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Nov '16
As you know I was hoping for a win for the Trumpster emoticon, I'll use this post as a record to see if in 4 years time, he has kept to his main promises.

1. Build a beautiful 55' high wall and make the mexicans pay for it
2. Drain the swamp, eg Senators limited to 2 terms
3. Increase median Wages above inflation
4. Decrease unemployment rate
5. Decrease government debt currently $19.818 trillion
6. Deport 2 Million people in the first hour of his Precidency
7. Impose 45% tariff on chinese goods
8. Ban muslims from entering the USA
9. Lock Clinton up
10. Personally become one of the 100 richest americans for the first time

peeptoad says:
#13, Reply to #11

Jun '17
If the goddamn media wouldn't scrutinize every single thing he does, people wouldn't have such low opinions of him.

I can't let this one slide... you do realize why he's being scrutinized don't you? It's not just because people don't "like" him. And it has actually been done to other presidents in the past there just wasn't any internet around then so the multitudes couldn't blast off at every notion.

peeptoad says:
#17, Reply to #16

Jun '17 *
Well, the main pres I was thinking of was Nixon (and, no, I am not directly comparing Trump to Nixon, but the hassling they get by the media, etc was/is similar, whether or not one thinks it's deserved).
Today all is worse (or the perception is worse), I can def agree on that... people are getting thinner and thinner skins and it's because of the manner in which the internet is being used. Everything getting blasted everywhere on Twitter, FB, etc just makes it that much worse and that's the reason why it seems like Trump takes more grief. Social media is new: it came to prominence well into Obama's first term and has steadily gotten worse ("bigger") since then. I still maintain that the state of things (politics, shootings, etc) is partially an optical because of all the random shit being reported as news and all the publicized grievances that follow this "news" around in virtual space. Up until I was in my mid-20s all anyone had was TV, radio, and the newspapers. You can't blast mass media events via those old school methods as effectively. Most of what's in the news is meant to manipulate the reader/viewer anyway. It's why I iked Nightcrawler so much: pretty much right on the money with its grim manipulation of the masses.

The only news site I read anymore is NPR. It's the only thing even close to objectivity that I can find.

peeptoad says:

Jun '17 *
politics suck balls worse than betting on cricket

says the peeptoad who is a moderate, unaffiliated voter emoticon

peeptoad says:
#15, Reply to #14

Jun '17
at least being doomed is a more or less tangible state of being... emoticon


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