Watch out though unity treats Y = UP and has a lefthanded coordinate system.

zed says:

Mar '18
Still not worked out the fighting

the formula is
modifier = (attack+20) / (defense+20) * % (physical/magic) protection

damage = weapon/magic damage * modifier

Pretty standard, the thing I don't like though with attack/defense is yes for phyical stuff it makes sense but for magical stuff it doesnt & even if it does how does being good in physical attack make you also good in magical attack? which is BS
perhaps I'm doing this too logically, hell its a fantasy game, reality shouldnt impinge

I have simplified it to magic/phys it used to have physical/magical/elemental(fire/ice etc),poison,shock etc

zed says:
#8, Reply to #7

Mar '18
Yes I'm trying to get it as simple as possible, what I have now is something similar

4 traits

thus A/D is based on those numbers

if ( attack_with_damage_type == DAMAGETYPE.PHYSICAL ) {
attack = A.strength*6 + A.dexterity*2 + A.vitality*2;
defense = D.strength*5 + D.dexterity*2 + D.intelligence*1 + D.vitality*3;
else if ( attack_with_damage_type == DAMAGETYPE.MAGICAL ) {
attack = A.dexterity*3 + A.intelligence*5 + A.vitality*2;
defense = D.dexterity*2 + D.intelligence*5 + D.vitality*3;
else if ( attack_with_damage_type == DAMAGETYPE.ELEMENTAL ) {
attack = A.dexterity*5 + A.intelligence*4 + A.vitality*1;
defense = D.strength*4 + D.dexterity*1 + D.vitality*5;

zed says:

Mar '18
How do these games work out protection

I was thinking just armour, i.e. use that as a reduction of the damage
but then I was thinking well yes with physical and elemental damage that makes sense but magical damage it doesnt

the way I see it theres 2 options

A/ just have a single armour protection that reduces all physical,elemental,magical damage
B/ have seperate protection for each

at the moment I have B cause it makes more sense but I'm thinking A would make the game more fun, i.e. only have to worry about armour

what do other games do A or B?

zed says:
#11, Reply to #10

Mar '18
OK thanks mate that sounds like a good Idea I'll just have a armour stat
and then have modifiers that alter that

zed says:
#12, Reply to #11

Mar '18
got the 4 stats (str,dex,int,vit) and armour now

zed says:

Mar '18
new version, will get stuck if your swordsman kills somebody else etc, I would of fixed but I hit the 300 hour working on it goal so decided to upload the next version, 400 hours and it should be pretty playable. 500 hours totally playable, which leaves 500 more hours to polish it

zed says:

Apr '18
just solved a problems thats been bugging me for 2 weeks, came down to me swapping a cosine and sine in a vector, who saiz beer and programming dont mix, having a few looking at the code and its like hmmm, I wonder

ATM I'm using icons's to symbolize what spells, weapons etc do eg Explosion for damage (or skull or whatnot)
but I'm looking at other games and it seems they actually write the stuff eg

Damage: 16
Range: 7m
Rate of Fire: 4

where I have
(Damage icon) 16
(Range icon) 7m
(Rate of Fire icon) 4

my way is neater (everythings is X by X size onscreen) though perhaps less understandable (WTF does tha icon mean, though if the player doesnt understand english thats prolly not the case)
from my cursory perusal I'm guessing I've been doing it the less desirable way

what do yous prefer?

zed says:

May '18
new version 400hours in now

sorry about the 64MB file, but it looks like unity aint stripping out unused assets, I cant be bothered fixing that ATM but I'll have to clear that up later

select = left mouse button
action = right mouse button

still not really a game, next version should be when its finally playable
for the monster/weapon stats, I've using D&D 5th version,

though there seems to be a large difficulties step from a goblin -> orc
So I need some bog standard creature that would fit in there, any ideas?


zed says:

Jun '18
509 hours in now,
Sorta playable, though still bugs and its not much fun, but its getting there
https://zedzeek.com/games/version500upload.rar 126 GB


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