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Nov '16
As you know I was hoping for a win for the Trumpster emoticon, I'll use this post as a record to see if in 4 years time, he has kept to his main promises.

1. Build a beautiful 55' high wall and make the mexicans pay for it
2. Drain the swamp, eg Senators limited to 2 terms
3. Increase median Wages above inflation
4. Decrease unemployment rate
5. Decrease government debt currently $19.818 trillion
6. Deport 2 Million people in the first hour of his Precidency
7. Impose 45% tariff on chinese goods
8. Ban muslims from entering the USA
9. Lock Clinton up
10. Personally become one of the 100 richest americans for the first time

#37, Reply to #23

Mar '23
You do realize in retrospect that every bill he put forward was shot down because Dems had a House majority at the time, right? You do understand how American politics work? Obama had the same problem during his presidency cause the shoe was on the other foot at the time.


Jun '17 *
At the time I thought Trump was the lesser of 2 evils but I believe it really made no difference who was selected. He promised to drain the swamp and did...then filled it with even muckier swampier water. Presidents aren't elected, they're selected. Voter hacking is a real thing but not by Russians...the proofs in the Trump pudding, Isreal hacked the elections and I don't vote.


Mar '23
This post is a Trash Epics classic...glad a robot was around for me to find it. I find it hilarious NY might actually indict him soon. They couldn't indict on all the other charges they wanted so they're going after this bs...sorta reminds one of Al Capone! The only thing I can agree totally with in this thread is Jwow saying Trump isn't half as bad as Baby Bush Jr, which he wasn't.

#36, Reply to #35

Mar '23
LOL...that and he didn't post any links to MSNBC clips!

#41, Reply to #39

Mar '23
Didn't vote for Trump and was a critic of the things he did. His worst offense was talking and tweeting stupid shit. I laugh at all the Trump Derangement Syndrome though. He was nominated for a Nobel Peace prize and people talked about him starting a WW and nuclear annihilation!...who has us on the brink of that now? I predict he'll win in 2024 cause "they" love the fact the people are so divided and want that to continue cause as long as we're fighting with each other, "they" don't have to worry about us looking at them. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

#43, Reply to #42

Mar '23
Sorta how Biden delayed the Afghanistan withdrawal that Trump established and delayed by 6 months creating the clusterfuck it became. Trump's biggest faults were Warp Speed and starting that Red Flag bullshit that only created false flags imo as an American. TTP wouldn't have helped Americans only hurt them just like Clinton's NAFTA did further sending more jobs elsewhere. It's easy for you to talk this overseas not seeing what's going on here firsthand.You do know only 35% of Americans hold college degrees so all those jobs leaving hurt common folk here.

#46, Reply to #45

Mar '23
I believe Clinton signed it in the late 90s but apparently Reagan/Bush admins were readying it much earlier.

#40, Reply to #38

Mar '23
We'll see what happens to that FTX guy.


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