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Aug '20 *
I will post this here rather than on the shoutbox because well, I ended up writing too much and with the limit, it's just not convenient. So for anyone who might have missed it, here are Johan's comments to which I will now respond:

@markus I thought that gory kind of stuff was not your cup of tea?Aren't you the more sophisticated type of horror guy? And what you like Walking Dead that's another surprise.

Oh bryan sannie boy even admitted that himself he isn't much for the gore. But there is always exceptions , Asian stuff probably gets bonus points and popular stuff as well or anything directed by Spielberg especially with a shark in it.

Firstly Johan, yeah referring to me as "sonnie boy" is very amusing indeed. I know you are trying very hard to provoke a response from me (and guess what, you sure got one) because that is what you like to do. It is in your nature to provoke people in order to gain a response, and you're very good at it. I don't know what reason you have for having a dig at me, only because I mentioned a Korean horror series that had great gore and if anyone else had seen it, but as Samuel L. Jackson said in Pulp Fiction: "Well allow me to retort!":

I've never claimed I don't like gore. I have no idea where you get that idea from. I will admit I prefer art house or as you say "sophisticated" horror movies to trash on the whole, but as you will be quite aware art house movies, such as Martyrs, can also have gore. I suppose this probably begs the question why I am here, on TRASH EPICS. Well I am still here because most of the other guys are not so narrow minded as you when it comes to horror. They don't try to constantly force their opinions on people. You're a person who believes people only like certain horror movies becaue they are "popular". And beacuse you feel these movies are overrated/overhyped, you somehow feel superior and then act all high and mighty - with your love of HG Lewis and, yes rather weirdly, horror movies with
very young girls as the main protagonist. Don't pretend it's not true or that I am the only one to notice. Other individuals have noticed it and have even left the site because of your constant digs at anyone who enjoys a "popular" horror. Even now you feel the need to have a dig at people who enjoy Spielberg movies. Well GUESS WHAT. Spielberg has actually made some decent movies regardless of your stupid opinion. You think you know better, well here's news for you: YOU DON'T.

And look, let's have a dig at Markus for liking Asian movies too while we are at it, because only Markus likes them! No one else does. Ironic considering you admitted once that you used to enjoy non-gore Asian movies like Ring, Ju-On and Tale of Two Sisters but now apparently, you're too above them or something. No they don't get bonus points for being Asian, although Japanese gore is probably the best in the world. I mentioned a Korean zombie show but yeah that's right, I like The Walking Dead too and just as much. But I bet you'd hate it because it's "too popular, man".

And no one is expecting you to like The Terminator either. You've already decided it's overrated before you've even seen it, because hey it's hip to go against what other people consider good, or popular, even if it's the GENERAL CONSESUS. Everyone else must be wrong, and Johan must be right... it makes you feel better.

You are not better than anyone else here Johan, just because of your niche love of trashy movies and your disdain for popular horror movies, so please stop acting like you are.

OnyxHades says:
#59, Reply to #56

Aug '20
We're just using the feature that Box worked so hard on. Why post when you can just like something?

OnyxHades says:
#66, Reply to #62

Aug '20
Should I like your comment or laugh at it? Honestly, I think this is ridiculous going off on Johan. This all started over opinions on movies. Why all the mean shit being said about Johan?

OnyxHades says:
#74, Reply to #69

Aug '20
I have zero belief that he is a pedophile, and saying things like that can cause a lot of damage to people. I know of things that were said about you that were damaging as well. This is never a good thing. People's lives can be ruined.

OnyxHades says:
#85, Reply to #83

Aug '20
I just don't want people's lives to get ruined by accusations. I know you get what I mean.

OnyxHades says:
#91, Reply to #89

Aug '20
You and Gym hate us, we hate you. I don't really care. All I was saying is there was some stuff said about you on here that could have ruined your life, so why would you want to do the same to someone else? It's confusing to me.

OnyxHades says:
#94, Reply to #93

Aug '20
No peace to be had when someone keeps trying to instigate things.

OnyxHades says:
#96, Reply to #95

Aug '20
You're not the one I'm saying instigates things between you, Troma, and I.

OnyxHades says:
#98, Reply to #97

Aug '20 *
Oh come on now... You know who it is.

OnyxHades says:
#100, Reply to #99

Aug '20
You did know who it is! emoticon

OnyxHades says:
#103, Reply to #102

Aug '20
I'm saying it as in he seems to always be lurking until there's drama. Just an observation.

OnyxHades says:
#105, Reply to #104

Aug '20
You know, I just don't want people to have their lives turned upside down by accusations. Yeah, you could say it's just the internet, but look at how it really is nowadays. People get fired from their jobs for saying something 10 years or more ago. It's fucked up.

OnyxHades says:
#76, Reply to #73

Aug '20
Well, there's those of us on here that do like you.

OnyxHades says:
#64, Reply to #60

Aug '20
You done started a war emoticon

OnyxHades says:
#87, Reply to #81

Aug '20
Well, I thought it was a funny comment. Guess you took it the wrong way.

OnyxHades says:
#92, Reply to #90

Aug '20
Oh no lol. Just the war that started.

OnyxHades says:
#67, Reply to #28

Aug '20
I say go for it!

OnyxHades says:
#77, Reply to #75

Aug '20
Bring what on? I was talking to Box about his funny reply.


@ am
You have reached the end of Trash Epics.