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Jun '23
countdown before I go
a few points.

Im not going to fight

but I will be on the front lines, because I have to

đŸ’Ŧ65 🚸 👀2k

zed says:

Jun '23
Hmmm I must of time travelled. Got a blood blister already on my foot

Box_a_Hair says:
#2, Reply to #1

Jun '23
It's a sign.

zed says:
#3, Reply to #2

Jun '23
You're saying it's astigmatism. emoticonHow do I upload pictures from my phone?
Easy way

Tommix says:
#4, Reply to #3

Jul '23
Zed, did you mean to say stigmata? Why yes, as a matter of fact you did.


Seriously, BE CAREFUL over there. Anything could happen there. I can't believe you are voluntarily placing yourself in such a situation.

zed says:
#5, Reply to #4

Jul '23
You are of course correct. I just got some new glasses, mine got destroyed as well as my head in the mosh pit.
My astigmatism has gotten worse, though my sight in general has improved. Up the mountains 1700m for a few days before I go, nice to have a good sleep due to not sleeping in a sauna like it is in Barcelona.

Tommix says:
#6, Reply to #5

Jul '23
Did your auto-correct change stigmata to astigmatism?!? LOL... there is the germ of a Philip K. Dick story idea in there, somewhere.

Now you've got me thinking of the Josh Brolin character in Everest, because you leapt from the topic of eye problems to mountain climbing. I hope things go more smoothly for you than they did for him.

I know that you are keenly aware of all the dangers, probably more so than I am, but... well, just be careful over there man. I mean, Jeez Louise.

zed says:

Jul '23
to stop a thread tree developing I will answer here (btw (box get it so I can post pics here instant, get it so it scrubs DXIR nums etc))
@tommiz I know the dangers, I still have no idea what I will do or where I will go (zed mantra) its like I fly to budapest and then I see how to get across the borders, I have no plans, I can only state one thing
Its gonna be shit really really shit
I can hande this, but I wish it on noone. Honestly Im not sure what Im gonna do, help out at a hospital, clear mines, driver.
Morally its the right thing to do (yes I have my daughter here) but fuck it, if not me (whos seen it all, experienced all danger), then who?
these ukraine kids of 18 years old.
Fuck that

Box_a_Hair says:
#8, Reply to #7

Jul '23
I'll look into a better uploading system, but wtf is a DXIR num?

zed says:
#9, Reply to #8

Jul '23
sorry blabbering I meant EXIF

zed says:
#10, Reply to #9

Jul '23 *
And while you are at it fix the link method for images, vids, links etc keep it as it is but add other ways, options are always good

Box_a_Hair says:
#11, Reply to #10

Jul '23
I'll definitely look into the EXIF stuff. Haven't even heard of it until 5 seconds ago. What other options do you want for the linking stuff though?

zed says:
#12, Reply to #11

Jul '23
OK I would like (picture, link, youtube) all the same

1. click on eg insert youtube embed
2. the popup happens like now
3. I paste the link into that box then click +
and it embeds the link into the post

zed says:

Jul '23
If someone wants to do me a favour, within the next 24 hours
I want a list (with links most important) of horror films to watch
give me torrent links or something, small filesize is important.
My last day here tomorrow & I dont want to fart around, I'll be downloading 100 hr of podcasts but its also good to break this up with films, I have 6 so far

Jul '23
Comment Deleted

zed says:
#16, Reply to #15

Jul '23
Why the fuck would I want to listen to RFK Jr for an hour, that guy's a loon. Well he was the last time I read an interview with him, admittedly that was a couple of years ago, maybe he's had an ephinany since then but at 70 years old I doubt it.
Don't drink the flavor aid.
You're better than that Vince.
Stick with water.

Just got an email from wizzair stating my onboard luggage, which fuck it, I'm bringing my backpack, in not gonna pay this cunts. Anyways I see they are based in Hungary, fuck. My plan was just to take the bag on and when they complain state I'm off to Ukraine so let me take it. But hungry they'll prolly go, hey we support Putin, pay up or no fly, fucking flying to hungry also, I should of gone to Poland the only reason I didn't was cause then the plane left at 6am which means I have to leave here at 3am. Now I get to sleep until 6am

zed says:
#17, Reply to #16

Jul '23
Actually whats the deal with the US and political dynasties, They do not exist in NZ.
But in the US you have the kennedys, The Bushes, The Clintons. Not to mention the last president, Theres > 300 Million ppl in the country what are the odds the best person for the job is a direct relation.

Also whats the deal with have ppl who are way past their prime. Sure respect the elders and all that but FFS dont have those fuckers runnning the country.

Box_a_Hair says:
#18, Reply to #17

Jul '23
The democrats were sick of old white men running the country, so what did they do? They got the oldest, whitest man they could find and put him in the office.

I agree, old people shouldn't necessarily run the country, but the youngsters are still pretty fucking oblivious. Everybody is a dumb cunt over here.

Tommix says:
#19, Reply to #17

Jul '23
I live near RFK Senior's birthplace, it's about a mile away from me. I jog past it sometimes, and think about his generation of Kennedys (I almost spelled it Kennedies, LOL). Even speaking as someone who is partly of Irish descent, who is therefore a Kennedy fan... there is something wrong when a single family, or just a few families, can hoard the highest public offices as much as the Kennedys, Bushes, and Clintons.

Jul '23
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Jul '23
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@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.