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Nov '23 *
That's another October Challenge done and dusted, so let's see who managed to cross the finish line and then some...


Went the extra mile!

Soph - 66 (58)
Ballz - 63 (38)
Box - 62 (47)
ebossert - 60 (17)
jimb - 57 (49)
Trigger - 55 (49)
Troma - 53 (34)
Conditioned - 48 (19)
deferenz 45 (34)

Did what had to be done...

zed - 40 (40)
shroud - 38 (25)
Nicko - 34 (18)
Brett - 31 (17)
markus - 31 (16)

Fell short or simply gave up?

zombie - 22 (16)
Onyx - 7 (3)

Where the *BEEP* were you?


It's not about the winning. It's about the taking part but still, a big congratulations to first time (?) winner Sophie, for both the amount of movies watched and FTVs.


Feel free to share your favourite FTV, or your least favourite...

Until next year then...


zed says:

Nov '23
fav - Deadbeat at dawn

zed says:
#6, Reply to #5

Nov '23
Things were so much better back then when they still had lead in the petrol.
The funny thing is when they first added it back in the 1930s or so they knew it was bad for the health (in fact one of the inventors got bad lead poisoning during the test phase) but they released it anyways cause it was cheaper to produce, cause more profits

zed says:
#17, Reply to #15

Nov '23
I actually watched saw X as well. Unlike the few previous entries they actually attempted a bit of a story with this film


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.